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15 September 2005
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ISSN 1078-0432
EISSN 1557-3265
The Biology Behind
Report from the FDA
Approval Summary for Erlotinib for Treatment of Patients with Locally Advanced or Metastatic Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer after Failure of at Least One Prior Chemotherapy Regimen
John R. Johnson; Martin Cohen; Rajeshwari Sridhara; Yeh-Fong Chen; Gene M. Williams; John Duan; Jogarao Gobburu; Brian Booth; Kimberly Benson; John Leighton; Li Shan Hsieh; Nallalerumal Chidambaram; Paul Zimmerman; Richard Pazdur
Human Cancer Biology
The −251T Allele of the Interleukin-8 Promoter Is Associated with Increased Risk of Gastric Carcinoma Featuring Diffuse-Type Histopathology in Chinese Population
Wei-Ping Lee; Dar-In Tai; Keng-Hsin Lan; Anna Fen-Yau Li; Hou-Ching Hsu; En-Ju Lin; Yi-Ping Lin; Meei-Ling Sheu; Chung-Pin Li; Full-Young Chang; Yee Chao; Shang-Heu Yen; Shou-Dong Lee
EphB2 Expression across 138 Human Tumor Types in a Tissue Microarray: High Levels of Expression in Gastrointestinal Cancers
Alessandro Lugli; Hanspeter Spichtin; Robert Maurer; Martina Mirlacher; Jeff Kiefer; Pia Huusko; David Azorsa; Luigi Terracciano; Guido Sauter; Olli-P Kallioniemi; Spyro Mousses; Luigi Tornillo
Isolated Loss of PMS2 Expression in Colorectal Cancers: Frequency, Patient Age, and Familial Aggregation
Sharlene Gill; Noralane M. Lindor; Lawrence J. Burgart; Regenia Smalley; Olga Leontovich; Amy J. French; Richard M. Goldberg; Daniel J. Sargent; Jeremy R. Jass; John L. Hopper; Mark A. Jenkins; Joanne Young; Melissa A. Barker; Michael D. Walsh; Andrew R. Ruszkiewicz; Stephen N. Thibodeau
Imaging, Diagnosis, Prognosis
High Stem Cell Frequency in Acute Myeloid Leukemia at Diagnosis Predicts High Minimal Residual Disease and Poor Survival
Anna van Rhenen; Nicole Feller; Angèle Kelder; August H. Westra; Elwin Rombouts; Sonja Zweegman; Marjolein A. van der Pol; Quinten Waisfisz; Gert J. Ossenkoppele; Gerrit Jan Schuurhuis
Identification of Nicotinamide N-Methyltransferase as a Novel Serum Tumor Marker for Colorectal Cancer
Markus Roeßler; Wolfgang Rollinger; Stefan Palme; Marie-Luise Hagmann; Peter Berndt; Alfred M. Engel; Bernd Schneidinger; Michael Pfeffer; Herbert Andres; Johann Karl; Heinz Bodenmüller; Josef Rüschoff; Thomas Henkel; Gerhard Rohr; Siegbert Rossol; Wolfgang Rösch; Hanno Langen; Werner Zolg; Michael Tacke
Cancer Therapy: Clinical
Diagnostic Evaluation of HER-2 as a Molecular Target: An Assessment of Accuracy and Reproducibility of Laboratory Testing in Large, Prospective, Randomized Clinical Trials
Michael F. Press; Guido Sauter; Leslie Bernstein; Ivonne E. Villalobos; Martina Mirlacher; Jian-Yuan Zhou; Rooba Wardeh; Yong-Tian Li; Roberta Guzman; Yanling Ma; Jane Sullivan-Halley; Angela Santiago; Jinha M. Park; Alessandro Riva; Dennis J. Slamon
Pulmonary Squamous Cell Carcinoma following Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Metastasis or Second Primary?
Tom W. Geurts; Petra M. Nederlof; Michiel W.M. van den Brekel; Laura J. van't Veer; Daphne de Jong; August A.M. Hart; Nico van Zandwijk; Houke Klomp; Alfons J.M. Balm; Marie-Louise F. van Velthuysen
Phase 1 Study of ABT-751, a Novel Microtubule Inhibitor, in Patients with Refractory Hematologic Malignancies
Karen W.L. Yee; Anne Hagey; Srdan Verstovsek; Jorge Cortes; Guillermo Garcia-Manero; Susan M. O'Brien; Stefan Faderl; Deborah Thomas; William Wierda; Steven Kornblau; Alessandra Ferrajoli; Maher Albitar; Evelyn McKeegan; David R. Grimm; Toby Mueller; Rhonda R. Holley-Shanks; Leonardo Sahelijo; Gary B. Gordon; Hagop M. Kantarjian; Francis J. Giles
A Phase II Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Blind, Safety Trial Assessing the Pharmacokinetics, Pharmacodynamics, and Efficacy of Oral 2-Methoxyestradiol Capsules in Hormone-Refractory Prostate Cancer
Christopher Sweeney; Glenn Liu; Constantin Yiannoutsos; Jill Kolesar; Dorothea Horvath; Mary Jane Staab; Karen Fife; Victoria Armstrong; Anthony Treston; Carolyn Sidor; George Wilding
Phase I and Pharmacologic Study of Infusional Topotecan and Carboplatin in Relapsed and Refractory Acute Leukemia
Scott H. Kaufmann; Judith E. Karp; Louis Letendre; Timothy J. Kottke; Stephanie Safgren; Jackie Greer; Ivana Gojo; Pamela Atherton; Phyllis A. Svingen; David A. Loegering; Mark R. Litzow; Jeff A. Sloan; Joel M. Reid; Matthew M. Ames; Alex A. Adjei; Charles Erlichman
Molecular Alterations in Tumors and Response to Combination Chemotherapy with Gefitinib for Advanced Colorectal Cancer
Shuji Ogino; Jeffrey A. Meyerhardt; Mami Cantor; Mohan Brahmandam; Jeffrey W. Clark; Chungdak Namgyal; Takako Kawasaki; Kate Kinsella; Ann L. Michelini; Peter C. Enzinger; Matthew H. Kulke; David P. Ryan; Massimo Loda; Charles S. Fuchs
Cancer Therapy: Preclinical
Effect of Combination Therapy with a Novel Bisphosphonate, Minodronate (YM529), and Docetaxel on a Model of Bone Metastasis by Human Transitional Cell Carcinoma
Keiji Inoue; Takashi Karashima; Satoshi Fukata; Asuka Nomura; Chiaki Kawada; Atsushi Kurabayashi; Mutsuo Furihata; Yuji Ohtsuki; Taro Shuin
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