In this article (Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 2011;20:1398–409), which was published in the July 2011 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (1), the authors misclassified the histology status of 33 cases that should have been categorized as CIN3. Thirty-two cases of carcinoma in situ (CIN) were mistakenly included as cancer rather than CIN3. One other case of CIN3 was missed altogether and coded as <CIN2. As a result, the authors observed 15 cases of invasive cancer (not 47) and 189 cases of CIN3 (not 156). The conclusions of the analysis were based on a combined category of CIN3/cancer and, thus, the results in the main figures are changed minimally, by the addition of 1 case of 189. However, as a substantial modification, there is no longer adequate statistical power to examine invasive cancer as a separate category. A corrected Fig. 2 in which the combined CIN3/cancer category is used is supplied below. A typographical error was also identified in Supplementary Table 1: The count under NILM for type 73 multiple infections should be 23 rather than 2. The authors apologize for the errors. In the interest of clarity, the publisher has made revised versions of the article and the supplementary tables available online.
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August 07 2012
Correction: A Long-term Prospective Study of Type-Specific Human Papillomavirus Infection and Risk of Cervical Neoplasia among 20,000 Women in the Portland Kaiser Cohort Study
Online ISSN: 1538-7755
Print ISSN: 1055-9965
©2012 American Association for Cancer Research.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev (2012) 21 (8): 1390–1391.
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- Version of Record August 7 2012
- Proof June 25 2012
Correction: A Long-term Prospective Study of Type-Specific Human Papillomavirus Infection and Risk of Cervical Neoplasia among 20,000 Women in the Portland Kaiser Cohort Study. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 1 August 2012; 21 (8): 1390–1391.
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