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CEBP Report

Research Articles

Author Choice
Juhi Ojha; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Veryan Codd; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Christopher P. Nelson; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Nilesh J. Samani; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Ivan V. Smirnov; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Nils R. Madsen; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Helen M. Hansen; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Adam J. de Smith; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Paige M. Bracci; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; John K. Wiencke; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Margaret R. Wrensch; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Joseph L. Wiemels; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group; Kyle M. Walsh; on behalf of the ENGAGE Consortium Telomere Group
Dorothy A. Machalek; on behalf of the SPANC study team; I. Mary Poynten; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Fengyi Jin; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Richard J. Hillman; on behalf of the SPANC study team; David J. Templeton; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Carmella Law; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Jennifer M. Roberts; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Sepehr N. Tabrizi; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Suzanne M. Garland; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Annabelle Farnsworth; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Christopher K. Fairley; on behalf of the SPANC study team; Andrew E. Grulich; on behalf of the SPANC study team
Alexandra Masson-Lecomte; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Evangelina López de Maturana; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Michael E. Goddard; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Antoni Picornell; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Marta Rava; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Anna González-Neira; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Mirari Márquez; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Alfredo Carrato; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Adonina Tardon; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Josep Lloreta; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Montserrat Garcia-Closas; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Debra Silverman; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Nathaniel Rothman; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Manolis Kogevinas; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Yves Allory; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Stephen J. Chanock; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Francisco X. Real; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators; Núria Malats; on behalf of the SBC/EPICURO Study Investigators

Short Communication


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