WAVE2 is highly expressed in basal subtype of breast cancer tumors and is associated with poor survival and worst patient outcomes. A, Representative WB analysis of protein lysates from different breast cancer cell lines probed with the indicated antibodies. β-Actin was used for loading control. B, mRNA expression levels of WAVE2 in different cancer datasets derived from the cBioPortal platform. Data shown are representative of three replicates. C, Quantification of WAVE2 mRNA expression levels based on log2 RSEM values batch normalized from Illumina HiSeq RNA-seq data by breast cancer subtype in the breast cancer BRCA patient data from TCGA PanCancer Atlas. Expression levels of WAVE2 are significantly higher (**, P < 0.01, Wilcoxon) in the basal (TNBC) subtype when compared with other breast cancer subtypes. D, Quantification of WAVE2 protein expression levels by breast cancer subtype in the breast cancer BRCA patient data from TCGA PanCancer Atlas. Expression levels of WAVE2 are significantly higher (**, P < 0.05, Wilcoxon) in the basal (TNBC) subtype when compared with other breast cancer subtypes. E, Correlation between WAVE2 mRNA and protein levels in tumors of patients with breast cancer from TCGA PanCancer Atlas dataset. F, Representative IHC staining pictograms of human TNBC tumors stained with anti-WAVE2 antibody from the Protein Atlas Database. KM plot correlating survival of patients with breast cancer with WAVE2 mRNA (G) and protein (H) expression levels. High WAVE2 expression levels correlate with poor survival probability in patients with breast cancer (P < 1e−16 for mRNA and P = 0.042 for protein). Number of patients at risk and median survival in the low and high WAVE2 cohorts are also shown.

WAVE2 is highly expressed in basal subtype of breast cancer tumors and is associated with poor survival and worst patient outcomes. A, Representative WB analysis of protein lysates from different breast cancer cell lines probed with the indicated antibodies. β-Actin was used for loading control. B, mRNA expression levels of WAVE2 in different cancer datasets derived from the cBioPortal platform. Data shown are representative of three replicates. C, Quantification of WAVE2 mRNA expression levels based on log2 RSEM values batch normalized from Illumina HiSeq RNA-seq data by breast cancer subtype in the breast cancer BRCA patient data from TCGA PanCancer Atlas. Expression levels of WAVE2 are significantly higher (**, P < 0.01, Wilcoxon) in the basal (TNBC) subtype when compared with other breast cancer subtypes. D, Quantification of WAVE2 protein expression levels by breast cancer subtype in the breast cancer BRCA patient data from TCGA PanCancer Atlas. Expression levels of WAVE2 are significantly higher (**, P < 0.05, Wilcoxon) in the basal (TNBC) subtype when compared with other breast cancer subtypes. E, Correlation between WAVE2 mRNA and protein levels in tumors of patients with breast cancer from TCGA PanCancer Atlas dataset. F, Representative IHC staining pictograms of human TNBC tumors stained with anti-WAVE2 antibody from the Protein Atlas Database. KM plot correlating survival of patients with breast cancer with WAVE2 mRNA (G) and protein (H) expression levels. High WAVE2 expression levels correlate with poor survival probability in patients with breast cancer (P < 1e−16 for mRNA and P = 0.042 for protein). Number of patients at risk and median survival in the low and high WAVE2 cohorts are also shown.

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