In the article on polymorphisms in breast cancer in the January 2002 issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention (1), the authors mistakenly, but consistently, referred to the serine allele (S) of Waf-1 as the minor allele when in fact the minor allele is arginine (R) and the major allele is serine. This error appears in the Abstract (line 11), Introduction (last paragraph), Results (lines 1 and 8), and Discussion (paragraph 4, line 6). In addition, the headings to Table 1 are similarly incorrectly labeled. Because the authors stated hypotheses and analyzed data based on the “minor” allele frequencies, this error does not affect the Conclusions.

Keshava C, Frye BL, Wolff MS, et al. Waf-1 (p21) and p53 polymorphisms in breast cancer.
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