Purpose: To identify novel biomarkers and therapeutic targets for lung cancers, we screened for genes that were highly transactivated in a large proportion of non–small cell lung cancers (NSCLC) using a cDNA microarray representing 27,648 genes.

Experimental Design: A gene encoding insulin-like growth factor-II mRNA-binding protein 1 (IMP-1) was selected as a candidate (≥3-fold expression than in normal lung tissue in about 70% of NSCLCs). Tumor tissue microarray was applied to examine expression of IMP-1 protein in archival lung cancer samples from 267 patients and investigated its clinicopathologic significance. A role of IMP-1 in cancer cell growth and/or survival was examined by small interfering RNA experiments. Cellular invasive activity of IMP-1 on mammalian cells was examined using Matrigel assays. mRNAs associated with IMP-1 in cancer cells were also isolated by RNA immunoprecipitation followed by cDNA microarray analysis.

Results: Positive immunostaining of IMP-1 was correlated with male (P = 0.0001), tumor size (P = 0.0003), non-adenocarcinoma histology (P < 0.0001), smoking history (P = 0.0005), non–well-differentiated tumor grade (P = 0.0001), and poor prognosis (P = 0.0053). Suppression of IMP-1 expression with small interfering RNA effectively suppressed growth of NSCLC cells. In addition, we identified that exogenous expression of IMP-1 increased the migratory activity of mammalian cells. IMP-1 was able to bind to mRNAs encoding a variety of proteins involved in signal transduction, cell cycle progression, cell adhesion and cytoskeleton, and various types of enzymatic activities.

Conclusions: These results suggest that IMP-1 expression is likely to play important roles in lung cancer development and progression, and that IMP-1 is a prognostic biomarker and a promising therapeutic target for lung cancer.

Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer death worldwide, and non–small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) accounts for nearly 80% of those cases (1). Many genetic alterations involved in development and progression of lung cancer have been reported, but the precise molecular mechanisms remain unclear (2). Over the last decade, newly developed cytotoxic agents, including paclitaxel, docetaxel, gemcitabine, and vinorelbine, have emerged to offer multiple therapeutic choices for patients with advanced NSCLC. However, those regimens provide only limited survival benefits compared with cisplatin-based therapies (3, 4). Recently, new agents targeting the epidermal growth factor receptor pathway, erlotinib (Tarceva, OSI Pharmaceuticals, Melville, NY) and gefitinib (Iressa, AstraZeneca, Wilmington, DE), were developed and were shown to be very effective for a subset of NSCLC patients. However, even if all kinds of available treatments are applied, the proportion of patients showing good response is still very limited (58). Hence, new therapeutic strategies are eagerly awaited.

Systematic analysis of expression levels of thousands of genes using cDNA microarray is an effective approach to identify molecules involved in carcinogenic pathways that can be candidates for development of novel therapeutics and diagnostics. We have been attempting to isolate potential molecular targets for diagnosis and/or treatment of lung cancer by analyzing genome-wide expression profiles of various types of lung cancer cells on a cDNA microarray containing 27,648 genes, using tumor cell populations purified by laser-capture microdissection (911). To verify the biological and clinicopathologic significance of the respective gene products, we have also been performing tumor tissue microarray analysis of clinical lung cancer specimens (1215). This systematic approach revealed that insulin-like growth factor-II (IGF-II) mRNA-binding protein 1 (IMP-1; alias CRDBP, c-myc coding region determinant binding protein) was frequently overexpressed in primary NSCLCs.

IMP-1 is a member of the zipcode-binding protein family, which are orthologous and paralogous members of the same vertebrate RNA-binding protein family, consisting of two RNA recognition motifs and four K homology domains (16). IMP-1 is expressed in most embryonic tissues. Analysis of total RNA from mouse embryos indicated a peak of IMP-1 expression at embryonic day 12.5 followed by decline toward birth and its disappearance in neonatal mice shortly after birth (17). IMP-1 was overexpressed in several human cancers and has been suggested to play various roles in determining the posttranscriptional fate of its RNA targets and to act as a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein exhibiting a distinct pattern of localization in the cytoplasm (16, 1823). The protein is distributed along with microtubules and is likely to be transported toward the leading edge in motile cells. Its nuclear export and cytoplasmic movement depend on RNA binding, implying that IMP-1 recognizes its targets in the nucleus and thereby defines their cytoplasmic fate. IMP-1 was indicated to play a significant role in polarizing genetic information by defining cytoplasmic RNA localization, a critical mechanism especially in developmental systems for the generation of subcellular asymmetries in protein abundance. H19 RNA colocalizes with IMP-1, and removal of the high-affinity attachment site led to delocalization of the truncated RNA (23), indicating that IMP-1 are involved in cytoplasmic trafficking of mRNA (22).

We here report the identification of IMP-1 as a novel prognostic marker and a potential target for therapeutic agents and also provide evidence for its possible role in human pulmonary carcinogenesis through its binding to various mRNAs that encode proteins related with cell proliferation and invasion.

