Purpose: MAPK pathway inhibitors targeting BRAF and MEK have shown clinical efficacy in patients with RAF- and/or RAS-mutated tumors. However, acquired resistance to these agents has been an impediment to improved long-term survival in the clinic. In such cases, targeting ERK downstream of BRAF/MEK has been proposed as a potential strategy for overcoming acquired resistance. Preclinical studies suggest that ERK inhibitors are effective at inhibiting BRAF/RAS-mutated tumor growth and overcome BRAF or/and MEK inhibitor resistance. However, as observed with other MAPK pathway inhibitors, treatment with ERK inhibitors is likely to cause resistance in the clinic. Here, we aimed to model the mechanism of resistance to ERK inhibitors.
Experimental Design: We tested five structurally different ATP-competitive ERK inhibitors representing three different scaffolds on BRAF/RAS-mutant cancer cell lines of different tissue types to generate resistant lines. We have used in vitro modeling, structural biology, and genomic analysis to understand the development of resistance to ERK inhibitors and the mechanisms leading to it.
Results: We have identified mutations in ERK1/2, amplification and overexpression of ERK2, and overexpression of EGFR/ERBB2 as mechanisms of acquired resistance. Structural analysis of ERK showed that specific compounds that induced on-target ERK mutations were impaired in their ability to bind mutant ERK. We show that in addition to MEK inhibitors, ERBB receptor and PI3K/mTOR pathway inhibitors are effective in overcoming ERK-inhibitor resistance.
Conclusions: These findings suggest that combination therapy with MEK or ERBB receptor or PI3K/mTOR and ERK inhibitors may be an effective strategy for managing the emergence of resistance in the clinic. Clin Cancer Res; 24(16); 4044–55. ©2018 AACR.
Acquired resistance to targeted cancer therapy remains a major challenge in the clinic. ERK inhibitors are under investigation for treatment of RAF/RAS-mutated tumors or those resistant to BRAF/MEK inhibitors. Understanding the evolution of resistance to current ERK inhibitors will help guide the development of better inhibitors and also aid in identifying strategies for combination therapy that can overcome clinical resistance development.
The RAS/RAF/extracellular signal–regulated kinase (ERK) pathway is extensively studied owing to its involvement in the regulation of cell proliferation, differentiation, and survival (1). The RAS–MAPK signaling cascade involves an upstream receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that upon activation sequentially activates RAS GTPase, which in turn activates the RAF kinases (MAP3K; ref. 2). The RAF kinases phosphorylate and activate MEK (MAP2K), which then phosphorylates ERK (MAPK) leading to its activation (1, 3, 4). Activated ERK then phosphorylates many downstream targets, thereby controlling cellular proliferation, differentiation, and survival (1, 5, 6).
Gain-of-function mutations in RAS and BRAF leading to constitutive activation of the MAPK pathway occur in about a third of human cancers (7, 8). However, efforts to directly target RAS have not been successful so far (9–11). Several small-molecule inhibitors that target key effector kinases of MAPK signaling cascade downstream of RAS have been successfully developed (9, 12). Key FDA-approved MAPK pathway inhibitors include vemurafenib and dabrafenib, which target BRAF, and trametinib, AZD6244 (selumetinib), and GDC-0973 (cobimetinib), which target MEK (13–16). In the clinic, these inhibitors have led to improved progression-free survival and overall survival of melanoma and colorectal cancer patients, either as single agents or as combination therapy (13–16). However, despite their effectiveness and therapeutic successes, a majority of patients relapse within a year due to acquired resistance to these agents (17). Analysis of drug-resistant tumors from patients showed reactivation of MEK/ERK signaling and sustained ERK activation involving multiple mechanisms (18–22). Acquired resistance to BRAF inhibitors has been shown to occur through acquisition of NRAS or KRAS mutations (18, 23, 24), amplification of BRAF V600E (24), alternative splicing of BRAF (20), mutations that arise in MEK1 or MEK2 (25), and loss of CDKN2A (23). Resistance to MEK inhibitors is known to occur due to MEK mutations (26, 27) or BRAF amplification (28).
Preclinical studies suggest that ERK inhibition may be effective in targeting RAS-mutated tumors (29–31). Also, ERK inhibition has been shown to be effective in overcoming acquired resistance to BRAF/MEK inhibitors (29, 30). Several ERK inhibitors including GDC-0994, MK-8353, LTT462, and BVD-523 are in various stages of clinical development (32–35). ERK inhibitors will expand the choice of targeted therapy for MAPK pathway–deregulated cancers and also for treating tumors resistant to BRAF/MEK inhibitors. However, as observed with other small-molecule inhibitors, tumors treated with ERK inhibitors will likely develop resistance. Consistent with this, recent studies using mutagenesis and in vitro experiments showed development of on-target resistance to ERK inhibitors (36, 37).
Using ERK-inhibitor–sensitive cancer cell lines, we have followed the development of resistance upon treatment with multiple ERK inhibitors. In this study, we applied whole-exome sequencing (WES), transcriptome sequencing (RNA-seq), and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) to understand mechanisms of acquired resistance to ERK inhibition. We found on-target and off-target mechanisms of resistance and identified strategies for overcoming or managing ERK resistance using the resistant cell lines.
Materials and Methods
Cell lines and antibodies
A375, HCT116, MIA PaCa-2, and Panc1 cell lines were purchased from the ATCC. SKMEL30 and IPC298 were obtained from German Collection of Microorganisms and Cell Cultures (DSMZ). MelBR1 cell line was generated as described previously (38, 39). Antibodies used in this study are as follows: p-ERK1/2 (Thr202/Tyr204), pS6-ribosomal protein (Ser235/6), ERK1/2, RSK, and S6- ribosomal protein (Cell Signaling Technology); pRSK (Ser359/363; Abcam); FLAG-M2 and β-ACTIN (Sigma Life Science); and horseradish peroxidase (HRP)–conjugated secondary antibodies (Thermo Fisher Scientific).
