Interindividual differences in lung cancer susceptibility may be mediated in part through polymorphic variability in the bioactivation of procarcinogens. GSTM1 status has been extensively studied in this context as a lung cancer risk factor, although published studies have produced conflicting results. To clarify the impact of GSTM1 status on lung cancer risk a meta-analysis of 23 case-control studies from the literature has been carried out using a random effects model. The principal outcome measure was the odds ratio for the risk of lung cancer. There was heterogeneity between the studies attributable to differences in the methods of assigning GSTM1 status. Pooling the studies that were based on phenotyping methods, the overall odds ratio of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency was 2.12 (95% confidence interval, 1.43–3.13). The risk of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency derived from the studies based on genotyping methods was, however, lower. The overall odds ratio was 1.13 (95% confidence interval, 1.04–1.25). These findings suggest that the estimates of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency in the early studies, based on phenotyping, were overinflated. Moreover, it is conceivable, given publication bias, that GSTM1 status has no effect on the risk of lung cancer per se. A major concern in case-control studies of polymorphisms and cancer risk is bias. A review of the 23 case-control studies indicates that greater attention should, therefore, be paid to the design of future studies.

Lung cancer accounts for 19% of all cancers and 29% of all cancer deaths. It is the commonest cause of cancer death in men, and is second only to breast cancer in women (1, 2). It is frequently cited as an example of a malignancy solely attributable to environmental exposure to carcinogens. Undoubtedly tobacco smoking is the most important etiological factor in the development of this cancer, and the risk is at least 10 times higher in long-term smokers compared with nonsmokers (3). However, there is a growing realization that the development of most cancers results from a complex interaction of both environmental and genetic factors. Epidemiological studies have shown that relatives of lung cancer cases are at a 2-fold elevated risk of developing the disease (4). It is possible that part of the susceptibility to lung cancer may be determined by the interindividual difference in the bioactivation of procarcinogens and detoxification of carcinogens.

GSTM12 has been of considerable interest as a lung cancer susceptibility gene. The biochemical basis for a possible association is that GSTM1 is one of a family of glutathione S-transferases capable of detoxifying reactive electrophiles that can act as mutagens. Hence, GSTM1 may be involved in the inactivation of this class of procarcinogens. The GSTM1 gene is polymorphic, and at least four alleles exist (5). The GSTM1*0 allele represents a deletion, and individuals homozygous for this null allele are less efficient at conjugating and detoxifying specific substrate intermediates of carcinogens (5).

Seidegard et al.(6) first reported an association between GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer. Since the publication of this report in 1985, over 20 studies have appeared in the literature confirming or refuting an association between GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer risk (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26). One of the major problems of the published studies is that most of them have been based on only small numbers. To clarify the effect of GSTM1 status on the risk of lung cancer a meta-analysis of all of the studies published between 1985 and 1998 on the possible association between GSTM1 status and lung cancer risk has been undertaken.

Identification of Studies.

A search of the literature was made using two electronic databases, MEDLINE and BIDS EMBASE for the years 1985–1998 to identify articles in which the GSTM1 status was determined in lung cancer patients and controls. Additional articles were ascertained through references cited in these publications. Articles included for analyses were primary references and of case-control design. In all of the studies GSTM1 status was determined by either enzymatic assay with trans-stilbene oxide as substrate, by immunological techniques, or by analysis of the gene through Southern blotting or PCR.

Statistical Analysis.

The odds ratio of lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency was estimated for each study. These odds ratios and their corresponding 95% CIs were plotted against the number of participants in each of the studies to detect any obvious sample size bias. To take into account the possibility of heterogeneity between studies, a random effects model was used for the derivation of odds ratios (27). This model assumes that the studies in question are a random sample of a hypothetical population of studies taking into account within- and between-study variability. Statistical manipulations were undertaken using the program Meta-analyst.3 The power of each study was computed as the probability of detecting an association between GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer at the 0.05 level of significance, assuming a genotypic risk of 1.5 and 2.0. These estimates of power were performed on the basis of the method published by Fleiss et al.(28), using the statistical program POWER (Epicenter Software, Version 1.30).

