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1 September 2016
Cover Image
Cover Image
Epigenetic (5-methyl Cytosine, 5mC) changes in different regions of key genes in oral tongue squamous cell carcinoma. The cover image shows bubble-track images depicting a significant cis-regulatory relationship between gene expression and 5mC DNA methylation for key genes. Blue and orange colors indicate hypo- and hyper-methylations respectively and filled circles indicate a correlation in the expected direction, i.e. hyper-methylation and down-regulation, or hypo-methylation and up-regulation. The sizes of the circles indicate the magnitude of gene expression. For more information, see the article by Krishnan and colleagues beginning on page 805. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1541-7786
EISSN 1557-3125
Molecular Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Cell Cycle and Senescence
Cell Death and Survival
Chromatin, Epigenetics, and RNA Regulation
Author Choice
A Minimal DNA Methylation Signature in Oral Tongue Squamous Cell Carcinoma Links Altered Methylation with Tumor Attributes
Neeraja M. Krishnan; Kunal Dhas; Jayalakshmi Nair; Vinayak Palve; Jamir Bagwan; Gangotri Siddappa; Amritha Suresh; Vikram D. Kekatpure; Moni Abraham Kuriakose; Binay Panda
Evolution of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberans to DFSP-Derived Fibrosarcoma: An Event Marked by Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition–like Process and 22q Loss
Silvia Stacchiotti; Annalisa Astolfi; Alessandro Gronchi; Andrea Fontana; Maria A. Pantaleo; Tiziana Negri; Monica Brenca; Marcella Tazzari; Milena Urbini; Valentina Indio; Chiara Colombo; Stefano Radaelli; Silvia Brich; Angelo P. Dei Tos; Paolo G. Casali; Chiara Castelli; Gian Paolo Dagrada; Silvana Pilotti; Roberta Maestro
Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors
Signal Transduction
Novel Bispecific Domain Antibody to LRP6 Inhibits Wnt and R-spondin Ligand-Induced Wnt Signaling and Tumor Growth
Heather Jackson; David Granger; Gavin Jones; Louisa Anderson; Sarah Friel; Daniel Rycroft; William Fieles; James Tunstead; Michael Steward; Trevor Wattam; Adam Walker; Jeremy Griggs; Muhammad Al-Hajj; Christopher Shelton
Journal Archive
Molecular Cancer Research
(2002-Present; volumes 1-current)Published monthly since November, 2002.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
Cell Growth & Differentiation
(1990-2002; volumes 1-13)Published monthly 1990- September, 2002.
(ISSN 1044-9523)
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