Generation of resistant cell lines
Parental cells were grown in RPMI-1640 media with 10% FBS and were treated continuously for 4 to 6 months with increasing concentrations of inhibitors, starting at 100 nmol/L, until cells capable of proliferating efficiently in 10 μmol/L drug were derived.
Generation of ERK1/2 mutants overexpressing stable cell lines
ERK1/2 mutants used in the study were generated by mutagenesis of wild-type (WT) pCMV6-ERK1/2 (Origene) using Quick Change Site-Directed Mutagenesis Kit (Stratagene). FLAG-tagged (n-terminal) WT and mutant ERK1/2 constructs were cloned into pRetro-IRES-GFP retroviral vector, and stable cell lines were generated as described earlier (40).
Cell viability assay
Cells were plated in a 96 well plate (10,000 cells/well in 100 μL of media) for 24 hours. They were then treated with increasing concentration of indicated inhibitors. Cell growth was assessed after 4 days using Cell Titer-Glo Luminescent cell viability assay kit (Promega). All cell viability data shown were mean ± SEM of at least 3 to 6 replicates of a representative experiment that was repeated at least 2 times with similar results. IC50 values were determined by fitting nonlinear regression curves using GraphPad Prism 5.00 Software (GraphPad).
Western blot analysis
Western blotting was performed as described earlier (41). Briefly, 24 hours after treatment with the indicated drugs, cells were washed with cold PBS and lysed in the RIPA lysis buffer containing protease inhibitor (Roche) and PhosStop phosphatase inhibitor (Roche). Lysates were centrifuged at 10,000 × g for 20 minutes at 4°C. Proteins were resolved by SDS-PAGE and transferred to a nitrocellulose membrane using iBlot (Thermo Fisher Scientific), immunoblotted with indicated antibodies, HRP-conjugated secondary antibodies (Thermo Fisher Scientific), and detected with super signal chemiluminescence (Thermo Fisher Scientific) as described earlier (41).
Extraction of DNA/RNA
Genomic DNA and total RNA were simultaneously extracted from cell pellets using the All Prep DNA/RNA mini kit (Qiagen).
WES and variant calling
We performed WES of parental and resistant cells to identify acquired resistance mutations. Exome capture was performed using the SureSelect Human All Exome kit (50 Mb; Agilent Technologies), and resulting libraries were sequenced on HiSeq 2500 (Illumina) to generate 2 × 75-bp-long paired-end data. A targeted mean coverage of 111× with 80% bases covered at ≥20× was achieved for the exome libraries. Sequencing reads were mapped to the human genome (GRCh38) using BWA software set to default parameters. Local realignment, duplicate marking, and raw variant calling were performed as described previously (42). Somatic variants were called by both Strelka (43) and MuTect (44), and mutants reported by both programs were included for further evaluation. For on-target mutations, we included mutation called by either of the two programs. Potential causal variants in the resistant lines were obtained by filtering out the variants observed in the parental lines.
RNA-seq and gene expression analysis
RNA-seq data were obtained from total RNA isolated from parental and ERKi-R cell lines. RNA-seq libraries were prepared using TruSeq RNA sample preparation kit v2 (Illumina). The libraries were multiplexed and sequenced on HiSeq2500 to obtain on average 50 million single-end (50 bp) reads per sample. RNA-seq reads were aligned to the human genome (GRCh38) using GSNAP (45). Expression counts per gene were obtained by counting the number of reads aligned uniquely to each gene locus as defined by NCBI and Ensembl gene annotations and RefSeq mRNA sequences. Differential gene expression analysis was performed using edgeR (46).
Copy-number analysis
Low-pass WGS of parental and resistant cell lines was performed to compute copy number. Alignment of paired-end 75-bp reads to GRCh38 using BWA resulted in a median coverage of 1.8×. The genome was then divided in 10 kb bins, and the number of reads in each bin provided a count for the genomic bins. This count was used to estimate copy-number ratio by computing the ratio with the corresponding parental line and adjusting for total number of reads for each sample. The copy-number ratios were then segmented using CBS (47), and the resulting segments were used to assign a copy-number value for each gene.
Protein expression and purification
The full-length human ERK2-G169D–mutant construct with an N-terminal noncleavable His-tag was cloned into a pET52b vector. The plasmid was transformed into BL21 (DE3) codon plus Escherichia coli cells (Stratagene), and single colony was inoculated into 50 mL lysogeny broth (LB) with 50 μg/mL Ampicillin and cultured overnight at 37°C in a shaking incubator to generate a seed culture. One liter LB media containing 50 μg/mL Ampicillin were inoculated with 15 mL of the seed culture. The cells were grown at 37°C in a shaking incubator until OD600 reached 0.4 to 0.5. We then shifted the culture to 16°C for 30 minutes and added 0.5 mmol/L IPTG to induce the ERK protein. The cells were spun at 6,000 rpm for 15 minutes at 12 hours after induction and stored at −80°C for further processing.
Cells were lysed in 50 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mmol/L NaCl, 5 mmol/L BME, 10 mmol/L MgCl2, and 1 mmol/L PMSF using a Microfluidizer. The supernatant was collected after centrifugation at 10,000 rpm for 30 minutes and then loaded onto 5 mL HisTrap column (GE Healthcare). The column was washed with 50 mL of 50 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.0, 500 mmol/L NaCl, 5 mmol/L BME, and 10 mmol/L imidazole. The bound proteins were eluted from column using 50 mmol/L Tris pH 8.0, 5 mmol/L BME, 500 mmol/L NaCl, and 10–200 mmol/L imidazole gradient over 20 column volumes (protein elution peak fraction was at about 80 mmol/L imidazole). Fractions from HisTrap column were analyzed by SDS-PAGE gel, and peak fractions containing the HisERK2-G169D were pooled. The sample was diluted 20-fold with Tris-TCEP buffer (25 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.5, and 1 mmol/L TCEP) and loaded onto QHP 5 mL column (GE Health care) and then washed with Tris-TCEP buffer until OD280 was flat. HisERK2-G169D protein was eluted with Tris-TCEP buffer containing 0 to 350 mmol/L NaCl gradient. There were two peaks resolved by this shallow gradient, one at about 150 mmol/L NaCl and the other at 200 mmol/L NaCl, and both peaks were of HisERK2-G169D. The first one was unphosphorylated ERK, and the second one contained His123-phosphorylated ERK. These two peaks were pooled separately and further purified on a S75 size exclusion column using 25 mmol/L Tris, pH 8.0, 150 mmol/L NaCl, and 1 mmol/L TCEP. Purified proteins were concentrated to 10 mg/mL and stored at −80°C.
