AACR Annual Meeting 2024 – Simultaneous Publication: Frequently Asked Questions
Which manuscripts qualify for the simultaneous publication opportunity?
Any manuscripts on the same topic as the author’s submitted abstract, and that are submitted by the deadlines noted below, will be considered for this opportunity.
What if I have already submitted my abstract-related manuscript to one of the AACR journals?
Send an email to the journal to which you submitted your manuscript and advise them of your wish to take advantage of the simultaneous publication opportunity. In your email, you must provide your meeting abstract control number. If you need to look up your abstract control number, please follow the instructions provided here: https://www.aacr.org/aacr-2024_abstract-control-numbers
Will the review decision for my meeting abstract impact my ability to submit a manuscript?
The review decision for your meeting abstract has no impact on your manuscript submission. The two review processes are entirely separate.
What is the deadline for submitting my manuscript for consideration for the simultaneous publication opportunity?
For general meeting abstracts, the deadline is Tuesday, January 9th. For late-breaking and clinical trial abstracts, the deadline is Monday, February 5th.
What will happen if I miss this deadline?
While the manuscript cannot then be considered for simultaneous publication, we would be happy to consider your manuscript using our usual processes.
Will all manuscripts submitted for the simultaneous publication opportunity go out for review?
We cannot guarantee that all manuscripts submitted for this opportunity will go out for review. It is entirely up to the editors to determine which manuscripts go out for review. We will, however, expedite decisions to the greatest extent possible.
What if my manuscript comes back with a decision of "major revision"?
The need for major revisions would likely preclude your manuscript from being published simultaneously with the Annual Meeting given the time that will be required to respond to reviewer questions or concerns. For advice on your specific situation, please seek guidance from the journal’s editorial staff using the journal email boxes found here: https://aacrjournals.org/pages/select-aacr-journal.
If I choose to transfer my manuscript to a second journal within the AACR’s program, will it still qualify for the simultaneous publication opportunity?
Authors are always encouraged to transfer a manuscript if it would be appropriate for another journal within the AACR’s program. For the simultaneous publication opportunity, however, we cannot guarantee that a transferred manuscript would meet the deadlines set forth. In addition, and as noted previously, a manuscript that receives a decision of "major revision" cannot be considered for simultaneous publication but could certainly be transferred for consideration to another journal if the author so chooses.
If I submit my manuscript to a non-AACR journal, can it still be published in time for the AACR’s Annual Meeting?
The AACR does not have any control over the review or publication processes of non-AACR journals.
To pursue the simultaneous publication opportunity, please read through the below list of important instructions.
- Submit your manuscript directly to your selected journal’s submission site. If you do not know the URL for the submission site, please go to https://aacrjournals.org/pages/select-aacr-journal.
- Include in your cover letter the control number of your abstract and note your interest in simultaneous publication. If you need to look up your control number, please go to https://www.aacr.org/aacr-2024_abstract-control-numbers.