In the article on chemotherapy with Sulindac and LC-1 in the June 2007 (1) issue, the grant support section should have read as follows.
Grant support: AACR-PanCAN Career Development Award (C.M. Schmidt), Veterans Affairs Young Investigator Award (C.M. Schmidt), and American Cancer Society grant RSG-06-267-01-CCE (C.M. Schmidt and M.T. Yip-Schneider).
Yip-Schneider MT, Wu H, Ralstin M, Yiannoutsos C, Crooks PA, Neelakantan S, Noble S, Nakshatri H, Sweeney CJ, Schmidt CM. Suppression of pancreatic tumor growth by combination chemotherapy with sulindac and LC-1 is associated with cyclin D1 inhibition in vivo.
Mol Cancer Ther
–44.American Association for Cancer Research