Twenty reports detailing 23 case-control studies of the possible association between GSTM1 status and lung cancer risk that were suitable for analysis were identified from the literature (Refs. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26; Table 1). Reasons for excluding reports from the analysis were: (a) the same data were available in more than one study; (b) no control group of individuals had been ascertained; or (c) only family members had been studied (29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34).

Of the 23 case-control studies, the ethnicity of cases and controls was detailed in 19 of the studies (Table 1). In 14 of the 23 studies the controls were age-matched individuals from the general population. Smoking histories had been ascertained from cases and controls in a number of studies (Table 1). In these studies, the relationship between GSTM1 status and lung cancer risk were analyzed in a stratified manner or by logistic regression, taking into account other covariates (such as polymorphic variation in other metabolic enzymes; detailed in Table 1), however, this was not universal. In a number of the studies, there were no data on the ages of cases or controls, their source, or their ethnicity. In three of the studies, the prevalence of GSTM1 deficiency had been determined in two control groups, one a cohort of the general population and the other a sample of patients with a plethora of noncancerous disorders (Table 1).

Of the reports selected for meta-analysis, 4 determined GSTM1 status by phenotyping, and in the remaining 18, GSTM1 status was based on genotypes (Table 1). In two studies GSTM1 status had been determined by both methods but only the genotyping or phenotyping data were used in the meta-analysis to avoid counting results from these two studies twice. In the study reported by Nazar-Stewart et al.(12), GSTM1 phenotypes of cases and controls were used because genotypes had been determined only on a subset of cases and controls that had been phenotyped. Because both genotypes and phenotypes were available on all of the cases and controls reported by Brockmuller et al.(13), only the genotypes were used in the analysis.

Table 1 shows the power of individual studies to demonstrate an association between GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer risk if the true risk was 1.5 or 2. A statistical power greater than 80% was attained by 11 of the 23 studies if the genotypic risk was equal to or greater than 2.0 (α = 0.05, two tails). However, if the genotypic risk was 1.5, only 2 of 23 of the studies had power greater than 80% to demonstrate an association.

Fig. 1 shows a plot of odds ratios (95% confidence limits) for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency in the 23 case-control studies. The median odds ratio value was greater than unity in 17 of the studies but was only statistically significant (P < 0.05) in four. A plot of GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer risk showed a trend toward a less significant association between GSTM1 status in the larger of the studies (Fig. 1). An impression of heterogeneity between the studies was confirmed by formal statistical analysis (χ2 = 37.9; 22 df; P < 0.02). This heterogeneity could be attributed to the differences between studies in the methods of determining GSTM1 status. Stratifying the studies by methodology showed no evidence for heterogeneity between the three studies using phenotyping methods (χ2 = 4.01; 3 df; P > 0.2) or those based on genotypes (χ2 = 21.08; 18 df; P > 0.2). When the studies were pooled that were based on phenotyping methods, the overall odds ratio of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency was 2.54 (95% CI, 1.74–3.72; Fig. 2). The risk of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency derived from the studies based on genotyping methods was, however, lower (Fig. 3). The overall odds ratio associated with GSTM1 deficiency determined from genotyping was 1.13 (95% CI, 1.03–1.25).

These analyses are based on pooling data from studies based on a number of ethnic groups. Restricting the analyses to the studies of Caucasian subjects, the major ethnic group, the odds ratio of lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency defined by genotype is 1.08 (95% CI, 0.97–1.22). In the Asian populations, the odds ratio of lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency was 1.38 (95% CI, 1.12–1.69). There was no evidence of significant heterogeneity in either of these subgroups. All of the studies examining the relationship between GSTM1 phenotypes and lung cancer risk were based on the analysis of Caucasian cohorts.

It is conceivable that GSTM1 deficiency may be associated with a specific form of lung cancer. Of 23 studies that have examined a relationship between GSTM1 status and lung cancer risk, 13 contain information on histology in a form suitable for a pooled analysis (6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 13, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25). Of these 13, 10 determined GSTM1 status by genotyping in a form that permits a pooled analysis to be undertaken (8, 10, 11, 14, 16, 17, 22, 23, 24, 25). By pooling these studies, GSTM1 deficiency was associated with an odds ratio of 1.40 for small cell carcinoma (95% CI, 1.01–1.95), 1.26 for adenocarcinoma (95% CI, 0.97–1.64), and 1.31 for squamous carcinoma (95% CI, 1.02–1.68). Tests for heterogeneity in each of these histological subgroups analyzed showed no evidence for heterogeneity except in the squamous carcinoma group (P < 0.05).

