Introduction: Biobanks are repositories that store biospecimens and health information for research. Healthy control samples from diverse racial/ethnic groups must be represented in biobanks to better examine genetic and environmental risk factors for diseases such as cancer.1 However, the general public appears to be skeptical about the purpose of these repositories, with minority populations being less likely to donate samples. 2,3 Specific media approaches have shown improved efficacy for communicating health information to minority audiences, including Hispanics. Audiovisual materials offer advantages to Hispanic populations including: high acceptability4; broad dissemination; appealing to individuals with low literacy5; and can be viewed with family.4 Recently, the Tampa Bay Community Cancer Network (TBCCN) developed an educational biobanking DVD in Spanish (“Biobancos: Una esperanza de cura para el cáncer”) for the Tampa community. In preparation for a study conducted by the Ponce School of Medicine-Moffitt Cancer Center Partnership examining communication channels for delivering biobanking education to healthy Hispanics, TBCCN's Spanish-language DVD was tested among Hispanic populations in Tampa, FL and Ponce, PR to assess acceptability among a diverse, yet predominantly Puerto Rican Hispanic population.

Methods: The existing Spanish-language biobanking DVD was reviewed by 18 Hispanic community members from Tampa, FL (n=9) and Ponce, PR (n=9) to assess acceptability of content, delivery, tone, and message. Community members from Tampa represented diverse Hispanic sub-groups, while those in Ponce were all Puerto Rican. Feedback from both groups was compared and revisions were made based on common themes.

Results: Participants responded favorably to several aspects of the DVD including: the format, Spanish language, visual attractiveness and use of color, description of biobanking procedures and biospecimens, and the use of community member interviews. However, they also identified several areas for enhancement including: shortening the video, slowing down the narration, and reducing the use of scientific language and images. They also reported that the video would be improved by adding an emotional connection that would trigger desire to participate as a healthy donor. Based on these data and preferences, a derivative DVD was developed that maintained the core informational content elements while incorporating community member feedback. New footage was filmed in PR and incorporated into the final version. Edits included shortening and re-narrating the script; replacing scientific/technical language and imagery with lay terms and family images; and including survivor testimonials to build on the emotional connection and importance of biobanking as a healthy individual.

Conclusion: Although the original DVD was in Spanish and created for the Tampa community, some elements did not resonate well when tested with a different Hispanic population (predominantly Puerto Rican), highlighting the importance of adapting Spanish educational materials across Hispanic sub-ethnicities. The newly derived DVD discussing biobanking and its importance in cancer research may present an effective way to recruit Hispanics as healthy controls. Future plans include utilizing this DVD in a RCT to examine the most effective communication channel for delivering cancer prevention and biobanking education to Hispanics.

Citation Format: Yonaira M. Rivera, Jessica McIntyre, Daianna Adams, Julio Jiménez, Clement Gwede, Susan Vadaparampil, Vani Simmons, Thomas H. Brandon, Cathy D. Meade, Wendy E. González, Himilce Vélez, Gloria Asencio, Cruz M. Nazario, Eida Castro, Teresita Muñoz-Antonia, Gwendolyn P. Quinn. Adaptation of a Spanish-language educational DVD about biobanking for Hispanics in Puerto Rico and Florida. [abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Sixth AACR Conference: The Science of Cancer Health Disparities; Dec 6–9, 2013; Atlanta, GA. Philadelphia (PA): AACR; Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2014;23(11 Suppl):Abstract nr A58. doi:10.1158/1538-7755.DISP13-A58