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1 October 2020
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In this issue of Molecular Cancer Therapeutics, Vijayaraghavan and colleagues outline the mechanism of an anti-EGFR/anti-cMET bispecific antibody, Amivantamab. The anti-tumor efficacy of amivantamab required the Fc-dependent trogocytosis, pictured on our cover. In trogocytosis, macrophages (shown in green) acquired fragments of opsonized tumor cell membranes (shown in orange). Read the full article on page 2044. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
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ISSN 1535-7163
EISSN 1538-8514
Small Molecule Therapeutics
Novel, Selective Inhibitors of USP7 Uncover Multiple Mechanisms of Antitumor Activity In Vitro and In Vivo
Yamini M. Ohol; Michael T. Sun; Gene Cutler; Paul R. Leger; Dennis X. Hu; Berenger Biannic; Payal Rana; Cynthia Cho; Scott Jacobson; Steve T. Wong; Jerick Sanchez; Niket Shah; Deepa Pookot; Betty Abraham; Kyle Young; Silpa Suthram; Lisa A. Marshall; Delia Bradford; Nathan Kozon; Xinping Han; Akinori Okano; Jack Maung; Christophe Colas; Jacob Schwarz; David Wustrow; Dirk G. Brockstedt; Paul D. Kassner
The Novel Histone Deacetylase Inhibitor, OBP-801, Induces Apoptosis in Rhabdoid Tumors by Releasing the Silencing of NOXA
Yohei Sugimoto; Yoshiki Katsumi; Tomoko Iehara; Daisuke Kaneda; Chihiro Tomoyasu; Kazutaka Ouchi; Hideki Yoshida; Mitsuru Miyachi; Shigeki Yagyu; Ken Kikuchi; Kunihiko Tsuchiya; Yasumichi Kuwahara; Toshiyuki Sakai; Hajime Hosoi
Antihistamine Drug Ebastine Inhibits Cancer Growth by Targeting Polycomb Group Protein EZH2
Qiaqia Li; Kilia Y. Liu; Qipeng Liu; Guangyu Wang; Weihua Jiang; Qingshu Meng; Yang Yi; Yongyong Yang; Rui Wang; Sen Zhu; Chao Li; Longxiang Wu; Dongyu Zhao; Lin Yan; Lili Zhang; Jung-Sun Kim; Xiongbing Zu; Anthony J. Kozielski; Wei Qian; Jenny C. Chang; Akash Patnaik; Kaifu Chen; Qi Cao
Large Molecule Therapeutics
Author Choice
Amivantamab (JNJ-61186372), an Fc Enhanced EGFR/cMet Bispecific Antibody, Induces Receptor Downmodulation and Antitumor Activity by Monocyte/Macrophage Trogocytosis
Smruthi Vijayaraghavan; Lorraine Lipfert; Kristen Chevalier; Barbara S. Bushey; Benjamin Henley; Ryan Lenhart; Jocelyn Sendecki; Marilda Beqiri; Hillary J. Millar; Kathryn Packman; Matthew V. Lorenzi; Sylvie Laquerre; Sheri L. Moores
PF-06804103, A Site-specific Anti-HER2 Antibody–Drug Conjugate for the Treatment of HER2-expressing Breast, Gastric, and Lung Cancers
Edmund I. Graziani; Matthew Sung; Dangshe Ma; Bitha Narayanan; Kimberly Marquette; Sujiet Puthenveetil; L. Nathan Tumey; Jack Bikker; Jeffrey Casavant; Eric M. Bennett; Manoj B. Charati; Jonathon Golas; Christine Hosselet; Cynthia M. Rohde; George Hu; Magali Guffroy; Hadi Falahatpisheh; Martin Finkelstein; Tracey Clark; Frank Barletta; Lioudmila Tchistiakova; Judy Lucas; Edward Rosfjord; Frank Loganzo; Christopher J. O'Donnell; Hans-Peter Gerber; Puja Sapra
