Introduction Blueprint for Success initiative utilizes a multi-institutional and multidisciplinary approach that brings together team of Kenyan oncologists, researchers, palliative care experts, community health facilitators to holistically address the burden of cancer as well as address barriers across the entire cancer continuum of care, including awareness, advocacy, screening, diagnostics, treatment, and optimum aftercare to improve care outcomes. Methods Blueprint for Success initiative brings together multidisciplinary industries, governments, Non- Governmental Organisations (NGOs), healthcare professionals and communities to collaboratively identify and develop roadmaps to bridge access gaps for patients living with cancer in Meru County. Primary Health Care (PHC) approach is used and programmes are designed focusing on screening, training of community health workers (CHWs), creating awareness in the community, education of primary care physicians, establishing palliative care services and strengthening the cancer registries. Results The strategic partnerships formed through the Blueprint for Success initiative has enabled us to not only implement global best practice but also ensure that our initiatives are providing high-quality, culturally competent patient support for the longer term. We have established an oncology Centre, trained 100 Health Care Workers and 500 Community Health Volunteers (CHV’s), established community health reporting tool – Mobile Jamii Afya Link (M-Jali), established a Cancer Registry, strengthened palliative care services as well as improve access to cancer screening and promote public awareness of cancer with an emphasis on breast, cervical and prostate cancers. Conclusion The program continues to work closely with local communities, governments and healthcare workers and if successful will be replicated in other parts of the country and is expected to dramatically reduce the burden of cancer in Kenya and Sub-Saharan region.

Citation Format: Denis Munene, Chite Asirwa, Zipporah Ali, Beatrice Okumu, Ann Korir, Alice Musibi, Helena Musau, Edwin Odoyo. Fostering a multisectoral and multidisciplinary approach in the fight against cancer: The Blueprint for Success program in Meru County, Kenya [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the AACR Virtual Conference: Thirteenth AACR Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; 2020 Oct 2-4. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2020;29(12 Suppl):Abstract nr PO-031.