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15 November 2007
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FISH analysis of EGFR (red signals) and centromere 7 (green signals) copy numbers in a highly amplified prostate cancer with more than 20 EGFR signals per cell. EGFR amplification was heterogeneous in this cancer and could only be found in about 30% of the tumor volume. The remaining cancer had 2-4 centromere 7 and 2-4 EGFR copies per cell. For further details, please see the article by Schlomm and associates on page 6579 of this issue. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
ISSN 1078-0432
EISSN 1557-3265
Molecular Pathways
Human Cancer Biology
Clinical Significance of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Protein Overexpression and Gene Copy Number Gains in Prostate Cancer
Thorsten Schlomm; Patrick Kirstein; Liv Iwers; Birte Daniel; Thomas Steuber; Jochen Walz; Felix H.K. Chun; Alexander Haese; Jens Kollermann; Markus Graefen; Hartwig Huland; Guido Sauter; Ronald Simon; Andreas Erbersdobler
Imaging, Diagnosis, Prognosis
[18F]Galacto-RGD Positron Emission Tomography for Imaging of αvβ3 Expression on the Neovasculature in Patients with Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Head and Neck
Ambros J. Beer; Anca-Ligia Grosu; Janette Carlsen; Andreas Kolk; Mario Sarbia; Isabelle Stangier; Petra Watzlowik; Hans-Jürgen Wester; Roland Haubner; Markus Schwaiger
Circumferential Margin Involvement Is the Crucial Prognostic Factor after Multimodality Treatment in Patients with Locally Advanced Rectal Carcinoma
Marleen J.E.M. Gosens; René A. Klaassen; Ivonne Tan-Go; Harm J.T. Rutten; Hendrik Martijn; Adriaan J.C. van den Brule; Grard A.P. Nieuwenhuijzen; J. Han J.M. van Krieken; Iris D. Nagtegaal
Prognostic Significance of p53 and X-ray Repair Cross-complementing Group 1 Polymorphisms on Prostate-Specific Antigen Recurrence in Prostate Cancer Post–Radical Prostatectomy
Shu-Pin Huang; Chao-Yuan Huang; Jyh-Seng Wang; Chia-Chu Liu; Yeong-Shiau Pu; Hong-Jeng Yu; Chia-Cheng Yu; Tony T. Wu; Chun-Hsiung Huang; Wen-Jeng Wu; Yii-Her Chou; Ming-Tsang Wu
In vivo Diagnosis of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Expression using Molecular Imaging with a Cocktail of Optically Labeled Monoclonal Antibodies
Tristan Barrett; Yoshinori Koyama; Yukihiro Hama; Gregory Ravizzini; In Soo Shin; Beom-Su Jang; Chang H. Paik; Yasuteru Urano; Peter L. Choyke; Hisataka Kobayashi
A Promoter Methylation Pattern in the N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Receptor 2B Gene Predicts Poor Prognosis in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Myoung Sook Kim; Keishi Yamashita; Young Kwang Chae; Yutaka Tokumaru; Xiaofei Chang; Marianna Zahurak; Motonobu Osada; Hannah Lui Park; Alice Chuang; Joseph A. Califano; David Sidransky
Cancer Therapy: Clinical
Prognostic Factors Related to Clinical Response in Patients with Metastatic Melanoma Treated by CTL-Associated Antigen-4 Blockade
Stephanie G. Downey; Jacob A. Klapper; Franz O. Smith; James C. Yang; Richard M. Sherry; Richard E. Royal; Udai S. Kammula; Marybeth S. Hughes; Tamika E. Allen; Catherine L. Levy; Michael Yellin; Geoffrey Nichol; Donald E. White; Seth M. Steinberg; Steven A. Rosenberg
Phase I Trial of Single-Dose Temozolomide and Continuous Administration of O6-Benzylguanine in Children with Brain Tumors: a Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium Report
Alberto Broniscer; Sridharan Gururangan; Tobey J. MacDonald; Stewart Goldman; Roger J. Packer; Clinton F. Stewart; Dana Wallace; Mary K. Danks; Henry S. Friedman; Tina Y. Poussaint; Larry E. Kun; James M. Boyett; Amar Gajjar; for the Pediatric Brain Tumor Consortium
Association of Intratumoral Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Expression and Clinical Outcome for Patients with Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors Treated with Imatinib Mesylate
John C. McAuliffe; Alexander J.F. Lazar; Dan Yang; Dejka M. Steinert; Wei Qiao; Peter F. Thall; A. Kevin Raymond; Robert S. Benjamin; Jonathan C. Trent
Cancer Therapy: Preclinical
Relationship of EGFR Mutations, Expression, Amplification, and Polymorphisms to Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Inhibitors in the NCI60 Cell Lines
Wanqing Liu; Xiaolin Wu; Wei Zhang; Raquel C. Montenegro; Donna Lee Fackenthal; Jared A. Spitz; Lyn Mickley Huff; Federico Innocenti; Soma Das; Edwin H. Cook,, Jr.; Nancy J. Cox; Susan E. Bates; Mark J. Ratain
Cancer Susceptibility and Prevention
Morphologically Normal-Appearing Mammary Epithelial Cells Obtained from High-Risk Women Exhibit Methylation Silencing of INK4a/ARF
Gregory R. Bean; Andrew D. Bryson; Patrick G. Pilie; Vanessa Goldenberg; Joseph C. Baker, Jr.; Catherine Ibarra; Danielle M.U. Brander; Carolyn Paisie; Natalie R. Case; Mona Gauthier; Paul A. Reynolds; Eric Dietze; Julie Ostrander; Victoria Scott; Lee G. Wilke; Lisa Yee; Bruce F. Kimler; Carol J. Fabian; Carola M. Zalles; Gloria Broadwater; Thea D. Tlsty; Victoria L. Seewaldt
Letters to the Editor
New Approaches to Assessing and Treating Early-Stage Colon and Rectal Cancers
New Approaches to Assessing and Treating Early-Stage Colon and Rectal Cancer: Summary Statement from 2007 Santa Monica Conference
Lee S. Rosen; Anton J. Bilchik; Robert W. Beart, Jr.; Al B. Benson, III; Kenneth J. Chang; Carolyn C. Compton; Axel Grothey; Daniel G. Haller; Clifford Y. Ko; Patrick M. Lynch; Heidi Nelson; Michael J. Stamos; Roderick R. Turner; Christopher G. Willett
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