Protein crystallization and structure determination
The protein was crystallized with hanging-drop vapor-diffusion method. Ten mg/mL of protein was mixed with 20% PEG 3350, 10% isopropanol, and 0.1 mol/L Hepes (pH 7.5). Crystals grew after 7 days and were cryoprotected in 25% glycerol, 20% PEG 3350, 10% isopropanol, and 0.1 mol/L Hepes (pH 7.5). Both peaks from QHP column were crystallized under the same condition.
The diffraction data for the unphosphorylated form of ERK2-G169D (QHP peak1) were collected at Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Light-source beamline 11-1. The data reduction was done with programs XDS (48) and CCP4 suit (49). Data collection and structure refinement statistics are summarized in Supplementary Table S1. The structure was solved as described previously (50) by molecular replacement with a known ERK2 structure (PDB code: 1ERK) as the search model using the program Phaser (51). The structure was further refined with program REFMAC5 (52) and BUSTER (53) using the maximum likelihood target functions, anisotropic individual B-factor refinement method, and translation–liberation–screw motions refinement method, to achieve convergence.
Drug sensitivity screen
Drug sensitivity screens were performed on VI-3-R, G994-R and MK-ex6-R HCT116 and MIA PaCa2 cell lines as previously described (54). Briefly, 1K (HCT116) or 2K (MIA PaCa2) cells were dispensed into 384-well microplates in 25 μL of media in the presence or absence of each 2.5 μmol/L ERK inhibitor tested. Cells were incubated overnight (37°C, 5% CO2) prior to the addition of compounds in 5 μL of media. All compounds were evaluated in a 9-point dose–response assay. After 96 hours, cell viability was measured by Cell Titer-Glo assay (Promega). IC50 (concentration yielding 50% reduction in viability) values were determined by fitting curves using Genedata Screener software (Genedata). IC50 values were further used to identify compounds that synergize with ERK inhibitors in resistant cells. Compounds exhibiting 4-fold or greater increased sensitivity in at least one ERKi-R cell line were classified as “hits” and plotted as a heat map.
Statistical analysis
The Student t test (two-tailed) was used for statistical analyses to compare treatment groups using GraphPad Prism 5.00 Software (GraphPad). A P value <0.05 was considered statistically significant (*, P < 0.05).
Sustained inhibition of ERK in RAS/RAF-mutant cells leads to resistance
In this study, we tested five structurally different ATP-competitive ERK inhibitors (ERKi-s): VTX-11e [V11e] (55), VTX-I-3 [VI-3] (29, 55), GDC-0994 [G994] (56), SCH772984 [S984] (30), and MK example 6 [MK-ex6] (57), a compound structurally similar to SCH772984 and in phase I clinical trials (refs. 33, 37, 57; Supplementary Fig. S1A). These five compounds belong to three different scaffold classes with V11e and VI-3 falling into one class, S984 and MK-ex6 into a second class, and G994 into a third class of its own. Although V11e, VI-3, and G994 are selective ATP-competitive ERK inhibitors that bind preferentially to the active form of ERK (58), S984 and MK-ex6 bind to both active (phospho) and inactive ERK1/2 with a unique binding mode that prevents phosphorylation of ERK by MEK (30).
We tested the five ERK inhibitors for activity in A375, IPC298, SKMEL30, HCT116, MIA PaCa2, and Panc1 cells (Supplementary Fig. S1B). The cell lines used represent different cancer types and carry BRAF or RAS mutations (Supplementary Table S2). We confirmed that the cell lines were sensitive to the ERKi-s tested. The IC50 for each inhibitor ranged from 45 to 1,000 nmol/L depending on the cell type (Fig. 1A; Supplementary Fig. S1B).
Sustained ERK-inhibitor treatment leads to resistance. A, IC50 of ERK inhibitors in BRAF/RAS-mutant cell lines. B, Cartoon depicting the generation of ERK-inhibitor–resistant cell lines. C, Dose–response curve of V11e and G994 ERK inhibitors on parental (P) and resistant (R) lines. D, Heatmap showing IC50 for parental (P) and resistant (R) lines. NA, not available (resistant line generation using the particular drug was not attempted).
Sustained ERK-inhibitor treatment leads to resistance. A, IC50 of ERK inhibitors in BRAF/RAS-mutant cell lines. B, Cartoon depicting the generation of ERK-inhibitor–resistant cell lines. C, Dose–response curve of V11e and G994 ERK inhibitors on parental (P) and resistant (R) lines. D, Heatmap showing IC50 for parental (P) and resistant (R) lines. NA, not available (resistant line generation using the particular drug was not attempted).
To test if sustained treatment of sensitive cell lines with ERK inhibitors leads to resistance, we cultured the cells with increasing concentration of ERKi-s ranging from 0.1 to 10 μmol/L over a period of 4 to 6 months (Fig. 1B). This resulted in cells that were able to proliferate in the presence of high concentrations of ERKi-s (10 μmol/L) compared with the parental lines, and they were termed as V11e-R, VI-3-R, G994-R, MK-ex6-R, and S984-R to denote their ERKi-resistant (ERKi-R) status (Fig. 1C and D). Overall, ERKi-R cells were between 10 and 100 times less sensitive to ERK inhibitors compared with the parental cell lines (Fig. 1C and D; Supplementary Table S3).