Most of the cancer susceptibility genes identified to date are rare and highly penetrant. They may cause a substantial proportion of cancers at young ages but are unlikely to make a contribution to a high percentage of all cancers. However, less penetrant genes could well do so, and there is increasing evidence for participation of this class of genes in a number of cancers (4). Given that exposure to carcinogens is a major risk factor for lung cancer, the hypothesis that the modulation of carcinogen metabolism is under genetic control is a plausible mechanism for explaining interindividual susceptibility.

Since Seidegard et al.(6) first drew attention to a possible relationship between GSTM1 deficiency and lung cancer risk, 20 reports have been published examining this hypothesis (7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26). All but two of these studies failed to demonstrate such a strong association between GSTM1 status and lung cancer (7, 12). It is not uncommon for the first published studies to report over-inflated estimates of risk or effects that subsequent studies cannot replicate. Furthermore, it is possible for negative findings to go unreported, which leads to biased conclusions.

The frequency of GSTM1 deficiency is approximately 50% in most Caucasian populations. If deficiency is associated with a 1.5-fold increase in lung cancer risk, most of the published studies have very limited power to demonstrate such a moderate effect. McWilliams et al. in 1995 (35) pooled 11 of the then available case-control studies and concluded that GSTM1 deficiency conferred a 1.4-fold increase in the risk of lung cancer (95% CI, 1.2–1.6). This overview included the studies based on phenotyping as an analytical method to establish GSTM1 status. Although studies have shown that GSTM1 phenotypes and genotypes are highly correlated, the concordance between results is not absolute (coefficient of association, φ = 0.85–0.97; Refs. 12, 13). Misclassification of GSTM1 status on the basis of phenotypes is, therefore, a distinct possibility in some studies. This, coupled with the small sample sizes of many of the early reports makes the results of such studies capricious. Although it is conceivable that a rare variant of GSTM1 may not be detected using PCR-based methods, genotypes are very unlikely to be prone to as many misclassifications as phenotyping methods.

Since the overview by McWilliams et al. in 1995 (35), a large number of studies have reported on the possible association between GSTM1 status and lung cancer risk. All of these have assigned GSTM1 status on the basis of genotyping and most were based on larger sample sizes than the reports published before 1995. The continuing debate about the possible role of GSTM1 deficiency as a lung cancer risk factor and the fact that 20 studies based on genotyping have been published prompted the present meta-analysis to derive an estimate of the risk associated with GSTM1 status.

In this meta-analysis, only published studies were used. Publication bias is, therefore, an issue. Ideally, quality scoring of studies should be used to determine which are to be included in any meta-analyses (36). This was not undertaken because the existing scales have not been validated, and it is also unclear how they could be readily applied to the published cases-control studies on GSTM1 status and lung cancer (37). It is, however, clear that some of the studies are far from perfect in design. The issue of false-positive findings in association studies is a great concern. Any stratification within a population sample can lead to spurious evidence for an association between the marker and the disease. To avoid this problem, the identification is required of subpopulations defined in terms of factors influencing disease and marker-allele frequencies. These include ethnicity and geographical origin. In a number of the studies, the ethnicity of cases and controls were probably mixed. The frequency of GSTM1 deficiency varies considerably between ethnic groups; therefore, a failure to match cases and controls represents a source of bias. Furthermore, several GSTM genes are localized in a cluster on chromosome 1p; therefore, it is possible that an association mediated by linkage disequilibrium may be confined to certain populations. Hence population stratification would mask such an effect.

Wolf et al.(38) have suggested that case-control protocols are unnecessary in genotyping studies because age, smoking, and concomitant disease do not influence genotype. The age of cases and controls is relevant, however, because the frequency of genotypes may display age-dependency. For example, it has been shown that the population frequency of ApoE polymorphisms, which influence circulating lipoprotein levels, show age-dependency (39). Furthermore, age is relevant to determining the probable exposure to carcinogens. A difference in the ages between cases and controls is, therefore, a potential source of bias. Even though adjustment for these covariates can be made using logistic regression, many studies are small, and adjustment may not be adequately achieved.