Lung cancer cell lines and clinical samples. The human lung cancer lines used in this study were as follows: A427, A549, LC319, PC3, PC9, PC14, and NCI-H1373 (adenocarcinomas); NCI-H1666 and NCI-H1781 (bronchioloalveolar carcinomas); NCI-H226 and NCI-H647 (adenosquamous carcinomas); RERF-LC-AI, SK-MES-1, EBC-1, LU61, NCI-H520, NCI-H1703, and NCI-H2170 (lung squamous cell carcinomas); LX1 (lung large cell carcinoma); DMS114, DMS273, SBC-3, and SBC-5 (SCLC). All cells were grown in monolayer in appropriate medium supplemented with 10% FCS and were maintained at 37°C in atmospheres of humidified air with 5% CO2. Human small airway epithelial cells were grown in optimized medium (SAGM) purchased from Cambrex Bioscience, Inc. (Walkersville, MD). Fourteen primary NSCLCs (7 adenocarcinomas and 7 squamous cell carcinomas) were obtained along with adjacent normal lung tissue samples from patients undergoing surgery at Hokkaido University and its affiliated hospitals (Sapporo, Japan).

A total of 267 formalin-fixed primary NSCLCs (stage I-IIIA) and adjacent normal lung tissue samples used for immunostaining on tissue microarrays had been obtained with informed consent from patients undergoing curative surgical operation at Hokkaido University and its affiliated hospitals (Sapporo, Japan). Histologic classification of tumors was done according to the WHO criteria (24). All tumors were staged based on the pathologic tumor-node-metastasis classification of the International Union Against Cancer (25). Postoperative staging evaluation showed that 101 patients were at stage IA, 88 at stage IB, 8 at stage IIA, 27 at stage IIB, and 43 at stage IIIA. Histopathologic examination of resected tumors revealed that 157 cases were diagnosed as adenocarcinoma, 93 cases as squamous cell carcinomas, 13 as lung large cell carcinomas, and 4 as adenosquamous carcinomas (Table 1). This study as well as the use of all clinical materials described above were approved by individual institutional Ethical Committees.

Table 1.

Associations between IMP-1 expressions and clinicopathologic features in patients with lung cancer

VariablesNo. casesIMP-1 expression
Positive (n = 139)Negative (n = 128)
Age (y)     
    <60 84 38 46 0.1306* 
    ≥60 183 101 82  
    Male 177 107 70 0.0001* 
    Female 90 32 58  
    pT1 117 43 74 0.0003 
    pT2 123 80 43  
    pT3 27 16 11  
    pN0 205 100 105 0.1639 
    pN1 26 17  
    pN2 36 22 14  
    ADC (including BAC) 157 57 100 <0.0001* 
    SCC 93 70 23  
    LCC 13 10  
    Smoker 178 106 72 0.0005* 
    Nonsmoker 89 33 56  
Tumor grade     
    G1 79 27 52 0.0001* 
    Other 188 112 76  
VariablesNo. casesIMP-1 expression
Positive (n = 139)Negative (n = 128)
Age (y)     
    <60 84 38 46 0.1306* 
    ≥60 183 101 82  
    Male 177 107 70 0.0001* 
    Female 90 32 58  
    pT1 117 43 74 0.0003 
    pT2 123 80 43  
    pT3 27 16 11  
    pN0 205 100 105 0.1639 
    pN1 26 17  
    pN2 36 22 14  
    ADC (including BAC) 157 57 100 <0.0001* 
    SCC 93 70 23  
    LCC 13 10  
    Smoker 178 106 72 0.0005* 
    Nonsmoker 89 33 56  
Tumor grade     
    G1 79 27 52 0.0001* 
    Other 188 112 76  

Abbreviations: ADC, adenocarcinoma; BAC, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma; LCC, large-cell carcinoma; ASC, adenosquamous carcinoma.


χ2 test.

Mann-Whitney U-test.


Semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR. Total RNA was extracted from cultured cells and clinical tissues using Trizol reagent (Life Technologies, Inc., Gaithersburg, MD) according to the manufacturer's protocol. Extracted RNAs and normal human tissue polyadenylate RNAs were treated with DNase I (Nippon Gene, Tokyo, Japan) and reversely transcribed using oligo (dT) primer and SuperScript II reverse transcriptase (Invitrogen, Carlsbad, CA). Semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR experiments were carried out with the following synthesized IMP-1–specific primers or with β-actin (ACTB)–specific primers as an internal control: IMP-1, 5′-CAGAAGGGACAGAGTAACCAG-3′ and 5′-GAGATCAGGGTTCCTCACTG-3′; ACTB, 5′-GAGGTGATAGCATTGCTTTCG-3′ and 5′-CAAGTCAGTGTACAGGTAAGC-3′. PCR reactions were optimized for the number of cycles to ensure product intensity within the logarithmic phase of amplification.

Northern blot analysis. Human multiple-tissue blots (BD Biosciences Clontech, Palo Alto, CA) were hybridized with a 32P-labeled PCR product of IMP-1. The cDNA probes of IMP-1 were prepared by reverse transcription-PCR using the primers described above. Prehybridization, hybridization, and washing were done according to the supplier's recommendations. The blots were autoradiographed at room temperature for 30 h with intensifying BAS screens (Bio-Rad, Hercules, CA).