Author Choice
Preclinical Antitumor Activity and Biodistribution of a Novel Anti-GCC Antibody–Drug Conjugate in Patient-derived Xenografts
Adnan O. Abu-Yousif; Donna Cvet; Melissa Gallery; Bret M. Bannerman; Michelle L. Ganno; Michael D. Smith; Katharine C. Lai; Thomas A. Keating; Bradley Stringer; Afrand Kamali; Kurt Eng; Secil Koseoglu; Andy Zhu; Cindy Q. Xia; Melissa Saylor Landen; Maria Borland; Robbie Robertson; Jayaprakasam Bolleddula; Mark G. Qian; Jennifer Fretland; O. Petter Veiby
Development of Anti-CD32b Antibodies with Enhanced Fc Function for the Treatment of B and Plasma Cell Malignancies
Haihui Lu; Ryan D. Molony; Dongshu Chen; Sunyoung Jang; Babette Wolf; Stefan Ewert; Meghan Flaherty; Fangmin Xu; Sinan Isim; Yeonju Shim; Christina Dornelas; Nicole Balke; Xavier Charles Leber; Meike Scharenberg; Johanna Koelln; Eugene Choi; Rebecca Ward; Jennifer Johnson; Thomas Calzascia; Isabelle Isnardi; Juliet A. Williams; Pieter L. Lindenbergh; Niels W.C.J. van de Donk; Tuna Mutis; Heather Huet; Emma Lees; Matthew J. Meyer
Pharmacologic Properties and Preclinical Activity of Sasanlimab, A High-affinity Engineered Anti-Human PD-1 Antibody
Amir A. Al-Khami; Sawsan Youssef; Yasmina Abdiche; HoangKim Nguyen; Joyce Chou; Christopher R. Kimberlin; Sherman M. Chin; Cris Kamperschroer; Bart Jessen; Brent Kern; Natalija Budimir; Christopher P. Dillon; Allison Xu; Jerry D. Clark; Jeffrey Chou; Eugenia Kraynov; Arvind Rajpal; John C. Lin; Shahram Salek-Ardakani
Targeting Multiple EGFR-expressing Tumors with a Highly Potent Tumor-selective Antibody–Drug Conjugate
Mark G. Anderson; Hugh D. Falls; Michael J. Mitten; Anatol Oleksijew; Kedar S. Vaidya; Erwin R. Boghaert; Wenqing Gao; Joann P. Palma; Diana Cao; Puey-Ling Chia; Thomas John; Hui K. Gan; Andrew M. Scott; Edward B. Reilly
Author Choice
Dual Epitope Targeting and Enhanced Hexamerization by DR5 Antibodies as a Novel Approach to Induce Potent Antitumor Activity Through DR5 Agonism
Marije B. Overdijk; Kristin Strumane; Frank J. Beurskens; Antonio Ortiz Buijsse; Claudine Vermot-Desroches; Boris S. Vuillermoz; Thessa Kroes; Bart de Jong; Naomi Hoevenaars; Richard G. Hibbert; Andreas Lingnau; Ulf Forssmann; Janine Schuurman; Paul W.H.I. Parren; Rob N. de Jong; Esther C.W. Breij
Companion Diagnostic, Pharmacogenomic, and Cancer Biomarkers
Author Choice
High Tumor Mutational Burden Correlates with Longer Survival in Immunotherapy-Naïve Patients with Diverse Cancers
Paul Riviere; Aaron M. Goodman; Ryosuke Okamura; Donald A. Barkauskas; Theresa J. Whitchurch; Suzanna Lee; Noor Khalid; Rachel Collier; Manvita Mareboina; Garrett M. Frampton; David Fabrizio; Andrew B. Sharabi; Shumei Kato; Razelle Kurzrock
Prognostic and Predictive Biomarkers in Patients with Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Receiving Regorafenib
