Background: Cervical cancer is one of the most common cancers in Lithuania. It is the fourth most common cancer for women after breast cancer. Cervical cancer is increasing in Lithuania since 1992. One of the most important cervical cancer risk factors is Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. The risk of infection is increased by the number and risk behavior of sexual partners.
Aim of the Study: to estabilish the connection with HPV infection and other factors of the risc, when there are chenges in the oncocitological analysis of cervix.
Objectives: to evaluate the risk of HPV, its types associated with cervical cancer; to find the association with other risk factors for cervical cancer development and the spreading of HPV among women.
Material and Methods: 196 women, who visited Central clinic of Vilnius with the propose of prophylaxis, were investigated in the study during 2003–2004. Diagnosis of cancer was confirmed cytologically. All samples were tested for HPV DNA. Non-infectious risk factors were analyzed using a questionnaire created according recomendations of International IARC. To relate the factors of the risc was used nonparametrical coefficient of Spearmans correlation (rho), wich was estimated by the statistic processing program SPSS v.13. To estimate the risk of cervical cancer associated with various HPV types and the other risk factors, 95% confidence intervals (CI) were calculated, logistic regression model was used. A result of p<0,05 was judged as significant.
Results: The PAP swab was never done to 97 (49,5 %) women, who were investigated. Teh cytological changes of the cells was established to 46 women- great connection between making PAP swab and the oncocitological changes (rho =0,474, p<0,01). After doing HPV test, the virus was estimated to 21,9 %, from wich sorts of high risk: 16, 33, 51,53-estimated to 19 (9,7 %). Great connection, which was established, is between HPV prevalence and cervical changes (rho=0,623; p<0.01). The family status do not protect from the possible cytological changes and HPV infection in the group of healthy women (rho= 0,412; p<0,05). It was investigated, that the cytological changes of the cervix are estimated to women , who take place in the lower social state , with the lower than a high education (p<0,05). The number of sexual partners, their unmerried relations, infections sreading during sexual relations, smoking influence the spreading of HPV infection (p<0,05).
Second AACR International Conference on the Science of Cancer Health Disparities— Feb 3–6, 2009; Carefree, AZ