Preparation of anti-IMP-1 polyclonal antibody. Rabbit antibodies specific for IMP-1 were raised by immunizing rabbits with IMP-1 peptides (IEHSVPKKQRSRKIC and CVKQQHQKGQSNQAQARRK) and purified using standard protocols. On Western blots, we confirmed that the antibody was specific to IMP-1 but do not cross-react with other homologous proteins (IMP-2 and IMP-3) using lysates from NSCLC cell lines transfected with IMP-1, IMP-2, and IMP-3 expressing vector and those from endogenous IMP-1 expressing/non-expressing NSCLC cells.

Western blot analysis. Cells were lysed in lysis buffer [50 mmol/L Tris-HCl (pH 8.0), 150 mmol/L NaCl, 0.5% NP40, 0.5% deoxycholate-Na, 0.1% SDS, plus protease inhibitor; Protease Inhibitor Cocktail Set III; Calbiochem, Darmstadt, Germany]. We used an enhanced chemiluminescence Western blotting analysis system (GE Healthcare Biosciences, Piscataway, NJ), as previously described (1315). SDS-PAGE was done in 10% polyacrylamide gels. PAGE-separated proteins were electroblotted onto nitrocellulose membranes (GE Healthcare Biosciences) and incubated with a rabbit polyclonal anti-human IMP-1 antibody (1:1,000 dilution). A goat anti-rabbit IgG-horseradish peroxidase antibody (GE Healthcare Biosciences) served as the secondary antibodies for these experiments (1:10,000 dilution).

Tissue microarray construction and immunohistochemistry. Lung cancer tissue microarrays were constructed as published elsewhere, using formalin-fixed NSCLCs (1215). Tissue areas for sampling were selected based on visual alignment with the corresponding H&E-stained sections on slides. Three, four, or five tissue cores (diameter = 0.6 mm; height = 3-4 mm) taken from donor tumor blocks were placed into recipient paraffin blocks using a tissue microarrayer (Beecher Instruments, Sun Prairie, WI). A core of normal tissue area was punched from each case. Five-micrometer sections of the resulting microarray block were used for immunohistochemical analysis.

To investigate the IMP-1 protein level in tissue microarrays of clinical samples, we stained the sections using ENVISION+ kit/horseradish peroxidase (DakoCytomation, Glostrup, Denmark). A rabbit polyclonal anti-IMP-1 antibody (1:500 dilution) was added and incubated for 1 h at room temperature after blocking endogenous peroxidase and proteins, and the sections were incubated with horseradish peroxidase–labeled anti-rabbit IgG as the secondary antibody. Substrate-chromogen was added, and the specimens were counterstained with hematoxylin. Positivity for IMP-1 was assessed semiquantitatively by three independent investigators without prior knowledge of the clinical follow-up data, each of whom recorded staining intensity as negative (scored as 0) or positive (1+). Cases were accepted as positive only if reviewers independently defined them as such.

Statistical analysis. All analyses were done using statistical analysis software (StatView, version 5.0; SAS Institute, Inc., Cary, NC). We attempted to correlate clinicopathologic variables, such as age, gender, smoking history, pathologic tumor-node-metastasis stage, histologic type, and histopathologic grading, with the expression levels of IMP-1 protein determined by tissue microarray analysis. IMP-1 immunoreactivity was assessed for association with clinicopathologic variables using the following statistical tests, such as the Mann-Whitney U test or χ2 test. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was done to examine the clinicopathologic factor(s) that was independently associated with the IMP-1 expression (26, 27). Tumor-specific survival curves were calculated from the date of surgery to the time of death related to NSCLC, or to the last follow-up observation. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to generate survival curves, and survival differences were analyzed with the log-rank test, based on the status of IMP-1 expression. Univariate analysis was done using Cox's proportional hazard regression model.

RNA interference assay. We had previously established a vector-based RNA interference system (psiH1BX3.0) that was designed to synthesize small interfering RNAs (siRNA) in mammalian cells (1315, 28). Ten micrograms of siRNA-expression vector was transfected using 30 μL LipofectAMINE 2000 (Invitrogen) into NSCLC cell lines A549 and LC319. The transfected cells were cultured for 7 days in the presence of appropriate concentrations of Geneticin (G418), and the number of colonies was counted by colony formation assay, and viability of the cells was evaluated by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay 7 days after the treatment. In 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, Cell-counting kit-8 solution (DOJINDO, Kumamoto, Japan) was added to each dish at a concentration of one-tenth volume, and the plates were incubated at 37°C for additional 4 h. Absorbance was then measured at 490 nm, and at 630 nm as a reference, with a Microplate Reader 550 (Bio-Rad). The target sequences of the synthetic oligonucleotides for RNA interference were as follows: control 1 [enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) gene, a mutant of Aequorea victoria GFP], 5′-GAAGCAGCACGACTTCTTC-3′; control 2 (5S-16S: chloroplast Euglena gracilis gene coding for 5S and 16S rRNAs), 5′-GCGCGCTTTGTAGGATTCG-3′; siRNA-IMP-1-#1, 5′-GCCATCAGTGTGCACTCCA-3′; siRNA-IMP-1-#2, 5′-GGAGGAGAACTTCTTTGGT-3′; siRNA-IMP-1-#3, 5′-GAATCTATGGCAAACTCAA-3′. To validate our RNA interference system, individual control siRNAs were tested by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR to confirm the decrease in expression of the corresponding target genes that had been transiently transfected to COS-7 cells. Down-regulation of IMP-1 expression by functional siRNA, but not by controls, was also confirmed in the cell lines used for this assay.

