In the article on lung cancer risk in non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke" in the February 2004 issue of Cancer Epidemiology Biormarkers Epidemiol Prevention (1), an odds ratio of 1.95 (95% Cl, 0.53-1.15) is given for individuals carrying the AGT mutant alleles and exposed to second-hand smoke. The odds ratio and correct corresponding confidence interval should have read 1.95 (95% Cl, 0.53-7.15) instead of 1.95 (95% Cl, 0.53-1.15).

Cohet C, et al. Exon 5 Polymorphisms in the O6-alkylguanine DNA alkyltransferase gene and lung cancer risk in non-smokers exposed to second-hand smoke.
Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev
2004 Feb