ERK inhibitor–resistant lines show activated MAPK signaling
Acquired resistance to BRAF and MEK targeting has been attributed to sustained MAPK signaling even in the presence of RAF/MEK inhibitors (19, 28, 38, 59). To understand the mechanism of ERKi resistance, we tested the status of MAPK pathway activation in ERKi-R cells. Treatment of parental KRAS-mutant HCT116 colon cancer and MIA PaCa2 pancreatic cancer cell lines with ERK inhibitors VI-3 or G994 resulted in dose-dependent inhibition of phosphorylation of ERK substrate p90 ribosomal S6 Kinase (RSK) and S6 ribosomal protein (S6-RP), whereas phosphorylation levels of these proteins remained elevated in both VI-3-R and G994-R cells even at 3 times the effective concentration of the inhibitors observed in the parental lines (Supplementary Fig. S2). Similarly, sustained pRSK and pS6-RP levels were observed in SKMEL30-VI-3-R cells compared with parental lines with VI-3 treatment (Fig. 2A). These data show that ERK inhibitors are not effective in inhibiting MAPK signaling in ERKi-R cell lines when compared with the parental lines.
On-target ERK mutation leads to resistance. A, Western blot assessment of the activation status of ERK and downstream signaling molecules. B, Quilt plot showing ERK mutations in ERKi-R cells. C, ERK1 and ERK2 mutations identified in ERKi-R cells. D, Dose–response curve of resistant ERK-mutant lines against cross-class ERK inhibitors and indicated MEK inhibitors. Parental lines (P). E and F, Western blot analysis showing effect of ERK inhibitor MK-ex6 (E) and MEK inhibitor GDC-0973 (F) on MAPK signaling of SKMEL30 cells.
On-target ERK mutation leads to resistance. A, Western blot assessment of the activation status of ERK and downstream signaling molecules. B, Quilt plot showing ERK mutations in ERKi-R cells. C, ERK1 and ERK2 mutations identified in ERKi-R cells. D, Dose–response curve of resistant ERK-mutant lines against cross-class ERK inhibitors and indicated MEK inhibitors. Parental lines (P). E and F, Western blot analysis showing effect of ERK inhibitor MK-ex6 (E) and MEK inhibitor GDC-0973 (F) on MAPK signaling of SKMEL30 cells.
On-target ERK mutations confer resistance to ERK inhibitors
Acquired resistance to BRAF or MEK inhibitors has been shown to occur due to BRAF amplification and splice-site alterations in BRAF (20, 24, 28, 59) and KRAS G13D, NRAS Q61K/L, MEK1 P124L, or MEK Q60P mutations (17, 19). To identify acquired resistance mechanisms to ERK inhibition, we performed exome sequencing of our ERKi-R lines. We found acquired on-target mutations in both ERK1 and ERK2 in some of the resistant lines (Fig. 2B and C; Supplementary Table S4). A majority of the acquired ERK mutations were scaffold-specific and arose in response to treatment with V11e or VI-3. The ERK2 mutations include Y36H in HCT116-V11e-R, C65F in A375-V11e-R, G37A in SKMEL30-VI-3-R, and G37C in HCT116-VI-3-R (Fig. 2B and C). An A191V mutation in MIA PaCa2-VI-3-R and G186D mutation in HCT116-S984-R were found in ERK1 (Fig. 2B and C). Consistent with our findings, using a mutagenesis approach, ERK1 (G186D) and ERK2 (Y36N, G37S, C65Y) mutants have been reported to promote in vitro resistance to cell growth inhibition by V11e in A375 melanoma cells (36). Recently, a G186D ERK1 mutation was reported in S984-resistant HCT116 cells (37). The on-target ERK1/2 mutations observed were inhibitor scaffold-specific as we did not find ERK mutations in the G994-R cells, indicating acquired resistance in these cells evolved through a different mechanism. Analysis of the exome data did not identify additional mutations in other MAPK pathway genes such as RAS, RAF, or MEK in the G994-R or other ERKi-R lines (Supplementary Table S4).
ERK1/2-mutant ERKi-R cells are sensitive to an alternate ERK and MEK inhibitor
Given that most of the ERK mutations in ERKi-R cells arose in response to treatment with compounds from a specific scaffold, we tested whether the acquired resistance can be overcome by treatment with a compound from a different scaffold class. We assessed the sensitivity of SKMEL30-VI-3-R, HCT116-V11e-R, and HCT116-S984-R carrying ERK2-G37A, ERK2-Y36H, and ERK1-G186D, respectively, against indicated ERK inhibitors from an alternate scaffold class (Fig. 2D). As expected, we found that SKMEL30-VI-3-R, HCT116-V11e-R, and HCT116-S984-R were resistant to VI-3, V11e or S984, respectively. However, SKMEL30-VI-3-R, HCT116-V11e-R, and HCT116-S984-R were sensitive to MK-ex6, S984, and V11e (Fig. 2D), respectively, indicating that the on-target ERKi resistance acquired in response to a compound of a particular class can be overcome by another ERK inhibitor belonging to a different scaffold. Consistent with this, sustained MAPK and PI3K/mTOR signaling of SKMEL30-VI-3-R cells was inhibited by alternate ERK inhibitor MK-ex6, as indicated by a decrease in pRSK and pS6-RP levels (Fig. 2A and E). Interestingly, though both MK-ex6 and VI-3 inhibit ERK and block downstream signaling, they lead to sustained phosphorylation of ERK (Fig 2A and E) perhaps by uncoupling feedback inhibition (60).
Analysis of the site of on-target ERKi-R mutations within ERK indicated that these mutations likely do not lead to constitutive ERK activation. This along with the observation that inhibitors from alternate scaffold classes were able to block ERKi-R lines with ERK mutations led us to predict that MEK inhibitors would be effective in overcoming on-target ERK mutation–mediated resistance. Consistent with this, we found MEK inhibitors GDC-0973 and AZD6244 to be effective in blocking the growth of ERKi-resistant SKMEL30-VI-3-R, HCT116-V11e-R, and HCT116-S984-R cells (Fig. 2D). Further, treatment with MEK inhibitor GDC-0973 reduced the pRSK and pS6-RP level in a dose-dependent manner in SKMEL30-VI-3-R cells (Fig. 2F). Together, these results indicate that the mutant ERK in the resistant lines is not constitutively active and is still dependent on MEK for it activation. Thus, these results indicate that MEK inhibitor treatment is a viable strategy for overcoming ERKi resistance.
