Destination Hope is a non-profit organization which provides uplifting and positive retreat support services for individuals in cancer treatment and their families. Each retreat is designed to be unique to the event space and address the specific needs of the participant group. Programs incorporate and teach healing and holistic approaches for self-care. Services are provided free of charge or with a minimal registration fee that may be waved for those who cannot afford it. This poster describes: retreat types, description of elements included in retreats, collaborative relationships with other non-profit providers, analysis of benefits obtained by participants, funding, participant recruitment, participant comments, and supporting evidence from research regarding the benefits of complementary and holistic therapies. Photographs of events are also included.

Citation Format: Elizabeth (Betsy) Glosik. Destination Hope: Survivor support to enhance quality of life. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Eighth AACR Conference on The Science of Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; Nov 13-16, 2015; Atlanta, GA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016;25(3 Suppl):Abstract nr C97.