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1 December 2010
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Aldehyde dehydrogenase-1A1 (ALDH1A1) is heterogeneously expressed in multiple tumors. Cells with ALDH1A1 activity have been shown to have increased tumorigenicity, differentiation capacity, and chemoresistance. To confirm that the spotty heterogeneous expression of ALDH1A1 was not being visualized in tumor-infiltrating macrophages, frozen patient samples were subjected to dual immunohistochemistry against ALDH1A1 (DAB/brown) and CD68 (a pan-macrophage marker, Ferangi Blue), where distinct populations are noted. Landen and colleagues show that increased ALDH1A1 expression was associated with poor survival and is a viable target for therapy in preclinical models of ovarian cancer. For details, see article by Landen and colleagues on page 3186. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1535-7163
EISSN 1538-8514
Spotlight on Molecular Profiling
Therapeutic Discovery
The Quassinoid Derivative NBT-272 Targets Both the AKT and ERK Signaling Pathways in Embryonal Tumors
Deborah Castelletti; Giulio Fiaschetti; Valeria Di Dato; Urs Ziegler; Candy Kumps; Katleen De Preter; Massimo Zollo; Frank Speleman; Tarek Shalaby; Daniela De Martino; Thorsten Berg; Angelika Eggert; Alexandre Arcaro; Michael A. Grotzer
Targeting Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Cancer Stem Cells in Ovarian Cancer
Charles N. Landen, Jr; Blake Goodman; Ashwini A. Katre; Adam D. Steg; Alpa M. Nick; Rebecca L. Stone; Lance D. Miller; Pablo Vivas Mejia; Nicolas B. Jennings; David M. Gershenson; Robert C. Bast, Jr.; Robert L. Coleman; Gabriel Lopez-Berestein; Anil K. Sood
The Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, Vorinostat, Reduces Tumor Growth at the Metastatic Bone Site and Associated Osteolysis, but Promotes Normal Bone Loss
Jitesh Pratap; Jacqueline Akech; John J. Wixted; Gabriela Szabo; Sadiq Hussain; Meghan E. McGee-Lawrence; Xiaodong Li; Krystin Bedard; Robinder J. Dhillon; Andre J. van Wijnen; Janet L. Stein; Gary S. Stein; Jennifer J. Westendorf; Jane B. Lian
Combined Treatment with Silibinin and Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors Overcomes Drug Resistance Caused by T790M Mutation
Jin Kyung Rho; Yun Jung Choi; Byung-Suk Jeon; Su Jin Choi; Gi Jeong Cheon; Sang-Keun Woo; Hye-Ryoun Kim; Cheol Hyeon Kim; Chang-Min Choi; Jae Cheol Lee
Antiangiogenic Activity of a Neutralizing Human Single-Chain Antibody Fragment against Fibroblast Growth Factor Receptor 1
Roberto Ronca; Patrizia Benzoni; Daria Leali; Chiara Urbinati; Mirella Belleri; Michela Corsini; Patrizia Alessi; Daniela Coltrini; Stefano Calza; Marco Presta; Patrizia Dell'Era
Preclinical Development
Identification of Predictive Markers of Response to the MEK1/2 Inhibitor Selumetinib (AZD6244) in K-ras–Mutated Colorectal Cancer
John J. Tentler; Sujatha Nallapareddy; Aik Choon Tan; Anna Spreafico; Todd M. Pitts; M. Pia Morelli; Heather M. Selby; Maria I. Kachaeva; Sara A. Flanigan; Gillian N. Kulikowski; Stephen Leong; John J. Arcaroli; Wells A. Messersmith; S. Gail Eckhardt
Molecular Medicine in Practice
Specific Alterations of MicroRNA Transcriptome and Global Network Structure in Colorectal Carcinoma after Cetuximab Treatment
Marco Ragusa; Alessandra Majorana; Luisa Statello; Marco Maugeri; Loredana Salito; Davide Barbagallo; Maria Rosa Guglielmino; Laura R. Duro; Rosario Angelica; Rosario Caltabiano; Antonio Biondi; Maria Di Vita; Giuseppe Privitera; Marina Scalia; Alessandro Cappellani; Enrico Vasquez; Salvatore Lanzafame; Francesco Basile; Cinzia Di Pietro; Michele Purrello
Phase I Clinical Trial of MPC-6827 (Azixa), a Microtubule Destabilizing Agent, in Patients with Advanced Cancer
Apostolia-Maria Tsimberidou; Wallace Akerley; Matthias C. Schabel; David S. Hong; Cynthia Uehara; Anil Chhabra; Terri Warren; Gary G. Mather; Brent A. Evans; Deane P. Woodland; Edward A. Swabb; Razelle Kurzrock
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