If genetic susceptibility to lung cancer is in part mediated through polymorphic variation, it is probable that the risk associated with any one locus will be small because a multiplicative model of interaction is likely to operate. Hence, combinations of certain genotypes may be more discriminating as risk factors than a single locus genotype. There is some support for this hypothesis in that both GSTM1 and GSTP1 enzymes affect the biotransformation of certain mutagens (40).

Considerable effort and resources have been put into testing possible associations between metabolic polymorphisms and cancer risk, but there are serious errors inherent in the design of some published studies. It is clear that in addition to basing studies on sample sizes commensurate with the detection of low-penetrance genes, more attention should be paid to adequate matching of cases and controls to avoid the potential problems of population stratification and other sources of bias.

The findings of this meta-analysis suggest that the estimates of lung cancer risk associated with GSTM1 deficiency in the early studies, based on phenotyping, were exaggerated. Furthermore, results from pooling the studies in which GSTM1 status was derived from genotyping alone makes it conceivable that GSTM1 status has no effect on the risk of lung cancer. This finding is perhaps not surprising because the a priori evidence to support the role of GSTM1 status as a lung cancer risk factor is not strong. Although the enzyme catalyzes the detoxification of polyaromatic hydrocarbons in vitro, expression of GSTM1 in lung tissue is very low (41, 42). Given that the primary site for tissue expression of GSTM1 is the liver, any increased lung cancer risk directly associated with a lack of GSTM1 activity would, therefore, have to be mediated by blood-borne metabolites from the hepatic system (43).

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.


The abbreviations used are: GSTM1, glutathione S-transferase M1; CI, confidence interval.


I. Lau and T. C. Chalmers; <>.

Fig. 1.

All of the studies. Odds ratios and 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency. The studies are stratified by size. Summary: odds ratio 1.20 (95% CI, 1.06–1.35).

Fig. 1.

All of the studies. Odds ratios and 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency. The studies are stratified by size. Summary: odds ratio 1.20 (95% CI, 1.06–1.35).

Close modal
Fig. 2.

Studies based on GSTM1 phenotypes. Odds ratios and 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1. Summary: odds ratio, 2.12 (95% CI, 1.43–3.13).

Fig. 2.

Studies based on GSTM1 phenotypes. Odds ratios and 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1. Summary: odds ratio, 2.12 (95% CI, 1.43–3.13).

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Fig. 3.

Studies based on GSTM1 genotypes. Odds ratios, 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency. Summary: odds ratio, 1.14 (95% CI, 1.03–1.25).

Fig. 3.

Studies based on GSTM1 genotypes. Odds ratios, 95% CIs for the risk of developing lung cancer associated with GSTM1 deficiency. Summary: odds ratio, 1.14 (95% CI, 1.03–1.25).