Matrigel invasion assay. NIH-3T3 cells transfected either with IMP-1 constructs with NH2-terminal FLAG- or COOH-terminal hemagglutinin-tagged sequences (pCAGGS-n3FH-IMP-1), or with mock plasmids were grown to near confluence in DMEM containing 10% FCS. The cells were harvested by trypsinization, washed in DMEM without addition of serum or proteinase inhibitor, and suspended in DMEM at concentration of 1 × 105 per mL. Before preparing the cell suspension, the dried layer of Matrigel matrix (Becton Dickinson Labware, Mountain View, CA) was rehydrated with DMEM for 2 h at room temperature. DMEM (0.75 mL) containing 10% FCS was added to each lower chamber in 24-well Matrigel invasion chambers, and 0.5 mL (5 × 104 cells) of cell suspension was added to each insert of the upper chamber. The plates of inserts were incubated for 22 h at 37°C. After incubation the chambers were processed, and cells invading through the Matrigel were fixed and stained by Giemsa as recommended by the supplier (Becton Dickinson Labware).

RNA immunoprecipitation and cDNA microarray screening for identification of IMP-1–associated mRNAs. We adopted the RNA immunoprecipitation protocol by Niranjanakumari et al. to analyze RNA(s)-protein interactions involving IMP-1 in vivo (29). To determine the IMP-1 associated mRNA(s), we transfected pCAGGS-n3FH-IMP-1 vector into A549 cells. Using these cell lysates transfected with IMP-1 construct, we further did immunoprecipitation experiments twice: first with monoclonal anti-FLAG M2 and then with monoclonal anti-hemagglutinin antibody. A 2.5-μg aliquot of T7-based amplified mRNA from each immunoprecipitated RNA and from the total RNA were reversely transcribed in the presence of Cy5-dCTP and Cy3-dCTP, respectively, as described previously (911), for hybridization to a cDNA microarray representing 27,648 genes (IP-microarray analysis).

Expression of IMP-1 transcripts in lung tumors and normal tissues. To identify target molecules for development of novel therapeutic agents and/or biomarkers for lung cancer, we first screened a cDNA microarray for genes that showed ≥3-fold expression in >50% of NSCLCs analyzed (9, 10). Among 27,648 genes screened, we identified the IMP-1 transcript to show >3-fold expression in 68.8% of NSCLCs compared with normal lung tissue (control). We confirmed its overexpression by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR experiments in 6 of 14 additional NSCLC cases (2 of 7 adenocarcinomas and 4 of 7 squamous cell carcinomas; Fig. 1A) as well as in 16 of 23 NSCLC and SCLC cell lines. However, its expression was hardly detectable in small airway epithelial cells derived from normal bronchial epithelium (Fig. 1B).

Fig. 1.

Expression of IMP-1 in lung tumors and normal tissues. A, expression of IMP-1 in clinical samples of NSCLC (T) and corresponding normal lung tissues (N), examined by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR. Expression of ACTB served as a quantity control. B, expression of IMP-1 transcripts in lung cancer cell lines, as revealed by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR. C, specificity of anti-IMP-1 antibody displaying reaction with only IMP-1 protein, but no cross-reaction with other homologous proteins (IMP-2 and IMP-3) using lysates from NCI-H520 cells transfected with IMP-1, IMP-2, and IMP-3 expressing vector (left). Expression of IMP-1 protein in lung cancer cell lines by Western blot analysis (right). Expression of ACTB was as a quantity control. D, expression of IMP-1 in normal human tissues, detected by Northern blot analysis.

Fig. 1.

Expression of IMP-1 in lung tumors and normal tissues. A, expression of IMP-1 in clinical samples of NSCLC (T) and corresponding normal lung tissues (N), examined by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR. Expression of ACTB served as a quantity control. B, expression of IMP-1 transcripts in lung cancer cell lines, as revealed by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR. C, specificity of anti-IMP-1 antibody displaying reaction with only IMP-1 protein, but no cross-reaction with other homologous proteins (IMP-2 and IMP-3) using lysates from NCI-H520 cells transfected with IMP-1, IMP-2, and IMP-3 expressing vector (left). Expression of IMP-1 protein in lung cancer cell lines by Western blot analysis (right). Expression of ACTB was as a quantity control. D, expression of IMP-1 in normal human tissues, detected by Northern blot analysis.

