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15 November 2013
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Cellular internalization of siRNA (red fluorescence) delivered by the nanocarrier (green fluorescence) specifically targeted to cancer cells. Superimposition of red (siRNA) and green (nanocarrier) fluorescence images gives yellow color. For details, see the article by Shah and colleagues on page 6193 of this issue. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1078-0432
EISSN 1557-3265
CCR Translations
CCR Perspectives in Drug Approval
Enzalutamide for Treatment of Patients with Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer Who Have Previously Received Docetaxel: U.S. Food and Drug Administration Drug Approval Summary
Yangmin M. Ning; William Pierce; V. Ellen Maher; Stella Karuri; Sheng-Hui Tang; Haw-Jyh Chiu; Todd Palmby; Jeanne Fourie Zirkelbach; Dhananjay Marathe; Nitin Mehrotra; Qi Liu; Debasis Ghosh; Christy L. Cottrell; John Leighton; Rajeshwari Sridhara; Amna Ibrahim; Robert Justice; Richard Pazdur
Molecular Pathways
Human Cancer Biology
Prostate Cancer Progression Correlates with Increased Humoral Immune Response to a Human Endogenous Retrovirus GAG Protein
Bernardo Sgarbi Reis; Achim A. Jungbluth; Denise Frosina; Megan Holz; Erika Ritter; Eiichi Nakayama; Toshiaki Ishida; Yuichi Obata; Brett Carver; Howard Scher; Peter T. Scardino; Susan Slovin; Sumit K. Subudhi; Victor E. Reuter; Caroline Savage; James P. Allison; Jonathan Melamed; Elke Jäger; Gerd Ritter; Lloyd J. Old; Sacha Gnjatic
Hypoxic Activation of the PERK/eIF2α Arm of the Unfolded Protein Response Promotes Metastasis through Induction of LAMP3
Hilda Mujcic; Anika Nagelkerke; Kasper M.A. Rouschop; Stephen Chung; Naz Chaudary; Paul N. Span; Blaise Clarke; Michael Milosevic; Jenna Sykes; Richard P. Hill; Marianne Koritzinsky; Bradly G. Wouters
Cancer Therapy: Preclinical
Adrenomedullin Blockade Suppresses Growth of Human Hormone–Independent Prostate Tumor Xenograft in Mice
Caroline Berenguer-Daizé; Françoise Boudouresque; Cyrille Bastide; Asma Tounsi; Zohra Benyahia; Julie Acunzo; Nadège Dussault; Christine Delfino; Nathalie Baeza; Laurent Daniel; Mylène Cayol; Dominique Rossi; Assou El Battari; Denis Bertin; Kamel Mabrouk; Pierre-Marie Martin; L'Houcine Ouafik
Combined Immunostimulatory Monoclonal Antibodies Extend Survival in an Aggressive Transgenic Hepatocellular Carcinoma Mouse Model
Aizea Morales-Kastresana; Miguel F. Sanmamed; Inmaculada Rodriguez; Asis Palazon; Ivan Martinez-Forero; Sara Labiano; Sandra Hervas-Stubbs; Bruno Sangro; Carmen Ochoa; Ana Rouzaut; Arantza Azpilikueta; Elixabet Bolaños; Maria Jure-Kunkel; Ines Gütgemann; Ignacio Melero
Dual CDK4/CDK6 Inhibition Induces Cell-Cycle Arrest and Senescence in Neuroblastoma
JulieAnn Rader; Mike R. Russell; Lori S. Hart; Michael S. Nakazawa; Lili T. Belcastro; Daniel Martinez; Yimei Li; Erica L. Carpenter; Edward F. Attiyeh; Sharon J. Diskin; Sunkyu Kim; Sudha Parasuraman; Giordano Caponigro; Robert W. Schnepp; Andrew C. Wood; Bruce Pawel; Kristina A. Cole; John M. Maris
Efficacy of BET Bromodomain Inhibition in Kras-Mutant Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
