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1 October 2015
Cover Image
Cover Image
The cover image shows a comprehensive look at four immunohistochemical markers of PI3K activation in prostate cancer. Martin and colleagues sought to define a combined “score” of activation according to PTEN, pAKT, pS6 and stathmin staining. Here the authors show individual tumors ranked according to this four-marker score as well as how this relates to clinical and pathologic features including Ki67, TUNEL, age at diagnosis, lethal outcome, and Gleason score. Please see the article by Martin and colleagues (beginning on page 1431) for more information. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1541-7786
EISSN 1557-3125
Molecular Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Cell Death and Survival
Integration of Downstream Signals of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 Receptor by Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress for Estrogen-Induced Growth or Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells
Ping Fan; Heather E. Cunliffe; Philipp Y. Maximov; Fadeke A. Agboke; Russell E. McDaniel; Xiaojun Zou; Pilar Ramos; Megan L. Russell; V. Craig Jordan
DNA Damage and Repair
YU238259 Is a Novel Inhibitor of Homology-Dependent DNA Repair That Exhibits Synthetic Lethality and Radiosensitization in Repair-Deficient Tumors
Gregory C. Stachelek; Elizabeth Peterson-Roth; Yanfeng Liu; Rafael J. Fernandez, III; Luke R.G. Pike; Jack M. Qian; Laura Abriola; Denton Hoyer; William Hungerford; Janie Merkel; Peter M. Glazer
Oncogenes and Tumor Suppressors
Signal Transduction
Measuring PI3K Activation: Clinicopathologic, Immunohistochemical, and RNA Expression Analysis in Prostate Cancer
Neil E. Martin; Travis Gerke; Jennifer A. Sinnott; Edward C. Stack; Ove Andrén; Swen-Olof Andersson; Jan-Erik Johansson; Michelangelo Fiorentino; Stephen Finn; Giuseppe Fedele; Meir Stampfer; Philip W. Kantoff; Lorelei A. Mucci; Massimo Loda
Journal Archive
Molecular Cancer Research
(2002-Present; volumes 1-current)Published monthly since November, 2002.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
Cell Growth & Differentiation
(1990-2002; volumes 1-13)Published monthly 1990- September, 2002.
(ISSN 1044-9523)
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