To confirm that the on-target ERK1/2 mutations directly contributed to the resistance observed, we generated stable cell lines expressing the ERK mutants and tested them for sensitivity to ERK inhibitors (Fig. 3A–E). As expected, expression of ERK2 Y36H or C65F in HCT116 or SKMEL30 cells promoted resistance to ERKi V11e, when compared with paternal cells or WT ERK2-expressing cells (Fig. 3A and D; Supplementary Fig. S3). Similarly, expression of ERK2 G37C or G37A in HCT116 or SKMEL30 cells and ERK1 A191V in HCT116 conferred resistance to VI-3 inhibitor (Fig. 3B and E; Supplementary Fig. S3). Further expression of ERK1 G186D in HCT116 cells led to resistance to S984 (Fig. 3C; Supplementary Fig. S3A). Consistent with our findings, expressions of ERK1 and ERK2 mutants were previously reported to confer ERKi resistance in A375 and HCT116 cells (36, 37, 61). These findings confirm that the on-target mutations are sufficient to confer resistance to ERK inhibitors against which they arose.
Ectopic expression of ERK mutants confers resistance to ERK inhibitors. A–E, Effect of V11e (A and D), VI-3 (B and E), or S984 (C) on proliferation of HCT116 (A–C) and SKMEL30 (D and E) cells stably expressing ERK1/2 WT, empty vector (EV), or the indicated mutants. F, Schematics of generation of ERK-inhibitor–resistant cells using vemurafenib-resistant BRAF V600E–mutant MelBR1 mouse tumor cell line. G, Dose–response curve of ERK inhibitors for parental and ERKi-R MelBR1 cells. Parental line (P). H, Sequence alignment of mouse ERK1 and human ERK2 proteins. Amino acid coordinates are shown on either side of the sequence.
Ectopic expression of ERK mutants confers resistance to ERK inhibitors. A–E, Effect of V11e (A and D), VI-3 (B and E), or S984 (C) on proliferation of HCT116 (A–C) and SKMEL30 (D and E) cells stably expressing ERK1/2 WT, empty vector (EV), or the indicated mutants. F, Schematics of generation of ERK-inhibitor–resistant cells using vemurafenib-resistant BRAF V600E–mutant MelBR1 mouse tumor cell line. G, Dose–response curve of ERK inhibitors for parental and ERKi-R MelBR1 cells. Parental line (P). H, Sequence alignment of mouse ERK1 and human ERK2 proteins. Amino acid coordinates are shown on either side of the sequence.
It has been shown that, in a genetically engineered mouse model, skin-specific expression of BRAF V600E leads to the development of melanoma (62). The BRAF V600E–mutant melanoma is sensitive to BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib (39). However, sustained treatment with vemurafenib leads to resistance (38, 39). A melanoma cell line, MelBR1, has been established from vemurafenib-resistant tumors (Fig. 3F; ref. 39). We exposed the MelBR1 cell line to increasing concentrations of V11e and G994 over the course of 3 to 5 months (Fig. 3F) and generated a MelBR1-ERKi–resistant cell lines (Fig. 3F and G). As expected, MelBR1-V11e-R and G994-R cells were less sensitive to ERKi V11e and G994, respectively, when compared with parental MelBR1 cell lines (Fig. 3G). Exome sequencing of MelBR1-resistant lines identified a G55A ERK1 mutation in V11e-R cells (Fig. 3H; Supplementary Table S4). However, we did not observe on-target mutations in ERK1 or ERK2 in MelBR1-G994-R cells. Alignment of human and mouse ERK protein sequences showed that the mouse ERK1 Gly55 is equivalent to Gly37 of human ERK2 (Fig. 3H). This is consistent with the Gly37 to Ala resistance mutation observed in the ERKi-R human cell lines treated with VI-3, a compound in the same class as V11e (Fig. 2C). These observations collectively indicate that on-target ERK resistance will likely occur in BRAF-mutant patients resistant to BRAF inhibitors when treated with ERK inhibitors from the VI-3/V11e scaffold class.
Structural analysis of ERKi-resistant mutants
To investigate the structural basis of resistant mutations found in ERK1/2, we analyzed the crystal structure of VI-3 in complex with ERK2 (PDB: 4FV6). Mapping of the resistance mutations on to the ERK2 structure (Fig. 4A and B) revealed that the ERK2 mutations shown in Fig 2C are located in the vicinity of residue Tyr36, suggesting protein–ligand interactions in this region are important for the inhibitory function of VI-3. We noted that the chlorine atom within VI-3 makes a “face-on” Cl–π interaction with Tyr36 at a distance of 3.5Å (Fig. 4B). Tyr36, in turn, engages π–π stacking with Tyr64 in αC-helix. The sandwich-like structure of VI-3–Tyr36–Tyr64 stabilizes the complex. Y36H mutation modified the centerpiece of the sandwich. As Imai and colleagues reported (63), Cl–π type interaction with histidine favors “edge-on” over “face-on” conformation and prefers a longer interaction distance of 4.0Å. We reason that when VI-3 binds, this part of ERK2 structure becomes too crowded that prevents the optimal conformation for a histidine residue. V11e shares identical chemical structure with VI-3 in this region and is expected to bind ERK2 in the same manner. Cys65 is a buried residue adjacent to Tyr64 (Fig. 4B). Switching to a bulky phenylalanine C65F is likely to perturb Tyr64 orientation and consequently weaken the inhibitor binding. Two other resistant mutations G37A and G37C appear to block VI-3 and V11e binding in the pocket under the glycine-rich loop (G-loop). Interestingly, S984 was sensitive to above ERK2 mutations (Fig 2D, center plot). This phenomenon could be explained by the crystal structure of S984/ERK2 complex (PDB: 4QTB). Unlike VI-3, which binds underneath the G-loop, the long piperazine–phenyl–pyrimidine moiety of S984 wraps around the outside of G-loop (Fig. 4C and D). Residues Tyr36 and Gly37 no longer make specific interactions with the inhibitor; therefore, mutation in these positions does not affect the inhibitory ability of S984.
