Parents' Views on Best and Worst Reasons for HPV Vaccination
Gilkey et al. Page 762
Healthcare providers use a wide variety of messages to encourage HPV vaccination, but few studies have empirically tested which messages are persuasive. Gilkey and colleagues conducted a best–worst scaling experiment to rank 11 reasons providers commonly give for guideline-consistent HPV vaccination. The data came from a national online survey of 1,177 U.S. parents of adolescents. The study found that parents ranked “cancer prevention” far higher as a reason for HPV vaccination than any of the other reasons tested. This finding held across subgroups of parents, including those with lower confidence in adolescent vaccines. Findings suggest an opportunity to simplify provider communication about HPV vaccination to focus on the issue of greatest importance to parents: cancer prevention.
Circadian Misalignment and Hepatocellular Carcinoma
VoPham et al. Page 719
Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is an often-fatal cancer that is increasing in incidence across different parts of the world. Experimental evidence suggests that circadian misalignment impacts hepatocarcinogenesis. Geographic variation in light exposure, despite similar social and occupational schedules, may influence circadian systems and can be estimated by residential position in a time zone. Using the U.S. Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results Program, VoPham and colleagues found that increasing longitude moving east to west within a time zone, a proxy for circadian misalignment, was positively associated with HCC risk. Circadian misalignment may be a novel risk factor for HCC.
NSAID Use and Colorectal Cancer
Kuo et al. Page 737
Aspirin and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are widely used clinically. Several studies have examined their effects on colorectal cancer (CRC) chemoprevention. However, the data in Asian populations are limited. Kuo and colleagues examined the primary preventive efficacy of aspirin and NSAIDs, separately, on CRC incidence in Taiwan by using the National Health Insurance Research Database with a large sample size. The results from this study have provided supportive evidence that aspirin or NSAID use is associated with a reduced risk of CRC incidence in an Asian population.
Coffee, Tea, and the Oral Microbiome
Peters et al. Page 814
Peters and colleagues examined the associations of coffee and tea intake with the oral bacterial ecosystem in a large cross-sectional study. The authors found that higher tea intake was associated with greater oral microbiota diversity, and shifts in overall community composition, but coffee was not associated with these microbiome parameters. As the oral microbiota may play a role in certain cancers, tea-driven changes to the oral microbiome may contribute to previously observed associations between tea and cancer.