Takeshi Shimamura; Zhao Chen; Margaret Soucheray; Julian Carretero; Eiki Kikuchi; Jeremy H. Tchaicha; Yandi Gao; Katherine A. Cheng; Travis J. Cohoon; Jun Qi; Esra Akbay; Alec C. Kimmelman; Andrew L. Kung; James E. Bradner; Kwok-Kin Wong
Overcoming IGF1R/IR Resistance through Inhibition of MEK Signaling in Colorectal Cancer Models
Sara A. Flanigan; Todd M. Pitts; Timothy P. Newton; Gillian N. Kulikowski; Aik Choon Tan; Martine C. McManus; Anna Spreafico; Maria I. Kachaeva; Heather M. Selby; John J. Tentler; S. Gail Eckhardt; Stephen Leong
JAK1/2 and Pan-Deacetylase Inhibitor Combination Therapy Yields Improved Efficacy in Preclinical Mouse Models of JAK2V617F-Driven Disease
Emeline Evrot; Nicolas Ebel; Vincent Romanet; Claudia Roelli; Rita Andraos; Zhiyan Qian; Arno Dölemeyer; Ernesta Dammassa; Dario Sterker; Robert Cozens; Francesco Hofmann; Masato Murakami; Fabienne Baffert; Thomas Radimerski
Imaging, Diagnosis, Prognosis
Author Choice
Associations between Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms in the PI3K–PTEN–AKT–mTOR Pathway and Increased Risk of Brain Metastasis in Patients with Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
Qianxia Li; Ju Yang; Qianqian Yu; Huanlei Wu; Bo Liu; Huihua Xiong; Guangyuan Hu; Jing Zhao; Xianglin Yuan; Zhongxing Liao
Validation of a Proliferation-Based Expression Signature as Prognostic Marker in Early Stage Lung Adenocarcinoma
Ignacio I. Wistuba; Carmen Behrens; Francesca Lombardi; Susanne Wagner; Junya Fujimoto; M. Gabriela Raso; Lorenzo Spaggiari; Domenico Galetta; Robyn Riley; Elisha Hughes; Julia Reid; Zaina Sangale; Steven G. Swisher; Neda Kalhor; Cesar A. Moran; Alexander Gutin; Jerry S. Lanchbury; Massimo Barberis; Edward S. Kim
Promoter Hypomethylation of EpCAM-Regulated Bone Morphogenetic Protein Gene Family in Recurrent Endometrial Cancer
Ya-Ting Hsu; Fei Gu; Yi-Wen Huang; Joseph Liu; Jianhua Ruan; Rui-Lan Huang; Chiou-Miin Wang; Chun-Liang Chen; Rohit R. Jadhav; Hung-Cheng Lai; David G. Mutch; Paul J. Goodfellow; Ian M. Thompson; Nameer B. Kirma; Tim Hui-Ming Huang
Cancer Therapy: Clinical
A Phase I Study of an Agonist CD40 Monoclonal Antibody (CP-870,893) in Combination with Gemcitabine in Patients with Advanced Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Gregory L. Beatty; Drew A. Torigian; E. Gabriela Chiorean; Babak Saboury; Alex Brothers; Abass Alavi; Andrea B. Troxel; Weijing Sun; Ursina R. Teitelbaum; Robert H. Vonderheide; Peter J. O'Dwyer
Phase I Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Study of the First-in-Class Spliceosome Inhibitor E7107 in Patients with Advanced Solid Tumors
Ferry A.L.M. Eskens; Francisco J. Ramos; Herman Burger; James P. O'Brien; Adelaida Piera; Maja J.A. de Jonge; Yoshiharu Mizui; Erik A.C. Wiemer; Maria Josepa Carreras; José Baselga; Josep Tabernero
Phase I Study of Vismodegib in Children with Recurrent or Refractory Medulloblastoma: A Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Study
Amar Gajjar; Clinton F. Stewart; David W. Ellison; Sue Kaste; Larry E. Kun; Roger J. Packer; Stewart Goldman; Murali Chintagumpala; Dana Wallace; Naoko Takebe; James M. Boyett; Richard J. Gilbertson; Tom Curran
Predictive Biomarkers and Personalized Medicine
Letters to the Editor
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