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1 October 2001
ISSN 1078-0432
EISSN 1557-3265
Issue Sections
Advances in Brief
Molecular Oncology, Markers, Clinical Correlates
Correlation of p53 Mutations with Resistance to Platinum-based Chemotherapy and Shortened Survival in Ovarian Cancer1
Angela Reles; Wen H. Wen; Annette Schmider; Conway Gee; Ingo B. Runnebaum; Uta Kilian; Lovell A. Jones; Adel El-Naggar; Carmen Minguillon; Ines Schönborn; Olaf Reich; Rolf Kreienberg; Werner Lichtenegger; Michael F. Press
Experimental Therapeutics, Preclinical Pharmacology
Regular Articles
Clinical Trials
Phase I Trial of a Melanoma Vaccine with gp100280–288 Peptide and Tetanus Helper Peptide in Adjuvant: Immunologic and Clinical Outcomes1
Craig L. Slingluff, Jr.; Galina Yamshchikov; Patrice Neese; Holly Galavotti; Shannon Eastham; Victor H. Engelhard; Dave Kittlesen; Donna Deacon; Sarah Hibbitts; William W. Grosh; Gina Petroni; Roger Cohen; Catie Wiernasz; James W. Patterson; Brian P. Conway; William G. Ross
A Phase I Trial and Pharmacokinetic Study of 9-cis-Retinoic Acid (ALRT1057) in Pediatric Patients with Refractory Cancer: A Joint Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, and Children’s Cancer Group Study1
Peter C. Adamson; Brigitte C. Widemann; Gregory H. Reaman; Nita L. Seibel; Robert F. Murphy; Andrea F. Gillespie; Frank M. Balis
Lack of Correlation of Functional Scintigraphy with 99mTechnetium-Methoxyisobutylisonitrile with Histological Necrosis following Induction Chemotherapy or Measures of P-Glycoprotein Expression in High-Grade Osteosarcoma1
Richard Gorlick; Alfred C. Liao; Cristina Antonescu; Andrew G. Huvos; John H. Healey; Rebecca Sowers; Mariza Daras; Elizabeth Calleja; Leonard H. Wexler; David Panicek; Paul A. Meyers; Samuel D. Yeh; Steven M. Larson
Cancer Biology, Immunology, Cytokines
Research Articles
Molecular Oncology, Markers, Clinical Correlates
Cyclin D1 and p16 Alterations in Advanced Premalignant Lesions of the Upper Aerodigestive Tract: Role in Response to Chemoprevention and Cancer Development1
Vassiliki A. Papadimitrakopoulou; Julie Izzo; Li Mao; Jamie Keck; David Hamilton; Dong Moon Shin; Adel El-Naggar; Petra den Hollander; Diane Liu; Walter N. Hittelman; Waun K. Hong
Mutational Analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2 and Clinicopathologic Analysis of Ovarian Cancer in 82 Ovarian Cancer Families: Two Common Founder Mutations of BRCA1 in Japanese Population1
Masayuki Sekine; Hiroshi Nagata; Shoji Tsuji; Yasuo Hirai; Seiichiro Fujimoto; Masayuki Hatae; Iwao Kobayashi; Tsuneo Fujii; Ichiro Nagata; Kimio Ushijima; Koshiro Obata; Mitsuaki Suzuki; Mitsuhiro Yoshinaga; Naohiko Umesaki; Shinji Satoh; Takayuki Enomoto; Satoru Motoyama; Kenichi Tanaka; The Japanese Familial Ovarian Cancer Study Group
Experimental Therapeutics, Preclinical Pharmacology
A New Antiestrogen, 2-(4-Hydroxy-phenyl)-3-methyl-1-[4-(2-piperidin-1-yl-ethoxy)-benzyl]-1H-indol-5-ol hydrochloride (ERA-923), Inhibits the Growth of Tamoxifen-sensitive and -resistant Tumors and Is Devoid of Uterotropic Effects in Mice and Rats
Lee M. Greenberger; Tami Annable; Karen I. Collins; Barry S. Komm; C. Richard Lyttle; Chris P. Miller; Pondichery G. Satyaswaroop; Yixian Zhang; Philip Frost
Expression of Her-2/neu in Human Lung Cancer Cell Lines by Immunohistochemistry and Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization and its Relationship to in Vitro Cytotoxicity by Trastuzumab and Chemotherapeutic Agents1
Paul A. Bunn, Jr.; Barbara Helfrich; Ariel F. Soriano; Wilbur A. Franklin; Marileila Varella-Garcia; Fred R. Hirsch; Anna Baron; Chan Zeng; Daniel C. Chan
Tumor Uptake and Elimination of 2′,2′-Difluoro-2′-deoxycytidine (Gemcitabine) after Deoxycytidine Kinase Gene Transfer: Correlation with in Vivo Tumor Response1
A. William Blackstock; Harry Lightfoot; L. Doug Case; Joel E. Tepper; Suresh K. Mukherji; Beverly S. Mitchell; Steve G. Swarts; Suzanne M. Hess
Letters to the Editor
Correspondence re: E. Sabo et al., Microscopic Analysis and Significance of Vascular Architectural Complexity in Renal Cell Carcinoma. Clin. Cancer Res., 7: 533–537, 2001.
Fabio Grizzi; Piergiuseppe Colombo; Barbara Barbieri; Barbara Franceschini; Massimo Roncalli; Maurizio Chiriva-Internati; Pier Carlo Muzzio; Nicola Dioguardi; Fondazione
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