Crystal structure of ERK2 in complex with ERK inhibitor. A, ERK2 crystal structure in complex with VI-3 (PDB: 4FV6, magenta). Resistant mutations found in ERK2 (colored in orange) are located in G-loop and C-helix. B, A close-up view of VI-3 interaction with ERK2 P-loop and C-helix. The color scheme is the same as in A. Dotted lines indicate the stacking interactions between VI-3 chloro-group Y36 and Y64. C, Crystal structure of ERK2 in complex with S984 (PDB: 4QTB, yellow) superimposed onto ERK2-G169D structure (blue). D, A close-up view at residue Gly169 of ERK2, which is equivalent to the resistant ERK1-G186D mutation. Addition of Asp side chain at D169ERK2 forced D167ERK2 to adopt a rotamer conformation that blocks inhibitor binding. Also note that Y34 is tucked under the P-loop upon S984 binding.
Crystal structure of ERK2 in complex with ERK inhibitor. A, ERK2 crystal structure in complex with VI-3 (PDB: 4FV6, magenta). Resistant mutations found in ERK2 (colored in orange) are located in G-loop and C-helix. B, A close-up view of VI-3 interaction with ERK2 P-loop and C-helix. The color scheme is the same as in A. Dotted lines indicate the stacking interactions between VI-3 chloro-group Y36 and Y64. C, Crystal structure of ERK2 in complex with S984 (PDB: 4QTB, yellow) superimposed onto ERK2-G169D structure (blue). D, A close-up view at residue Gly169 of ERK2, which is equivalent to the resistant ERK1-G186D mutation. Addition of Asp side chain at D169ERK2 forced D167ERK2 to adopt a rotamer conformation that blocks inhibitor binding. Also note that Y34 is tucked under the P-loop upon S984 binding.
ERK1 and ERK2 are highly homologous (84% identical), and most of the ERK inhibitors including G994 and S984 displayed similar inhibitory potency toward ERK1 and ERK2 (30, 56). Therefore, it is expected that these inhibitors bind to ERK1 and ERK2 in a similar manner. Not surprisingly, some of the resistant mutations arose in ERK1, while others in ERK2, confirming the functional and structural redundancy. The two acquired ERK1 resistance mutations we identified, A191V and G186D, reside in the activation-loop (A-loop). We investigated the S984-resistant mutation G186DERK1 in the context of S984 and ERK2 complex crystal structure (PDB: 4QTB). As shown in Fig 4D, Asp167 side chain needs to flip out in order to allow S984 to fit into the WT ERK2 pocket. To understand the impact of G186DERK1 mutation, we determined the crystal structure of ERK2 with the equivalent residue Gly169 mutated to aspartate (G169DERK2). Compared with Gly169, Asp169 occupied additional space and pushed Asp167 toward the ligand-binding pocket (Fig. 4D). This structural change occluded part of the S984-binding pocket and thereby prevented compound binding. In contrast to S984, VI-3 contains a relatively small hydroxyl-methyl group interacting with Asp167. The flexibility associated with this could tolerate different conformations of Asp167, which could explain the sustained activity of VI-3 against G186DERK1-mutant cells (Fig. 2D, lower-middle plot). Mutation A191V is further away from the active site, and as such, we were not able to identify a basis for its resistance based on structure and thus will require further studies.
ERK2 amplification confers resistance to ERK inhibitors
Amplification of KRAS has been implicated as a mechanism of resistance to anti-EGFR antibody treatment as well as BRAF- and MEK-inhibitor therapies (29, 59, 64). Similarly, HGF/MET amplification has been implicated in the resistance to EGFR therapy (65, 66). Amplification of BRAF V600E has been reported as a cause of resistance to BRAF inhibitor or BRAF inhibitor/anti-EGFR therapy (24, 59). To understand the mechanism of ERKi resistance in G994-R, MK-ex6-R, and other ERKi-R lines, we assessed copy-number alterations using WGS data. Our analysis identified ERK2 focal copy gains on chromosome 22 in IPC298-G994-R and IPC298-V11e-R (Fig. 5A; Supplementary Table S5) and to a modest level in MIA PaCa2-S984-R cells (Supplementary Table S5). Consistent with the amplification, expression of ERK2 was elevated in these cells as assessed by RNA-seq (Fig. 5B). In addition to ERK2 amplification, IPC298-GDC-0994-R cells also showed amplification of KRAS on chromosome 12 (Fig. 5A, top panel). However, we did not observe an increase in KRAS expression, indicating the ERK2 amplicon to be the most likely relevant driver in these ERKi-R cells. Besides ERK2 amplification, we also found focal amplification of MITF on chromosome 3 in SKMEL30-V11e-R, SKMEL30-VI-3-R, and SKMEL30-G994-R lines (Supplementary Fig. S4A). Consistent with the amplification, we found elevated expression of MITF in these lines (Supplementary Fig. S4B). Interestingly, amplification/overexpression of MITF in melanoma cell lines has been shown to confer resistance to BRAF/MEK-inhibitor treatment (22, 67).
ERK2 amplification confers resistance to ERK inhibitors. A, Copy-number analysis of ERKi-R cells shows focal amplification of ERK2. B, Copy number versus expression of ERK2 in ERKi-R lines. Resistant lines that showed a positive correlation are labeled. C, Western blot showing ERK2 overexpression and downstream signaling in IPC298 cells. D and E, Effect of indicated ERKi on the proliferation of ERK2-amplified ERKi-resistant cells (D) or IPC298 cells overexpressing ERK2 (E). F and G, Effect of MEK inhibitors GDC-0973 and AZD6244 on proliferation of ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R (F) or MIA PaCa2-S984-R (G) cells. H, Western blot showing the MAPK and PIK3/mTOR signaling status in ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R cells treated with G994 ERKi or the indicated MEK inhibitors.
