Increased levels of MCP-1, IL-8 and IL-6 are associated with mild cognitive impairment, defined as frequent and irregular bouts of forgetfulness, difficulties with attention and/or difficulties with language-a condition with comparable symptomology reported by cancer patients experiencing chemobrain. High levels of these molecules may compromise neuronal and synaptic integrity, leading to cognitive impairment. Patients receiving doxorubicin-based (with cyclophosphamide, or cyclophosphamide and fluorouracil; AC/CAF) chemotherapy or a combination of cyclophosphamide, methotrexate, and fluorouracil (CMF) chemotherapy report experiencing chemobrain, but MCP-1, IL-8 and IL-6 may be differentially influenced by these regimens. The purpose of this study was to examine changes in expression of these molecules among breast cancer patients (N = 54) receiving combinations of AC/CAF or CMF. Changes in MCP-1, IL-8 and IL-6 were assessed at baseline (T1) and after 2 chemotherapy cycles (T2). T-tests were used to compare between group and within group differences on raw means and mean change (T2-T1). IL-6 significantly increased in the AC/CAF group (4.95 pg/mL,SEM = 2.31;P < 0.05), but MCP-1 (42.8 pg/mL;SEM = 40.36) and IL-8 (0.25 pg/mL;SEM = 1.19) did not. IL-6 (−1.46 pg/mL,SEM = 0.94), MCP-1 (−15.8 pg/mL,SEM = 49.95) and IL-8 (−0.79 pg/mL,SEM = 1.04) all decreased in the CMF group; however, none of these changes were significant. No significant differences in IL-6 (1.06 pg/mL, SEM = 1.05), MCP-1(73.48 pg/mL, SEM = 67.30), or IL-8 (−1.95 pg/mL, SEM = 3.28) at T1 were observed between AC/CAF and CMF groups. At T2, there was a significant difference in IL-6 (7.72 pg/mL,SEM = 3.82; P ≤ 0.05) between AC/CAF and CMF groups, but not in MCP-1 (131.91 pg/mL,SEM = 87.09) or IL-8 (5.72 pg/mL,SEM = 4.0). A significant change (T2-T1) in IL-6 (6.41 pg/mL,SEM = 2.57;P < 0.05) between AC/CAF and CMF groups was observed. Changes in MCP-1 (58.65 pg/mL,SEM = 63.94) and IL-8 (1.08 pg/mL,SEM = 1.58) between groups were not significant. These results suggest AC/CAF and CMF chemotherapy regimens elicit distinct inflammatory response patterns in MCP-1, IL-8 and IL-6 suggesting different mechanisms may be responsible for the development of chemobrain. Future research is needed to confirm these findings. Funding:NCI R25CA10618.

This abstract is one of the 17 highest scoring abstracts of those submitted for presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Preventive Oncology, to be held March 20-23, 2010 in Bethesda, MD.