Re: Gealy et al.: Comparison of Mutations in the p53 and K-ras Genes in Lung Carcinomas from Smoking and Nonsmoking Women 8: 297–302, April 1999.
We wish to call attention to an error in Table 2, page 300. It involves the position of the p53 mutation identified in patient 382T, among the smokers. In this patient, the mutation, a CAT to CTT (A to T), as recorded in our notebook, actually corresponds to codon 179 in exon 5, i.e., 179(5) rather than codon 279 in exon 8, i.e., 279(8), as shown in the table. Therefore, in this patient (382T), 279(8) should have been 179(5). The type of base change, amino acid change, and the clinical information about this patient do not change after correction of this error. The A to T mutation found in patient 382T was referred to once in the section entitled “Results and Discussion,” third paragraph, page 299. Because the mutation type is accurate, however, and the mutation position that contained the error was not mentioned, there is no change to be made there.