ERK2 amplification confers resistance to ERK inhibitors. A, Copy-number analysis of ERKi-R cells shows focal amplification of ERK2. B, Copy number versus expression of ERK2 in ERKi-R lines. Resistant lines that showed a positive correlation are labeled. C, Western blot showing ERK2 overexpression and downstream signaling in IPC298 cells. D and E, Effect of indicated ERKi on the proliferation of ERK2-amplified ERKi-resistant cells (D) or IPC298 cells overexpressing ERK2 (E). F and G, Effect of MEK inhibitors GDC-0973 and AZD6244 on proliferation of ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R (F) or MIA PaCa2-S984-R (G) cells. H, Western blot showing the MAPK and PIK3/mTOR signaling status in ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R cells treated with G994 ERKi or the indicated MEK inhibitors.
To further confirm that ERK2 amplification can confer resistance to ERKi, we stably overexpressed ERK2-WT in IPC298 (Fig 5C) and tested the effect of ERKi on cell proliferation. Consistent with the resistance observed in ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R and MIA PaCa2-S984-R with G994 and S984, respectively (Fig. 5D), ERK2-overexpressing IPC298 cells showed resistance to both G994 and V11e (Fig 5E), confirming that the elevated level of ERK2 expression is sufficient to promote resistance to these compounds.
We hypothesized that the ERK2-amplified cells would be sensitive to MEK inhibition as they would be dependent on upstream MAPK components for ERK activation. Consistent with this, we found that MEK inhibitors GDC-0973 and AZD6244 were effective in blocking the growth of ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R (Fig. 5F) and MIA PaCa2-S984-R cells (Fig. 5G) and IPC298 cells overexpressing ERK2-WT (Supplementary Fig. S5A). The sensitivity of the ERK2-amplified ERKi-R lines and ERK2-overexpressing IPC298 cells to MEK inhibitors was comparable with the sensitivity of the parental cells (Fig. 5F and G; Supplementary Fig. S5A). In contrast to the observation with ERKi-R lines containing on-target ERK1/2 mutation, ERK2-amplified resistant cells were not sensitive to inhibitors from alternate scaffold classes (Supplementary Fig. S5B and S5C). Furthermore, treatment with GDC-0973 or AZD6244 blocked MAPK and AKT/mTOR signaling in ERK2-amplified IPC298-G994-R cells as indicated by decreased pRSK (S359/363), pERK1/2, and pS6-RP (S235/236; Fig. 5H). Taken together, our data indicate that ERK2 amplification–mediated ERKi resistance can be overcome by treatment with upstream MEK inhibitors (Fig. 5F–H; Supplementary Fig. S5A).
RTK and PI3K/mTOR inhibitors overcome acquired ERKi resistance
Although we found that on-target–related ERKi resistance can be overcome with MEK inhibitors, we sought to identify additional inhibitors that might overcome resistance particularly in cells where the mechanism of resistance to ERKi does not involve on-target mutations. Using cell viability as a read out, we screened HCT116 and MIA PaCa2 ERKi-R–resistant cell lines against 474 compounds, including several approved drugs, in the absence and presence of ERKi. Effective combinations were identified by determining the shift in IC50 values in the presence versus absence of ERKi (Fig. 6A). We found that many compounds tested showed a differential effect on cell viability in both HCT116 and MIA PaCa2 ERKi-R cells (Fig. 6A). A majority of such compounds were either RTK inhibitors or PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors. RTK-inhibitor hits included canertinib (EGFR inhibitor), PD173074 (FGFR1 inhibitor), and ponatinib (ABL kinase inhibitor). The PI3K/AKT/mTOR class of inhibitors included GDC-0032, GDC-0084, GDC-0068, and GDC-0980. We also found several Aurora kinase inhibitors to be effective against HCT116 ERKi-R lines but not in MIA PaCa2 ERKi-R cells. We further validated the effect of ERBB inhibitor canertinib and PI3K/mTOR inhibitor GDC-0980 for their effectiveness against ERKi-R cells. We found canertinib to be effective in blocking the growth of HCT116-V1e-R, HCT116-G994-R, HCT116-MK-ex6-R, MIA PaCa2-V11e-R, MIA PaCa2-G994R, and MIA PaCa2-MK-ex6-R in a dose-dependent manner, either by itself or in the presence of ERKi (Fig. 6B and C; Supplementary Fig. S6). Similarly, PI3K/mTOR inhibitor GDC-0980 suppressed cell viability in all the ERKi-resistant lines tested in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 6B and C; Supplementary Fig. S6). Consistent with the efficacy of canertinib, we found evidence for increased expression of ERBB2 in HCT116-ERKi-R (Fig. 6D; Supplementary Table S6) and EGFR in MIA PaCa2-ERKi-R cells (Fig. 6E; Supplementary Table S6). Western blot analysis found that both canertinib and GDC-0980 blocked MAPK and PI3K/mTOR signaling as confirmed by decreased levels of pRSK and pS6-RP in both HCT116-G994-R and MIA PaCa2-G994-R cells (Fig. 6F).
RTK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors overcome ERK-inhibitor resistance. A, Heatmap of IC50 fold change for compounds exhibiting a 4-fold or greater effect in at least one ERKi-R cell line tested (see Materials and Methods). B and C, Dose–response curve of parental or indicated ERKi-R HCT116 (B) and MIA PaCa2 (C) cells treated with ERKi or canertinib or GDC-0980 in the absence or presence of 2.5 μmol/L of ERKi. D and E, EGFR and ERBB2 expression assessed by RNA-seq (n = 2) in parental and ERKi-R HCT116 (D) and MIA PaCa2 (E) cells. Data shown are mean ± SD of RPKM (read per kilobase per millions mapped reads). *, P < 0.05 compared with respective parental cells when present. F, Western blot analysis of MAPK and downstream signaling in cells treated with canertinib or GDC-0980.