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Table 1

Summary of studies of lung cancer and GSTM1 status

InvestigatorPlace of studyAnalytical methodaCasesb% deficientControlsb% deficientExposures/other covariatesPower (RRc > 2.0; α = 0.05)Power (RR > 1.5; α = 0.05)
Seidegard et al., 1986 (6) New York, NY; Lund, Sweden TSO 66 incident cases ascertained from a US lung cancer study, patients from NY and Swedish hospitals; 88% male; age 63 (8); smokers >20 cigarettes/day;  78 healthy participants in US National Lung Cancer Prevention Program; 96% male; age 63 (7); smokers >20 cigarettes/day;  Smoking (heavy, light); cancer histology 47% 20% 
   ? Caucasian 65.1 ? Caucasian 41.0    
Seidegard et al., 1990 (7) New York, NY TSO 125 incident cases from two NY Hospitals; 56% male; ages 33–80; smokers >20 pack-years;  114 healthy participants in NY Cancer Surveillance program; 47% male; ages 55–66; smokers >20 pack-years;  Smoking; cancer histology 72% 30% 
   ? Caucasian 62.4 ? Caucasian 42.1    
Zhong et al., 1991 (8) UK 228 prevalent cases; source: NS; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; all history of smoking; Caucasian 42.9 225 controls chosen randomly from two hospitals and a group of volunteers; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 41.8 Cancer histology 95% 54% 
Heckbert et al., 1992 (9) Seattle, WA TSO 66 incident cases ascertained from a cancer registry; ages 20–70; Caucasian 63.6 120 age- and sex-matched healthy population controls selected by random-digit dialing and a Social Security list; Caucasian 58.3 Smoking (<20, >20 pack-years); occupation (exposure to lung carcinogens); alcohol 49% 19% 
Hayashi et al., 1992 (10) Saitama, Japan PCR 212 prevalent cases from single center; Asian 55.7 358 age- and sex-matched population controls from same region as cases; Asian 46.6 CYP1A1 polymorphism 97% 61% 
Hiroven et al., 1993 (11) Helsinki, Finland PCR 138 incident operable lung cancer cases; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 52.9 142 healthy controls (115 blood donors and 27 volunteers); age: NS; sex ratio: NS; 43.7 Smoking data (nonsmokers, <40, >40 pack-years) recorded on cases and disease controls; stratified analysis 79% vs. healthy controls 35% healthy controls 
     36 hospital controls with benign tumors; Caucasian 44.4  38% vs. hospital controls 14% vs. hospital controls 
Nazar-Stewert et al., 1993 (12) Seattle TSO ELISA S 35 incident surgical patients and autopsy specimens; all cases smokers (>30 years, >100 cigarettes in lifetime); sex ratio: NS; age: >30; 94% white 74.3 43 surgical patients and autopsy specimens from patients with nontobacco related illnesses; ages: 30–80; >100 cigarettes in lifetime; sex ratio: NS; 93% white 46.5 Smoking (<54, >54 pack-years); cancer histology 24% phenotypes 10% phenotypes 
   25/35 cases genotyped 64.0 29/43 controls genotyped 48.3  16% genotypes 7% genotypes 
Brockmuller et al., 1993 (13) Berlin, Germany TSO ELISA PCR 117 incident cases; ages 40–84; 76% male; 5% nonsmokers; Caucasian 53.0 155 patient controls (ages 32–84) from same hospital (45% lung disease); 53% male; 13% nonsmokers; Caucasian 52.9 Smoking data for cases and first group of disease controls (nonsmokers, 1–20, >20 pack-years); cancer histology 74% vs. lung disease controls 32% vs. lung disease controls 
     200 patients from same hospital without lung disease; 65% male; smoking data: NS; Caucasian 49.5  80% vs. nonlung disease patient controls 36% vs. nonlung disease patient controls 
     All controls 50.0  87% vs. all controls 42% vs. all controls 
Alexandrie et al., 1994 (14) Sweden PCR 296 incident cases; source: NS; ages: 37–85; 71% males; Caucasian 55.7 329 healthy controls: laboratory staff (24%), welders (44%), and chimney sweeps (32%); ages 19–65; 91% male; Caucasian 52.9 Smoking data (pack-years) for COPD controls and some cases; cancer histology 98% vs. healthy controls 67% vs. healthy controls 
     79 COPD patients ages 39–85; 35% male; Caucasian 49.4  73% vs. hospital controls 31% vs. hospital controls 
