Background From 2016-2023 Massey Cancer Center (MCC) was one of 42 sites implementing the Screen to Save (S2S) Colorectal Cancer education program. At MCC, during 2016-2019 this program was implemented by MCC health educators. In 2020 we shifted to a community facilitator model to improve reach and receptivity within racially and ethnically diverse communities. We report our results by facilitator type in changes in CRC and CT knowledge and intentions to act on CRC screening. We also report on a subgroup who was given a clinical trials education session.  Methods  The MCC facilitators (n=3) were health educators with CHES and graduate level education in public health. Community facilitators (n=16) completed the MCC CRC Cancer Champs training, Each facilitator was responsible for recruiting their S2S participants. S2S participants completed pre-post CRC knowledge surveys; intentions to act were assessed on post surveys. Actions included talking to a doctor, getting screened, talking to friends/family, making dietary changes and making exercise changes. A subset of n=129 completed CT knowledge pre-post surveys. Initial pre-post change in CRC and CT knowledge was assessed with paired t-tests. Multiple regression was used to examine pre-education scores, facilitator type and participant demographics on post-session knowledge. Intention to act about CRC screening are described; chi square compared intentions by facilitator.   Results/Findings  MCC and Community facilitators reach n=357 participants aged 18-87 (mean 51 years). Participants were predominantly (58%) African American. Knowledge about CRC significantly increased (t=9.43,df=356, p<0.01). In the multiple regression model only pre-knowledge scores were significant (beta= 0.23, 95% CI: 0.18-0.27). CT knowledge significantly increased (t=6.78, df=128, p<0.01). Multiple regression showed being Latinx (beta = 0.7, 95% CI: 0.21, 1.19), White (beta = 0.55, CI 0.18-0.93), A/AI (beta =-1.42, 95% CI: –2.51, -0.33) were associated with higher post-session CT knowledge score. Community facilitators reached significantly more males (x2=27.55, df= 1, p <0.01), Latinx (x2= 89.34, df=1, p <0.01), and younger participants (t=-7.35, mean diff=5.06 CI: (3.71, 6.42) value<0.01). Intention to act on the five behaviors ranged from 89%-92%. Intention to speak to a doctor and speak to friends/family about CRC and screening were significantly higher in the MCC facilitators group as compared to the Community facilitators. Discussion and Conclusion  The Cancer Champs model is an effective method of training community members on CRC and CT as there were no differences in knowledge change by facilitator. Results suggest there may be a difference in participants' comfort discussing CRC with others by facilitator type. Further examination of communication skills facilitation is indicated. Our work illustrates that community Cancer Champs successfully can reach individuals that are sometimes left out of research, allowing for a more diverse and representative sample with comparable results in terms of knowledge exchange.

Citation Format: Katelyn Schifano, Jackie Knight-Wilt, Vanessa Sheppard, Maria Thomson. Efficacy of community members versus employees for delivering colorectal health and clinical trial information [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the 16th AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; 2023 Sep 29-Oct 2;Orlando, FL. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2023;32(12 Suppl):Abstract nr A037.