In this issue, Clinical Cancer Research is pleased to introduce a new feature, CCR Translations, which will consolidate The Biology Behind and Clinical Connections. CCR Translations will be brief perspectives written by a well-known expert in the field focusing on the translational research, patient care, and/or mechanistic implications of a paper accepted for publication in CCR. Our goal is to highlight outstanding articles and to help explain the important translational aspects of this work to the diverse readership of CCR. Whenever possible, CCR Translations articles will appear in the same issue as the referenced article. It is hoped that our readers will find them clear, succinct, and thoughtful commentaries on the bench-to-bedside or bedside-to-bench implications of these associated data.

The first CCR Translations, written by the Editor-in-Chief, Kenneth Anderson, concerns the movement toward individualized cancer therapies and highlights the article by Burington, et al., "Tumor Cell Gene Expression Changes Following Short Term in-vivo Exposure to Single Agent Chemotherapeutics Are Related to Survival in Multiple Myeloma," which is also included in this issue of CCR. As always, we welcome comments from our readers on this newest CCR addition.