Researchers focused on current or future research projects may desire assistance in the preparation of manuscripts reporting completed research. Many companies now fill this demand by offering services covering various aspects of manuscript preparation, from writing to editing, and statistical analysis to figure generation. Some even offer a form of pre-peer review to help authors address potential criticisms before submission to a journal.
To aid researchers in navigating the dizzying array of options available to them, we have assembled a table that summarizes a variety of services offered by over 35 providers. A brief description of each category of service is provided under the table. The list of providers does not include the many excellent sole proprietorships or professional freelancers who also offer these services.
Authors should be aware that the level of service within each category may vary considerably between providers. Authors are further advised that use of one of these services does not guarantee manuscript acceptance or that the manuscript will be sent to peer review. Furthermore, the AACR does not endorse or take responsibility for any of these services.
indicates a provider who offers a 10–20% discount to AACR authors. See table notes for details.
- Accdon LetPub
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
- Custom Illustration 2
- American Journal Experts 3
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
- Custom Illustration
- Ask Scientific
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Figure Formatting
- Custom Illustration
- Bioedit
- Writing
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Graphing
- Custom Illustration
- BioScience Writers
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Cambridge Proofreading 5
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Charlesworth Author Services 7
- Statistics
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Custom Illustration
- Clarity in Science
- Writing
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Figure Formatting
- Edanz
- Language Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Editage 6
- Writing
- Statistics
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Pre-Peer Review
- Figure Formatting
- EditEon
- Writing
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Custom Illustration
- Elite Research
- Statistics
- Language Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Eloquenti 7
- Writing
- Statistics
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Enago 10
- Statistics
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Falcon Scientific Editing
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Figure Formatting
- Custom Illustration
- International Edit 5, 9
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Review Response
- International Science Editing 6
- Writing
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
- Custom Illustration
- JournalEdit8
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing 4
- Journal Formatting 4
- Review Response 4
- ManuscriptEdit
- Writing
- Statistics
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Pre-Peer Review
- Review Response
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
- Custom Illustration
- Nature Research Editing Service
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Nextgenediting
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Pre-Peer Review
- Figure Formatting
- Custom Illustration
- ScienceDocs Inc
- Writing
- Statistics
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Science Editing Experts
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- SciTechEdit International
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Review Response
- Sibia Proofreading
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Syntaxx Communications
- Writing
- Custom Illustration
- The Scientific Editing Company
- Statistics
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
- Whitsell Innovations
- Writing
- Wiley Editing Services
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Journal Formatting
- Figure Formatting
- Wordsharp Editing
- Language Editing
- Wordvice
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Review Response
- Write Science Right
- Writing
- Translation
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Figure Formatting
- XpertScientific
- Language Editing
- Scientific Editing
- Journal Formatting 4
- Review Response 4
- Figure Formatting
- Graphing
1. Authors may use the coupon code 'AACREDIT' to receive a 10% discount on their first submission.
2. This also includes journal cover design, graphical abstracts, video abstracts, and explainer videos (longer form scientific video) services.
3. Authors using this link will receive a 10% discount.
4. Available as a part of an offered editing service or as an add-on service.
5. Authors mentioning "AACR" will receive a 20% discount.
6. Authors using this link will receive a 15% discount on the language editing service. Chinese clients can receive support from the company's office in Suzhou.
7. Online marketplace of freelancers and scientific experts providing proofreading and editorial services to academics.
8. Authors using the promo code "AAC20" will receive a 20% discount.
9. First 1000 words free for new clients.
10. Authors may use the coupon code "AACR20" to receive a 20% discount for academic editing services and a 10% discount on translation (13 languages including Chinese, Japanese, Arabic and Spanish)
11. Authors may apply the promo code "AACRACADEMIC" at checkout to receive a 10% discount on first orders.
This table was compiled based on information published on each service provider’s website at the time their site was last examined. The AACR does not warrant the accuracy of the information above and service providers are encouraged to contact us at the email address below to request corrections or additions. Last updated on June 22, 2023.
Writing – Either general scientific or medical writing assistance.
Statistics – Recommendations on appropriate study design or statistical analysis for particular experimental work or evaluation and feedback on the statistics used and reported in a manuscript.
Translation – Translation of scientific or medical writing from various languages to English. The languages offered differ by provider.
Language editing – General English language editing. The type of editing done can vary considerably between providers and between alternative levels of service offered by the same provider; for example, editing can range from checking spelling, grammar and phrasing, to eliminating duplication and improving the flow and logic of the manuscript text. Although this service is for editing scientific writing, the editor is not expected to have an advanced degree in the natural sciences.
Scientific editing – This level of editing service involves an editor with a Ph.D. or other advanced degree in the natural sciences, often in the general subject area of the manuscript. This individual is qualified to perform a level of scientific editing that is not provided by the “Language editing” level of service. The “Scientific editing” service does, however, often include the language editing component.
Journal formatting – The manuscript will be formatted so that it is in compliance with the style and format requirements of a journal designated by the client.
Pre-peer review – One or more subject area experts will critique the manuscript in a manner similar to regular peer review. Authors then have an opportunity to revise their manuscript to address any criticisms of the work or its presentation before submission to a journal.
Review response – Assistance in responding to reviewer comments received during regular peer review at a journal.
Figure formatting – This service can range from basic checking and correction of figure size, resolution and layout to redrawing of an otherwise complete figure to dramatically improve the visual presentation.
Graphing – Creation of graphical plots using numerical data supplied by the author.
Custom illustration – Creation of custom figure images based on sketches or other simple example images provided by the author.