The Arkansas Cancer Coalition's mission is to facilitate and provide partnerships to reduce the human suffering and economic burden from cancer for the citizens of Arkansas.
Making evidence-based practices in prevention, early detection and care available to all Arkansans can dramatically reduce the burden of cancer in our state. Here are just a few examples of programs that address the cancer continuum in Arkansas:
Annual Arkansas Cancer Summit
Arkansas Cancer Plan Grants
Coalition Engagement
Quarterly Meetings
To address this major public health problem, the Arkansas Cancer Coalition developed the Arkansas Cancer Plan--A Framework for Action (ACP). This ambitious plan updated in 2007 and endorsed by a wide range of stakeholders and partners, established 26 broad goals in the strategic areas of: prevention, screening and detection, treatment, disparities, research, workforce development, survivorship, palliative care, professional education, surveillance, and evaluation.
The poster describes the implementation of the ACP through two main mechanisms in terms of their foci and partnerships, and shares lessons learned as they engaged underserved communities. First, grantees were invited to participate in implementation efforts that are perceived to take more than one year to implement. Second, competitive grantees were established to achieve short-term objectives of the ACP.
Citation Format: Miriam Karanja. Arkansas Cancer Coalition: Mechanisms to advance the implementation of the Arkansas Cancer Plan. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Eighth AACR Conference on The Science of Health Disparities in Racial/Ethnic Minorities and the Medically Underserved; Nov 13-16, 2015; Atlanta, GA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2016;25(3 Suppl):Abstract nr C94.