
The methylation of CpG islands near promoter regions of genes and subsequent transcriptional silencing of these genes, has lead to the definition of a new molecular pathway for colon carcinogenesis. Using data from a large population-based study of colon cancer, the association of CIMP with other tumors mutations such as BRAF, microsatellite instability (MSI), Ki-ras, and p53 are presented. Several diet and lifestyle factors have been proposed as being associated with CIMP including dietary factors such as folate that may influence DNA methylation. Cigarette smoking appears to be most consistently associated with CIMP. Associations with dietary factors such as dietary folate as less consistently associated with CIMP in colon cancer. Diet and lifestyle factors associated with CIMP are reviewed to assess possible contributors to the CIMP pathway. Additionally, associations with germline polymorphisms in genes that may be involved in the CIMP pathway are presented.

Sixth AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research-- Dec 5-8, 2007; Philadelphia, PA