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1 January 2011
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ISSN 1055-9965
EISSN 1538-7755
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Research Articles
Validation of Genome-Wide Prostate Cancer Associations in Men of African Descent
Bao-Li Chang; Elaine Spangler; Stephen Gallagher; Christopher A. Haiman; Brian Henderson; William Isaacs; Marnita L. Benford; LaCreis R. Kidd; Kathleen Cooney; Sara Strom; Sue Ann Ingles; Mariana C. Stern; Roman Corral; Amit D. Joshi; Jianfeng Xu; Veda N. Giri; Benjamin Rybicki; Christine Neslund-Dudas; Adam S. Kibel; Ian M. Thompson; Robin J. Leach; Elaine A. Ostrander; Janet L. Stanford; John Witte; Graham Casey; Rosalind Eeles; Ann W. Hsing; Stephen Chanock; Jennifer J. Hu; Esther M. John; Jong Park; Klara Stefflova; Charnita Zeigler-Johnson; Timothy R. Rebbeck
Race-Specific Impact of Natural History, Mammography Screening, and Adjuvant Treatment on Breast Cancer Mortality Rates in the United States
Nicolien T. van Ravesteyn; Clyde B. Schechter; Aimee M. Near; Eveline A.M. Heijnsdijk; Michael A. Stoto; Gerrit Draisma; Harry J. de Koning; Jeanne S. Mandelblatt
Epigenetic Deregulation Across Chromosome 2q14.2 Differentiates Normal from Prostate Cancer and Provides a Regional Panel of Novel DNA Methylation Cancer Biomarkers
James Devaney; Clare Stirzaker; Wenjia Qu; Jenny Z. Song; Aaron L. Statham; Kate I. Patterson; Lisa G. Horvath; Bruce Tabor; Marcel W. Coolen; Toby Hulf; James G. Kench; Susan M. Henshall; Ruth Pe Benito; Anne-Maree Haynes; Regina Mayor; Miguel A. Peinado; Robert L. Sutherland; Susan J. Clark
Reduced Plasma Level of CXC Chemokine Ligand 7 in Patients with Pancreatic Cancer
Junichi Matsubara; Kazufumi Honda; Masaya Ono; Yoshinori Tanaka; Michimoto Kobayashi; Giman Jung; Koji Yanagisawa; Tomohiro Sakuma; Shoji Nakamori; Naohiro Sata; Hideo Nagai; Tatsuya Ioka; Takuji Okusaka; Tomoo Kosuge; Akihiko Tsuchida; Masashi Shimahara; Yohichi Yasunami; Tsutomu Chiba; Setsuo Hirohashi; Tesshi Yamada
Infection with Hepatitis B and C Viruses and Risk of Lymphoid Malignancies in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC)
Silvia Franceschi; Mauro Lise; Christian Trépo; Pascale Berthillon; Shu-Chun Chuang; Alexandra Nieters; Ruth C. Travis; Roel Vermeulen; Kim Overvad; Anne Tjønneland; Anja Olsen; Manuela M. Bergmann; Heiner Boeing; Rudolf Kaaks; Nikolaus Becker; Antonia Trichopoulou; Pagona Lagiou; Christina Bamia; Domenico Palli; Sabina Sieri; Salvatore Panico; Rosario Tumino; Carlotta Sacerdote; Bas Bueno-de-Mesquita; Petra H.M. Peeters; Laudina Rodríguez; Leila Luján Barroso; Miren Dorronsoro; María-José Sánchez; Carmen Navarro; Aurelio Barricarte; Sara Regnér; Signe Borgquist; Beatrice Melin; Göran Hallmans; Kay-Tee Khaw; Nick Wareham; Sabina Rinaldi; Pierre Hainaut; Elio Riboli; Paolo Vineis
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