In the article (1) on Cancer Surveillance Research in the June 2009 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention, there are errors in the first full paragraph on page 1671 and in the Fig. 1A legend. Reference 16 in that paragraph should be Reference 21. The last full sentence should read as follows: The 1973 birth-cohort in Fig. 1B corresponds to ages 21-24 to 29-32 in Table 1, whereas the 1961 birth-cohort corresponds to ages 21-24 to 41-44, etc. The correct Fig. 1A legend should read as follows from top to bottom: ages 77-80 yr, ages 65-68 yr, ages 53-56 yr, ages 41-44 yr, and ages 29-32 yr.
. Cancer Surveillance Research
. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
.© 2009 American Association for Cancer Research.