InvestigatorPlace of studyAnalytical methodaCasesb% deficientControlsb% deficientExposures/other covariatesPower (RRc > 2.0; α = 0.05)Power (RR > 1.5; α = 0.05)
Seidegard et al., 1986 (6) New York, NY; Lund, Sweden TSO 66 incident cases ascertained from a US lung cancer study, patients from NY and Swedish hospitals; 88% male; age 63 (8); smokers >20 cigarettes/day;  78 healthy participants in US National Lung Cancer Prevention Program; 96% male; age 63 (7); smokers >20 cigarettes/day;  Smoking (heavy, light); cancer histology 47% 20% 
   ? Caucasian 65.1 ? Caucasian 41.0    
Seidegard et al., 1990 (7) New York, NY TSO 125 incident cases from two NY Hospitals; 56% male; ages 33–80; smokers >20 pack-years;  114 healthy participants in NY Cancer Surveillance program; 47% male; ages 55–66; smokers >20 pack-years;  Smoking; cancer histology 72% 30% 
   ? Caucasian 62.4 ? Caucasian 42.1    
Zhong et al., 1991 (8) UK 228 prevalent cases; source: NS; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; all history of smoking; Caucasian 42.9 225 controls chosen randomly from two hospitals and a group of volunteers; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 41.8 Cancer histology 95% 54% 
Heckbert et al., 1992 (9) Seattle, WA TSO 66 incident cases ascertained from a cancer registry; ages 20–70; Caucasian 63.6 120 age- and sex-matched healthy population controls selected by random-digit dialing and a Social Security list; Caucasian 58.3 Smoking (<20, >20 pack-years); occupation (exposure to lung carcinogens); alcohol 49% 19% 
Hayashi et al., 1992 (10) Saitama, Japan PCR 212 prevalent cases from single center; Asian 55.7 358 age- and sex-matched population controls from same region as cases; Asian 46.6 CYP1A1 polymorphism 97% 61% 
Hiroven et al., 1993 (11) Helsinki, Finland PCR 138 incident operable lung cancer cases; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 52.9 142 healthy controls (115 blood donors and 27 volunteers); age: NS; sex ratio: NS; 43.7 Smoking data (nonsmokers, <40, >40 pack-years) recorded on cases and disease controls; stratified analysis 79% vs. healthy controls 35% healthy controls 
     36 hospital controls with benign tumors; Caucasian 44.4  38% vs. hospital controls 14% vs. hospital controls 
Nazar-Stewert et al., 1993 (12) Seattle TSO ELISA S 35 incident surgical patients and autopsy specimens; all cases smokers (>30 years, >100 cigarettes in lifetime); sex ratio: NS; age: >30; 94% white 74.3 43 surgical patients and autopsy specimens from patients with nontobacco related illnesses; ages: 30–80; >100 cigarettes in lifetime; sex ratio: NS; 93% white 46.5 Smoking (<54, >54 pack-years); cancer histology 24% phenotypes 10% phenotypes 
   25/35 cases genotyped 64.0 29/43 controls genotyped 48.3  16% genotypes 7% genotypes 
Brockmuller et al., 1993 (13) Berlin, Germany TSO ELISA PCR 117 incident cases; ages 40–84; 76% male; 5% nonsmokers; Caucasian 53.0 155 patient controls (ages 32–84) from same hospital (45% lung disease); 53% male; 13% nonsmokers; Caucasian 52.9 Smoking data for cases and first group of disease controls (nonsmokers, 1–20, >20 pack-years); cancer histology 74% vs. lung disease controls 32% vs. lung disease controls 
     200 patients from same hospital without lung disease; 65% male; smoking data: NS; Caucasian 49.5  80% vs. nonlung disease patient controls 36% vs. nonlung disease patient controls 
     All controls 50.0  87% vs. all controls 42% vs. all controls 
Alexandrie et al., 1994 (14) Sweden PCR 296 incident cases; source: NS; ages: 37–85; 71% males; Caucasian 55.7 329 healthy controls: laboratory staff (24%), welders (44%), and chimney sweeps (32%); ages 19–65; 91% male; Caucasian 52.9 Smoking data (pack-years) for COPD controls and some cases; cancer histology 98% vs. healthy controls 67% vs. healthy controls 
     79 COPD patients ages 39–85; 35% male; Caucasian 49.4  73% vs. hospital controls 31% vs. hospital controls 
Table 1A