Yingmiao Liu; Jing Lyu; Kirsten Bell Burdett; Alexander B. Sibley; Ace J. Hatch; Mark D. Starr; John C. Brady; Kelli Hammond; Federica Marmorino; Daniele Rossini; Richard M. Goldberg; Alfredo Falcone; Chiara Cremolini; Kouros Owzar; Anastasia Ivanova; Dominic T. Moore; Michael S. Lee; Hanna K. Sanoff; Federico Innocenti; Andrew B. Nixon
Phase I, Pharmacogenomic, Drug Interaction Study of Sorafenib and Bevacizumab in Combination with Paclitaxel in Patients with Advanced Refractory Solid Tumors
E. Gabriela Chiorean; Susan M. Perkins; R. Matthew Strother; Anne Younger; Jennifer M. Funke; Safi G. Shahda; Noah M. Hahn; Kumar Sandrasegaran; David R. Jones; Todd C. Skaar; Bryan P. Schneider; Christopher J. Sweeney; Daniela E. Matei
Cancer Biology and Translational Studies
Expression of the Androgen Receptor Governs Radiation Resistance in a Subset of Glioblastomas Vulnerable to Antiandrogen Therapy
Christian K. Werner; Uchechi J. Nna; Hanshi Sun; Kari Wilder-Romans; Joseph Dresser; Ayesha U. Kothari; Weihua Zhou; Yangyang Yao; Arvind Rao; Stefanie Stallard; Carl Koschmann; Tarik Bor; Waldemar Debinski; Alexander M. Hegedus; Meredith A. Morgan; Sriram Venneti; Edwina Baskin-Bey; Daniel E. Spratt; Howard Colman; Jann N. Sarkaria; Arul M. Chinnaiyan; Joel R. Eisner; Corey Speers; Theodore S. Lawrence; Roy E. Strowd; Daniel R. Wahl
Concurrent Targeting of Potential Cancer Stem Cells Regulating Pathways Sensitizes Lung Adenocarcinoma to Standard Chemotherapy
Masahiro Shibata; Akira Ooki; Yoshikuni Inokawa; Pritam Sadhukhan; M. Talha Ugurlu; Evgeny Izumchenko; Enrico Munari; Giuseppe Bogina; Charles M. Rudin; Edward Gabrielson; Anju Singh; Mohammad O. Hoque
The Discovery of SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Activity as a Novel and Targetable Dependency in Uveal Melanoma
Florencia Rago; GiNell Elliott; Ailing Li; Kathleen Sprouffske; Grainne Kerr; Aurore Desplat; Dorothee Abramowski; Julie T. Chen; Ali Farsidjani; Kay X. Xiang; Geoffrey Bushold; Yun Feng; Matthew D. Shirley; Anka Bric; Anthony Vattay; Henrik Möbitz; Katsumasa Nakajima; Christopher D. Adair; Simon Mathieu; Rukundo Ntaganda; Troy Smith; Julien P.N. Papillon; Audrey Kauffmann; David A. Ruddy; Hyo-eun C. Bhang; Deborah Castelletti; Zainab Jagani
Author Choice
Paternally Expressed Gene 10 (PEG10) Promotes Growth, Invasion, and Survival of Bladder Cancer
Yoshihisa Kawai; Kenjiro Imada; Shusuke Akamatsu; Fan Zhang; Roland Seiler; Tetsutaro Hayashi; Jeffrey Leong; Eliana Beraldi; Neetu Saxena; Alexander Kretschmer; Htoo Zarni Oo; Alberto Contreras-Sanz; Hideyasu Matsuyama; Dong Lin; Ladan Fazli; Colin C. Collins; Alexander W. Wyatt; Peter C. Black; Martin E. Gleave
Models and Technologies
Hypomorphic mTOR Downregulates CDK6 and Delays Thymic Pre-T LBL Tumorigenesis
Joy M. Gary; John K. Simmons; Jinfei Xu; Shuling Zhang; Tyler J. Peat; Nicholas Watson; Benjamin J. Gamache; Ke Zhang; Alexander L. Kovalchuk; Aleksandra M. Michalowski; Jin-Qiu Chen; Tuddow Thaiwong; Matti Kiupel; Snehal Gaikwad; Maudeline Etienne; R. Mark Simpson; Wendy Dubois; Joseph R. Testa; Beverly A. Mock
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