This page provides information to those who are not the authors of content they wish to either reuse or reprint. Authors of articles published in AACR journals should instead see Article Reuse by Authors or Reprints for information relevant to their needs.
Rights & Permissions
If you are seeking permission to copy/reproduce/republish content from an AACR journal and are not the author of that content, you may use the Copyright Clearance Center’s Rightslink® service.
- Locate the article online that contains the content for which you are seeking permission.
- Click on the Request Permissions link in the article toolbox (if you are looking at the full-text), or click on the Permissions link in the middle of the page (if you are viewing the abstract because you don't have a subscription)
- The following page will then be launched (turn off your pop-up blocker, if necessary):
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- Select the description of how you will be using the content from the drop-down menu.
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If you have questions about using the Rightslink® service, please contact Rightslink® Customer Support at (877) 622-5543 (toll free) or (978) 777-9929, or e-mail
Permission for Images, Figures, or Tables
Before requesting permission for a table, figure, or other illustration, please check the journal to be sure the image you wish to reproduce is not credited to another source. The citation may be listed under the figure or in a credit section of the publication. The American Association for Cancer Research can only authorize permissions for material for which it holds or manages copyright. You will need to secure permission to use any material copyrighted to another source directly from the source cited. For more information contact the U.S. Copyright Office (
General Information about Permissions:
- Written permission to republish whole or parts of works owned by AACR must be obtained prior to publication.
- Please do not contact AACR authors initially for permission. Request permission using the RightsLink® service described above.
- Permissions fees or other charges will be calculated on the basis of intended use, number of reproductions, and other factors (eg, multiple forms of reproduction, language, and content).
Requests to reprint or otherwise use any AACR logos or service marks must be addressed by AACR's Permissions Department. Please e-mail details of your request to
Author Reprints
Authors have the opportunity to order reprints of their articles with reduced color costs when they receive their article proofs for approval prior to publication. A link will be provided to the Sheridan Electronic Order Center where reprint fees are detailed and payment can be made. Authors who have questions about fees should contact the AACR Publications Department at
Bulk Reprints
For third-party bulk reprints quantities of at least 100, please contact:
Matthew Young
Springer Healthcare Ltd
Account Manager
Strategic Partnerships Team
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Phone: 44 1829 772713