All controls52.299% vs. all controls72% vs. all controls
London et al., 1995 (15) Los Angeles, CA PCR 342 incident cases from 35 hospitals in LA; age: 64 (10); 58% male; 4% nonsmokers  716 population controls, ethnically matched; ages 63 (8); 66% male; 34% nonsmokers  Smoking (never, past, current); asbestos exposure (none, possible, probable); β-carotene, vitamin C and E intake   
   Caucasian (n = 184) 51.1 Caucasian (n = 465) 52.5  97% 60% 
   African-Americans (n = 158) 27.8 African-Americans (n = 251) 27.1  88% 42% 
Kihara et al., 1995 (16) Yokohama, Japan PCR 447 incident and prevalent cases ascertained from single center. Asian 55.9 469 age- and sex-matched population controls; Asian 48.6 Stratified by smoking, histology 100% 85% 
Moreira et al., 1996 (17) Lisbon, Portugal PCR 94 patients from two Lisbon hospitals; age, sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 43.9 84 Portuguese blood donors; age, sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 52.3 Cancer histology 55% 22% 
Deakin et al., 1996 (18) Staffordshire, UK PCR 106 cases; all smokers; 73% male; age 68; Caucasian 47.2 577 hospital patients without lung disease; 48% male; age 70; 49% never smokers; Caucasian 54.8 GSTT1 polymorphism 86%  
     128 hospital patients with COPD; all smokers; age 62; 67% male; Caucasian 54.7  67%  
     All controls 54.7  87%  
Harrison et al., 1997 (19) Edinburgh, UK PCR 168 lung cancer resection specimens; age, sex ratio: NS;  384 blood donors; age, sex ratio: NS  All cases smokers; no data on controls; emphysema 94% 54% 
   ? Caucasian 60.1 ? Caucasian 53.4    
Garcia-Closas et al., 1997 (20) Boston, MA PCR 416 incident cases; 54% male; age 67 (33–89); 97% Caucasian 54.3 446 friends and spouses of hospital patients; 47% male; age 64 (27–84); 98% Caucasian 52.5 Smoking; asbestos and solvent exposure; nutrition; family history; histology; CYP1A1 polymorphism 100% 82% 
Kelsey et al., 1997 (21) Texas PCR 168 volunteers; ages 61–63; 4% never smokers;  278 age- and ethnically matched healthy volunteers; source, NS; 42% never smokers;  Smoking (current, past, never, pack-years); GSTT1 polymorphism   
   Mexican-Americans (n = 60) 55.0 Mexican-Americans (n = 146) 40.4  55% 21% 
   African-Americans (n = 108) 22.2 African-Americans (n = 132) 22.7  63% 23% 
To-Figueras et al., 1997 (22) Barcelona, Spain PCR 160 consecutive patients; 91% male; age 59 (11); 53 pack-years of smoking; Caucasian 58.1 192 healthy volunteers; blood donors, employees, and hospital staff; age 43 (10); sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 49.4 Smoking (pack-years); cancer histology 87% vs. healthy controls 42% vs. healthy controls 
     120 healthy smokers (37 pack-years) attending detoxification center; sex ratio: NS; age 45 (9); Caucasian 50.0  77% vs. healthy smokers 34% vs. healthy smokers 
     All controls 49.7  93% vs. controls combined 50% vs. controls combined 
El-Zein et al., 1997 (23) Texas PCR 54 incident cases; all smokers; 59% male; age 60.2 (11.4); ethnicity: NS 42.5 50 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers; all smokers; source: NS; ethnicity: NS 46.0 Smoking (pack-years); CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms 34% 13% 
All controls52.299% vs. all controls72% vs. all controls
London et al., 1995 (15) Los Angeles, CA PCR 342 incident cases from 35 hospitals in LA; age: 64 (10); 58% male; 4% nonsmokers  716 population controls, ethnically matched; ages 63 (8); 66% male; 34% nonsmokers  Smoking (never, past, current); asbestos exposure (none, possible, probable); β-carotene, vitamin C and E intake   
   Caucasian (n = 184) 51.1 Caucasian (n = 465) 52.5  97% 60% 
   African-Americans (n = 158) 27.8 African-Americans (n = 251) 27.1  88% 42% 
Kihara et al., 1995 (16) Yokohama, Japan PCR 447 incident and prevalent cases ascertained from single center. Asian 55.9 469 age- and sex-matched population controls; Asian 48.6 Stratified by smoking, histology 100% 85% 
Moreira et al., 1996 (17) Lisbon, Portugal PCR 94 patients from two Lisbon hospitals; age, sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 43.9 84 Portuguese blood donors; age, sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 52.3 Cancer histology 55% 22% 
Deakin et al., 1996 (18) Staffordshire, UK PCR 106 cases; all smokers; 73% male; age 68; Caucasian 47.2 577 hospital patients without lung disease; 48% male; age 70; 49% never smokers; Caucasian 54.8 GSTT1 polymorphism 86%  
     128 hospital patients with COPD; all smokers; age 62; 67% male; Caucasian 54.7  67%  
     All controls 54.7  87%  
Harrison et al., 1997 (19) Edinburgh, UK PCR 168 lung cancer resection specimens; age, sex ratio: NS;  384 blood donors; age, sex ratio: NS  All cases smokers; no data on controls; emphysema 94% 54% 
   ? Caucasian 60.1 ? Caucasian 53.4    
Garcia-Closas et al., 1997 (20) Boston, MA PCR 416 incident cases; 54% male; age 67 (33–89); 97% Caucasian 54.3 446 friends and spouses of hospital patients; 47% male; age 64 (27–84); 98% Caucasian 52.5 Smoking; asbestos and solvent exposure; nutrition; family history; histology; CYP1A1 polymorphism 100% 82% 
Kelsey et al., 1997 (21) Texas PCR 168 volunteers; ages 61–63; 4% never smokers;  278 age- and ethnically matched healthy volunteers; source, NS; 42% never smokers;  Smoking (current, past, never, pack-years); GSTT1 polymorphism   
   Mexican-Americans (n = 60) 55.0 Mexican-Americans (n = 146) 40.4  55% 21% 
   African-Americans (n = 108) 22.2 African-Americans (n = 132) 22.7  63% 23% 
To-Figueras et al., 1997 (22) Barcelona, Spain PCR 160 consecutive patients; 91% male; age 59 (11); 53 pack-years of smoking; Caucasian 58.1 192 healthy volunteers; blood donors, employees, and hospital staff; age 43 (10); sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 49.4 Smoking (pack-years); cancer histology 87% vs. healthy controls 42% vs. healthy controls 
     120 healthy smokers (37 pack-years) attending detoxification center; sex ratio: NS; age 45 (9); Caucasian 50.0  77% vs. healthy smokers 34% vs. healthy smokers 
     All controls 49.7  93% vs. controls combined 50% vs. controls combined 
El-Zein et al., 1997 (23) Texas PCR 54 incident cases; all smokers; 59% male; age 60.2 (11.4); ethnicity: NS 42.5 50 age- and sex-matched healthy volunteers; all smokers; source: NS; ethnicity: NS 46.0 Smoking (pack-years); CYP2D6, CYP2E1, and GSTT1 polymorphisms 34% 13% 
Table 1B