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We subsequently generated rabbit polyclonal antibody against human IMP-1 and confirmed its specificity to IMP-1 by Western blot analysis that showed no cross-reactivity to other homologous proteins (IMP-2 and IMP-3) using lysate from NCI-H520 cells that had been transfected with hemagglutinin-tagged IMP-1, IMP-2, or IMP-3 expression vector (Fig. 1C, left). Using this antibody, we confirmed expression of endogenous IMP-1 protein in six lung cancer cell lines by Western blot analysis (three IMP-1–positive and three IMP-1–negative cell lines; Fig. 1C, right). Northern blot analysis using IMP-1 cDNA as a probe identified strong signals corresponding to 4.5-kb transcript that expressed specifically in placenta and testis (Fig. 1D).

Association of IMP-1 expression with poor prognosis of NSCLC patients. To verify the clinicopathologic significance of IMP-1, we additionally examined the expression of IMP-1 protein by means of tissue microarrays containing lung cancer tissues from 267 patients. Positive tumor cells generally showed a cytoplasmic staining pattern in NSCLC, and no staining was observed in any of their adjacent normal lung tissues (Fig. 2A). We classified patterns of IMP-1 expression as negative (scored as 0) or positive (scored as 1+; Fig. 2A). We found positive staining in 139 (52.1%) of 267 NSCLC cases; 57 of 157 adenocarcinoma tumors (36.3%), 70 of 93 squamous cell carcinoma tumors (75.3%), 10 of 13 lung large cell carcinoma tumors (76.9%), and 2 of 4 adenosquamous carcinoma tumors (50.0%) were judged to be positive (Table 1). We then examined a correlation of IMP-1 expression with various clinicopathologic variables and found its significant correlation with gender (higher in male, P = 0.0001), pT classification (higher in larger tumor, P = 0.0003), histopathologic type (higher in non-adenocarcinoma, P < 0.0001), smoking history (higher in smoker, P = 0.0005), and histopathologic grade (higher in non–well-differentiated tumor, P = 0.0001; Table 1). Multivariate logistic regression analysis for these five significant clinicopathologic variables determined that larger tumor size (pT2-T3), non-adenocarcinoma histology, and non–well-differentiated histopathologic grade were independent features associated with IMP-1 overexpression (P = 0.0104, 0.0001, and 0.0019, respectively; Supplementary Table S1).

Fig. 2.

Association of IMP-1 overexpression with poor prognosis of NSCLC patients. A, representative example of positive or negative expression of IMP-1 in lung cancer (squamous cell carcinomas; ×100 and ×400) and normal lung (×100). Detection of IMP-1 protein by immunohistochemistry using the rabbit polyclonal anti-IMP-1 antibody. Counterstaining with hematoxylin. B, Kaplan-Meier analysis of tumor specific survival in NSCLC patients according to IMP-1 expression level.

Fig. 2.

Association of IMP-1 overexpression with poor prognosis of NSCLC patients. A, representative example of positive or negative expression of IMP-1 in lung cancer (squamous cell carcinomas; ×100 and ×400) and normal lung (×100). Detection of IMP-1 protein by immunohistochemistry using the rabbit polyclonal anti-IMP-1 antibody. Counterstaining with hematoxylin. B, Kaplan-Meier analysis of tumor specific survival in NSCLC patients according to IMP-1 expression level.

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The Kaplan-Meier analysis indicated a significant association between IMP-1 positivity in NSCLCs and tumor-specific 5-year survival (P = 0.0053 by the log-rank test; Fig. 2B). By univariate analysis using the Cox proportional hazard model, gender (male versus female), pT (T2-T4 versus T1), pN (N1-N2 versus N0), histologic type (non-adenocarcinoma versus adenocarcinoma), smoking history (smoker versus nonsmoker), and IMP-1 expression (positive versus negative) were all significantly related to poor tumor-specific survival among NSCLC patients (P = 0.0286, <0.0001, <0.0001, 0.0003, 0.0220, and 0.0064, respectively; Table 2).

Table 2.

Prognostic factors in Cox proportional hazards model

VariablesRisk ratio (univariate 95% confidence interval)P
Age (y)   
    ≥60/<60 1.686 (0.963-2.954) 0.0677 
    Male/female 1.848 (1.066-3.205) 0.0286* 
    pT2-T4/pT1 3.145 (1.789-5.525) <0.0001* 
    pN1-N2/pN0 4.310 (2.660-6.993) <0.0001* 
Histologic type   
    Non-ADC/ADC 2.463 (1.508-4.016) 0.0003* 
Histopathologic grade   
    Other/G1 1.072 (0.645-1.783) 0.7879 
    Smoker/nonsmoker 1.883 (1.095-3.236) 0.0220* 
IMP-1 expression   
    Positive/negative 2.045 (1.224-3.425) 0.0064* 
VariablesRisk ratio (univariate 95% confidence interval)P
Age (y)   
    ≥60/<60 1.686 (0.963-2.954) 0.0677 
    Male/female 1.848 (1.066-3.205) 0.0286* 
    pT2-T4/pT1 3.145 (1.789-5.525) <0.0001* 
    pN1-N2/pN0 4.310 (2.660-6.993) <0.0001* 
Histologic type   
    Non-ADC/ADC 2.463 (1.508-4.016) 0.0003* 
Histopathologic grade   
    Other/G1 1.072 (0.645-1.783) 0.7879 
    Smoker/nonsmoker 1.883 (1.095-3.236) 0.0220* 
IMP-1 expression   
    Positive/negative 2.045 (1.224-3.425) 0.0064* 

Abbreviation: ADC, adenocarcinoma.