RTK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors overcome ERK-inhibitor resistance. A, Heatmap of IC50 fold change for compounds exhibiting a 4-fold or greater effect in at least one ERKi-R cell line tested (see Materials and Methods). B and C, Dose–response curve of parental or indicated ERKi-R HCT116 (B) and MIA PaCa2 (C) cells treated with ERKi or canertinib or GDC-0980 in the absence or presence of 2.5 μmol/L of ERKi. D and E, EGFR and ERBB2 expression assessed by RNA-seq (n = 2) in parental and ERKi-R HCT116 (D) and MIA PaCa2 (E) cells. Data shown are mean ± SD of RPKM (read per kilobase per millions mapped reads). *, P < 0.05 compared with respective parental cells when present. F, Western blot analysis of MAPK and downstream signaling in cells treated with canertinib or GDC-0980.
The MAPK pathway is a major therapeutic target for many human cancers as it is deregulated or mutated in a third of cancers (7, 8, 68). However, despite an initial dramatic response, patients treated with RAF/MEK inhibitors eventually relapse because of acquired resistance resulting from reactivation of the MAPK pathway. Furthermore, preclinical studies suggest that ERK inhibitors can be effective in overcoming resistance to RAF/MEK-inhibitor–based therapies (19, 30, 59) that show reactivation of MAPK signaling. Although it is early to conclude that ERK will be a better target for MAPK-driven tumors, it is plausible that even if ERK inhibitors are successful in the clinic, resistance to these agents will likely emerge, as observed with most other kinase small-molecule inhibitor therapies (14, 17, 59, 69). Preclinical models can provide valuable tools to understand mechanisms of resistance to targeted therapies even before they emerge in clinic. Understanding resistance emergence can guide in the development of effective strategies for clinical management of acquired resistance.
Using RAS/RAF-mutant cell lines, we have modeled the development of resistance to ERK inhibitors. We have identified several on-target ERK mutations that resulted in resistance to ERK inhibitors V11e and VI-3, both from a common scaffold class. We also found an on-target ERK mutation that arose in response to treatment with S984. A previous study using random mutagenesis identified some of the on-target ERK mutations that confer resistance to V11e (36). Consistent with our findings, a recent study involving S984 ERKi identified the G186D ERK1 mutation in HCT116 cells as a cause of resistance to S984 (37). Structural analysis of the ERK indicated that the mutations affect the binding of ERK inhibitors and thus prevent them from blocking ERK activity. Further, ERK1/2-mutant–resistant cells in this study, although cross-resistant to the ERK inhibitors from same scaffold class, were sensitive to ERK inhibitors belonging to alternate scaffold classes. Taken together, these findings suggest that the ERK mutations are likely to be a major mechanism of resistance to ERK inhibitors in patients treated with V11e or other compounds from this scaffold class.
In addition to on-target ERK mutations, for the first time, we identified ERK2 amplification as a mechanism of resistance to ERK inhibitors. This mode of resistance was not scaffold-specific. Consistent with this, unlike the ERK-mutant–resistant lines, ERK2-amplified lines were not sensitive to cross-scaffold inhibitors. However, both ERK-mutated and ERK-amplified resistant lines were sensitive to MEK inhibitors, indicating ERKi resistance can be managed with MEK inhibitors. Perhaps a combination therapy involving ERK and MEK inhibitors might limit or eliminate the emergence of acquired resistance to either of the drugs. It is plausible that simultaneous treatment of MEK and ERK inhibitors will give synergistic toxicities. In this scenario, sequential treatment with ERK inhibitors first followed by MEK inhibitors may produce survival benefits to patient by delaying and/or limiting the emergence of acquired resistance and reduce toxicities that may arise from combination therapy involving MEK and ERK inhibitors. However, we did not find any specific mutation or amplification of target ERK in several ERKi-R lines including all the MK-ex6-R lines indicating that diverse mechanisms of resistance can arise with different ERK inhibitor scaffold. Nevertheless, these results provide a strong rationale for testing ERK mutation and amplification status, in addition to other described resistance mechanisms, upon patient relapse treated in the clinic following ERK inhibitor treatment. This may help in designing alternate strategies for treatment that will likely provide benefit.
Our drug sensitivity screen identified RTK and PI3K/AKT/mTOR pathway inhibitors as a key mediator of ERKi sensitivity in all ERKi-R HCT116 and MIA PaCa2 cell lines. Thus, our data suggest that in addition to MEK inhibitors, combination therapy involving ERK inhibitor with either RTK inhibitors such as pan-ERBB inhibitors or PI3K/AKT/mTOR inhibitors might also prevent resistance development. Although combination therapy has the potential to increase toxicity, it provides an attractive alternative where lower concentrations of each drug may prove to be efficacious and safe. Alternatively, multiple drugs targeting the MAPK pathway administered sequentially can be effective, as recently proposed (70). Thus, a rationally designed therapeutic strategy as described above can provide survival benefits to patients by preventing onset of resistance or overcoming resistance altogether.
Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest
All authors are employees of Genentech Inc. and shareholders of Roche Holdings Inc. No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed by the other authors.
Authors' Contributions
Conception and design: B.S. Jaiswal, S. Seshagiri
Development of methodology: B.S. Jaiswal, J. Yin, S. Seshagiri
Acquisition of data (provided animals, acquired and managed patients, provided facilities, etc.): B.S. Jaiswal, J. Yin, W. Wang, E. Lin, S.E. Martin, Z. Modrusan
Analysis and interpretation of data (e.g., statistical analysis, biostatistics, computational analysis): B.S. Jaiswal, S. Durinck, E.W. Stawiski, W. Wang, E. Lin, J. Moffat, S.E. Martin, S. Seshagiri
Writing, review, and/or revision of the manuscript: B.S. Jaiswal, E.W. Stawiski, J. Yin, W. Wang, J. Moffat, S.E. Martin, S. Seshagiri
Administrative, technical, or material support (i.e., reporting or organizing data, constructing databases): B.S. Jaiswal
Study supervision: B.S. Jaiswal, S. Seshagiri
The authors thank members of the NGS Sequencing lab for their help with sequencing and Kate Sanger for editing and critical comments on the article. They also thank Aju Antony, SciGenom Labs, and Derek Vargas, MedGenome Inc., for their help with generation of the ERK-mutant constructs.
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