Ryberb et al. 1997 (24)NorwayPCR135 incident surgical patients; all smokers; age 62.3 (10.3); sex ratio: NS; Caucasian54.8342 healthy male factory workers of Norwegian descent; age 54 (15); 35% never-smokers; Caucasian47.7Smoking (pack-years); GSTP1 polymorphism90%47%
Jourenkova et al., 1997 (25) Paris, France PCR 150 patients; age 58.4 (9.9); 93% male; Caucasian 54.0 172 patients with nonlung conditions; age 55.0 (11.0); 95% male; Caucasian 52.3 Smoking status (consumption/day, no. of years); asbestos and arsenic exposure; GSTT1 polymorphism 83% 39% 
Saarikoski et al., 1998 (26) Finland PCR 70 incident surgical patients; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 38.6 294 blood donors; sex ratio: NS; ages: NS; Caucasian 46.6 Cases: smoking (<40, >40 pack-years); asbestos exposure; GSTT1 polymorphism 66% 27% 
Ryberb et al. 1997 (24)NorwayPCR135 incident surgical patients; all smokers; age 62.3 (10.3); sex ratio: NS; Caucasian54.8342 healthy male factory workers of Norwegian descent; age 54 (15); 35% never-smokers; Caucasian47.7Smoking (pack-years); GSTP1 polymorphism90%47%
Jourenkova et al., 1997 (25) Paris, France PCR 150 patients; age 58.4 (9.9); 93% male; Caucasian 54.0 172 patients with nonlung conditions; age 55.0 (11.0); 95% male; Caucasian 52.3 Smoking status (consumption/day, no. of years); asbestos and arsenic exposure; GSTT1 polymorphism 83% 39% 
Saarikoski et al., 1998 (26) Finland PCR 70 incident surgical patients; age: NS; sex ratio: NS; Caucasian 38.6 294 blood donors; sex ratio: NS; ages: NS; Caucasian 46.6 Cases: smoking (<40, >40 pack-years); asbestos exposure; GSTT1 polymorphism 66% 27% 

GSTM1 methodology: TSO, trans-stilbene oxide conjugation assay; S, Southern blot.


Ages of cases and controls: mean (SD) or range given wherever possible. ?, probable.


RR, relative risk; US, United States; UK, United Kingdom; NS, not stated; COPD, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

I am grateful to David Phillips and Roger A’Hern for discussions and comments. In addition, I would like to thank the anonymous reviewers for their comments.

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