Growth inhibition of NSCLC cells by specific siRNA against IMP-1. To assess whether IMP-1 is essential for growth or survival of lung-cancer cells, we constructed plasmids to express siRNAs against IMP-1 (si-IMP-#1, si-IMP-#2, and si-IMP-#3) and control plasmids (siRNAs for EGFP and 5S-16S) and transfected them into lung cancer cell lines A549 and LC319. The mRNA levels in cells transfected with si-IMP-1-#2 or si-IMP-1-#3 were significantly decreased in comparison with cells transfected with either control siRNAs or si-IMP-1-#1. We observed significant decreases in the number of colonies and in the numbers of viable cells measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay, suggesting that up-regulation of IMP-1 is related to growth or survival of cancer cells (representative data of A549 were shown in Fig. 3A and B).

Fig. 3.

Inhibition of growth of NSCLC cells by siRNA against IMP-1 and activation of cellular motility/invasion by IMP-1. A, response of A549 cells to si-IMP-1 or control siRNAs (si-EGFP or si-5S-16S). Top, level of IMP-1 expression detected by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR in cells treated with either control or si-IMP-1s. Bottom, colony formation assays using A549 cells transfected with siRNA to IMP-1 (#1-#3). B, effect of siRNA against IMP-1 on cell viability, detected by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. C, assays showing the invasive nature of NIH-3T3 cells in Matrigel matrix after transfection with plasmids designed to express human IMP-1. Left (top), transient expression of IMP-1 in NIH-3T3 cells, detected by Western blot analysis. Bottom, Giemsa staining (×200) and (right) the number of cells migrating through the Matrigel-coated filters. Assays were done thrice, each in triplicate wells.

Fig. 3.

Inhibition of growth of NSCLC cells by siRNA against IMP-1 and activation of cellular motility/invasion by IMP-1. A, response of A549 cells to si-IMP-1 or control siRNAs (si-EGFP or si-5S-16S). Top, level of IMP-1 expression detected by semiquantitative reverse transcription-PCR in cells treated with either control or si-IMP-1s. Bottom, colony formation assays using A549 cells transfected with siRNA to IMP-1 (#1-#3). B, effect of siRNA against IMP-1 on cell viability, detected by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assays. C, assays showing the invasive nature of NIH-3T3 cells in Matrigel matrix after transfection with plasmids designed to express human IMP-1. Left (top), transient expression of IMP-1 in NIH-3T3 cells, detected by Western blot analysis. Bottom, Giemsa staining (×200) and (right) the number of cells migrating through the Matrigel-coated filters. Assays were done thrice, each in triplicate wells.

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Activation of cellular migration by IMP-1. As the immunohistochemical analysis on tissue microarray had indicated that NSCLC patients with IMP-1–positive tumors showed shorter cancer-specific survival periods than those with IMP-1–negative tumors, we examined a possible role of IMP-1 in cell migration and invasion using Matrigel assays, using NIH-3T3 cells. As shown in Fig. 3C, transfection of IMP-1 cDNA into NIH-3T3 cells significantly enhanced its invasive ability through Matrigel, compared with those transfected with mock vector.

Isolation of mRNAs associated with IMP-1 using RNA immunoprecipitation and cDNA microarray. IMP-1 protein is known to exhibit attachments to at least four RNAs (30). IMP-1 binds specifically to (a) one of the two cis-acting, c-myc mRNA instability elements (31); (b) the 5′-untranslated region of the leader-3 IGF-II mRNA, which represents the major embryonic form of this message (17); (c) the H19 RNA, a gene product exhibiting an oncofetal pattern of expression (23); and (d) the neuron-specific tau mRNA that encodes a microtubule-associated protein localized primarily in the cell body and axon of developing neurons (32). However, expression pattern of these mRNAs in lung cancers we examined were not necessarily concordant with that of IMP-1 (data not shown). Therefore, to elucidate the function of IMP-1 in pulmonary carcinogenesis, we searched for another candidate mRNA(s) that would interact with IMP-1 and might thereby play important roles in growth and/or progression of lung cancer using RNA immunoprecipitation and cDNA microarray (IP-microarray). First, we co-hybridized Cy5-labeled mRNAs that were immunoprecipitated with IMP-1 (IP-mRNA) and Cy3-labeled total RNAs isolated from A549 cells on cDNA microarrays. Then, to identify the up-regulated genes in A549 cells compared with normal lung tissues, we co-hybridized with Cy5-labeled total RNAs isolated from A549 cells and Cy3-labeled polyadenylate RNAs derived from normal lung (Clontech). Among 27,648 genes screened, we identified a total of 22 transcripts that were both enriched in IMP-1-IP-mRNA(s) (>2-fold intensity) and overexpressed (>2-fold intensity) in A549 cell line compared with normal lung (Table 3). The 22 genes represented a variety of functions, including genes involved in signal transduction (SMAD3 and RAN), cell adhesion and cytoskeleton (AMIGO2 and LASP1), ubiquitination (UBE2S and RNF20), and some phosphatases (PTP4A1 and SYNJ2; refs. 3339). Several of them have been indicated to have important roles in carcinogenesis (e.g., involvement of AMIGO2 LASP1, SYNJ2, and PTP4A1 in cell invasion and migration; refs. 34, 35, 38, 39).

