Background: Racial/ethnic minorities, low-income individuals and recent immigrants shoulder a disproportionate burden of colorectal cancer (CRC) mortality. In Florida, Blacks and Hispanics remain at an increased risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to non-Hispanic Whites (NHW). In the Miami metropolitan area, this disparity is most prominent within the ethnic enclaves of Little Haiti and Hialeah, comprised predominately of Haitian and Hispanic Americans, respectively These communities experience an increased rate of late-stage CRC diagnosis relative to the state as a whole, largely due to lack of access to, and utilization of, CRC screening. Fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) has proved successful in addressing screening barriers for other medically-underserved communities. The present study represents a novel method for FIT delivery and uptake, particularly for the medically disenfranchished. Community Health Workers (CHWs), indigenous to Little Haiti and Hialeah, identified unscreened individuals, educated them about how to appropriately use FIT, and then provided them a postage-paid envelope to return completed tests to a laboratory for processing. Here we report preliminary acceptability and feasibility data for this approach.
Methods: The FIT for Life screening program was available to all persons residing in Little Haiti and Hialeah 50 and 75 years old, who were unscreened or underscreened according to US Preventive Task Force recommendations, and considered average risk for CRC based on a brief screener. Our team worked closely with community partners to identify the CHWs, who ultimately were responsible for participant recruitment and intervention delivery. Following FIT return, a research assistant contacted participants to ask a series of questions in their language of preference about their perceived acceptability of FIT as a modality for CRC prevention. Any participant, identified as FIT positive was navigated to timely colonoscopy
Results: To date, 221 participants (112 Hispanic, 109 Haitian) have been consented, received education on CRC screening, and were given the FIT kits. 92 Hispanics (82.1%) and 97 Haitians (88.9%) returned the FIT kits for processing. The test positive rate was 2.2% for Hispanics and 3.1% for Haitians. The mean quantity of blood in stool for positive tests was 896 ng/mL for Hispanics and 950 ng/mL for Haitians. The mean quantity of blood in stool for negative tests was 5.2 ng/mL for Hispanics and 4.8 ng/mL for Haitians. On follow-up clinical care, one Haitian participant was found to have an advanced stage CRC and a second did not want to undergo colonoscopy. Based on acceptability surveys, 100% of Hispanics and 90% of Haitians responded that they would use FIT again if offered for further screening; the same proportions would recommend the FIT with CHW method to friends and family members. Interestingly, 90.2% of Hispanics and only 5.0% of Haitians felt confident that FIT works as well as a CRC screening test that would be administered by a physician or nurse.
Conclusion: The pairing of CHWs with CRC screening by FIT appears to be an effective approach to disease prevention that is highly acceptable to study participants. Further examination of whether this method is needed. We have begun collaborating with Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) in Little Haiti and Hialeah to explore the sustainability of this approach and to ensure that participants are linked to a medical home for ongoing cancer prevention.
Citation Format: Daniel Sussman, Monica Oriol, Martha Gonzalez, Heisy Asusta, Jose Ruiz, Dinah Trevil, Dorothy Parker, Erin Kobetz. FIT FOR LIFE: Increasing prevention and early detection of colorectal cancer for the medically disenfranchised. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Sixth AACR Conference: The Science of Cancer Health Disparities; Dec 6–9, 2013; Atlanta, GA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014;23(11 Suppl):Abstract nr B46. doi:10.1158/1538-7755.DISP13-B46