Table 3.

List of 22 candidate mRNAs associated with the IMP-1 identified using RNA immunoprecipitation and cDNA microarray

Rank*AccessionHs.IDGene nameTitleRatio of IP-mRNA by IMP-1/total RNA in A549Relative gene expression (A549/lung)
U68019 549051 SMAD3 SMAD, mothers against DPP homologue 3 (Drosophila720.08 2.66 
CA427461 10842 RAN RAN, member RAS oncogene family 81.86 3.21 
NM_004939 440599 DDX1 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 1 34.19 2.66 
NM_004209 435277 SYNGR3 Synaptogyrin 3 12.32 12.93 
BM683457 73962 EPHA7 EPH receptor A7 10.04 2.77 
U05569 184085 CRYAA Crystallin, alpha A 9.77 2.17 
BC050284 11747 YTHDF1 YTH domain family, member 1 7.99 2.20 
M91670 396393 UBE2S Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2S 6.78 6.42 
AY454159 121520 AMIGO2 Adhesion molecule with immunoglobulin-like domain 2 5.65 18.09 
10 AA112466 554875 PDF Peptide deformylase-like protein 4.18 3.93 
11 AI076810 133977 MGC27277 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 67 3.43 136.99 
12 AI242497 151675 C20orf142 Chromosome 20 open reading frame 142 3.21 3.79 
13 NM_032438 486466 L3MBTL3 L(3)mbt-like 3 (Drosophila) 3.19 3.12 
14 D86960 497674 LPGAT1 Lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1 3.14 7.84 
15 NM_003463 227777 PTP4A1 Protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 1 3.00 2.02 
16 BC007560 334851 LASP1 LIM and SH3 protein 1 2.66 2.86 
17 NM_024052 187422 C17orf39 Chromosome 17 open reading frame 39 2.57 2.77 
18 AA191573 434494 SYNJ2 Synaptojanin 2 2.56 4.33 
19 X04217 82609 HMBS Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 2.48 2.15 
20 NM_007007 369606 CPSF6 Cleavage and polyadenylation-specific factor 6, 68kDa 2.24 3.02 
21 U97188 432616 IMP-3 IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3 2.09 34.00 
22 NM_019592 168095 RNF20 Ring finger protein 20 2.01 2.52 
Rank*AccessionHs.IDGene nameTitleRatio of IP-mRNA by IMP-1/total RNA in A549Relative gene expression (A549/lung)
U68019 549051 SMAD3 SMAD, mothers against DPP homologue 3 (Drosophila720.08 2.66 
CA427461 10842 RAN RAN, member RAS oncogene family 81.86 3.21 
NM_004939 440599 DDX1 DEAD (Asp-Glu-Ala-Asp) box polypeptide 1 34.19 2.66 
NM_004209 435277 SYNGR3 Synaptogyrin 3 12.32 12.93 
BM683457 73962 EPHA7 EPH receptor A7 10.04 2.77 
U05569 184085 CRYAA Crystallin, alpha A 9.77 2.17 
BC050284 11747 YTHDF1 YTH domain family, member 1 7.99 2.20 
M91670 396393 UBE2S Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2S 6.78 6.42 
AY454159 121520 AMIGO2 Adhesion molecule with immunoglobulin-like domain 2 5.65 18.09 
10 AA112466 554875 PDF Peptide deformylase-like protein 4.18 3.93 
11 AI076810 133977 MGC27277 Chromosome 1 open reading frame 67 3.43 136.99 
12 AI242497 151675 C20orf142 Chromosome 20 open reading frame 142 3.21 3.79 
13 NM_032438 486466 L3MBTL3 L(3)mbt-like 3 (Drosophila) 3.19 3.12 
14 D86960 497674 LPGAT1 Lysophosphatidylglycerol acyltransferase 1 3.14 7.84 
15 NM_003463 227777 PTP4A1 Protein tyrosine phosphatase type IVA, member 1 3.00 2.02 
16 BC007560 334851 LASP1 LIM and SH3 protein 1 2.66 2.86 
17 NM_024052 187422 C17orf39 Chromosome 17 open reading frame 39 2.57 2.77 
18 AA191573 434494 SYNJ2 Synaptojanin 2 2.56 4.33 
19 X04217 82609 HMBS Hydroxymethylbilane synthase 2.48 2.15 
20 NM_007007 369606 CPSF6 Cleavage and polyadenylation-specific factor 6, 68kDa 2.24 3.02 
21 U97188 432616 IMP-3 IGF-II mRNA-binding protein 3 2.09 34.00 
22 NM_019592 168095 RNF20 Ring finger protein 20 2.01 2.52 

Probe sets are ranked by the ratio (IMP-1 IP-mRNAs/total RNAs in A549 cells).

Ratios [mRNAs that were immunoprecipitated from A549 lysates with IMP-1 (IP-mRNA)/total RNAs isolated from A549 cells].

Ratios (gene expression levels in A549 cells compared with normal lung tissues).

ACTB mRNA is transported to the leading lamellae of chicken embryo fibroblasts and to the growth cones of developing neurons (40, 41). The localization of ACTB mRNA depends on the “zipcode,” a cis-acting element in the 3′ untranslated region of the mRNA (42). The respective trans-acting factor, zipcode-binding protein 1, was identified by affinity purification with the zipcode of ACTB mRNA, and it seems to shuttle this RNA to the leading edge of migrating cells (43). Homologues of zipcode-binding protein 1 have since been identified in a wide range of organisms, including frog, fly, mouse, and human (4446). Zipcode-binding protein 1–like proteins contain two RNA recognition motifs in the NH2-terminal region and four ribonucleoprotein K homology domains at the COOH-terminal end. IMP-1, one of the IGF2 mRNA-binding proteins, is considered a member of the zipcode-binding protein 1 family. It exhibits multiple attachments to IGF2 leader-3 mRNA and is overexpressed in several human cancers (1821). In this study, we confirmed by siRNA and cell invasion experiments that IMP-1 could play a significant role in the tumor cell growth/survival and tumor progression. Furthermore, we undertook RNA immunoprecipitation experiments coupled with cDNA microarrays (IP-microarray) and identified dozens of candidate mRNAs that were likely to be associated with IMP-1 in NSCLC cells (see Table 3). The list included many genes encoding proteins functioning in signal transduction, cell adhesion and cytoskeleton, and those having various types of enzymatic activities. For example, RAN (ras-related nuclear protein) is a small GTP-binding protein belonging to the RAS superfamily that is essential for the translocation of RNA and proteins through the nuclear pore complex (47). Ran system is deregulated in certain cellular contexts: this may represent a favoring condition for the onset and propagation of mitotic errors that can predispose cells to become genetically unstable and facilitate neoplastic growth (48).

Intracellular mRNA transport by RNA-binding proteins has been reported in oocytes and developing embryos of fly and frog and in somatic cells, such as fibroblasts and neurons (49, 50). IMP-1, which is expressed only in cancers and limited normal tissues, such as placenta, testis, and fetal tissues, may be required for the transport of certain mRNAs that play essential roles in embryogenesis and carcinogenesis. Interestingly, induction of exogenous IMP-1 expression into A549 cells did not change the levels of proteins encoded by the IMP-1–associated mRNAs (we used antibodies to EPHA7 and IMP-3 listed in Table 3 for Western blotting; data not shown), indicating that the IMP-1 binding to the various mRNAs is unlikely to affect their protein levels. Therefore, it is rather speculated that proliferating germ cells or cancer cells may actively distribute indispensable mRNAs in cells through the transporting system involved in the IMP-1 protein-mRNA complex. The evidence that IMP-1 associates with various mRNAs encoding proteins involved in cell cycle progression, cell invasion and migration, and various types of enzymatic activities supports that hypothesis. In fact, IMP-1 positivity was correlated with tumor extension factor (pT classification) by clinicopathologic investigation using tissue microarray. Further investigations of IMP-1–associated mRNAs could lead to a better understanding of the development of NSCLCs.

We also showed that IMP-1 is expressed significantly higher in lung cancer cells than normal lung cells. Copy number gains at the IMP-1 loci (17q21) were observed in 18.3% of primary breast cancers (19). To elucidate the mechanism of IMP-1 overexpression, we examined gene amplification of IMP-1 by semiquantitative genomic PCR analysis of a couple of lung cancer materials, but we found no amplification of the IMP-1 loci in these cases (data not shown), implying that IMP-1 overexpression should be not regulated by genetic alterations but by epigenetic mechanisms. We also found that IMP-1 might play an important role in the development/progression of lung cancers. In particular, our results showed that IMP-1 overexpression is associated with lung cancer progression, resulting in a poor prognosis for patients with lung cancer. Concordantly, induction of exogenous expression of IMP-1 enhanced the cellular migration/invasive activity of mammalian cells. IMP-1 overexpression in resected specimens may be a useful index for application of adjuvant therapy to the patients who are likely to have poor prognosis. Furthermore, our data indicated that up-regulation of IMP-1 is related to growth or survival of cancer cells. Although the molecular mechanisms underlying increased IMP-1 expression levels in many cancer cells have not been elucidated, IMP-1 may represent a promising molecular target for human cancer treatment.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

Note: Supplementary data for this article are available at Clinical Cancer Research Online (http://clincancerres.aacrjournals.org/).

T. Kato and S. Hayama contributed equally to this work.

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