Jung et al. Page 918

Lack of association between fat intake and breast cancer risk might be attributed to disregard of temporal effects during adolescence. Jung and colleagues prospectively examined associations between adolescent fat intakes and breast density. Among 177 Swedish women, dietary intakes at ages 10–18 were assessed and averaged. Comparing women in the extreme quartiles of adolescent fat intakes, percent dense breast volume was positively associated with saturated fat intake, indicating that adolescent diets are associated with higher breast density measured years later.

Bates et al. Page 927

Oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) may be preceded by lesions termed oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD). Biomarkers are needed to detect OSCC cases at risk of malignant transformation. Bates and colleagues examined epidermal growth factor receptor gene copy number (EGFR GCN) as a potential biomarker in oral carcinogenesis. EGFR GCN was examined by in situ hybridization in biopsies from patients with OPMD or OSCC. OPMD with abnormal EGFR GCN were more likely to undergo malignant transformation than diploid cases.

Ross et al. Page 936

African American (AA) smokers experience greater tobacco-related disease burden than Whites, despite smoking fewer cigarettes per day. To better understand this disparity, Ross and colleagues examined factors that affect daily nicotine exposure in AA smokers. They report that puffing behavior (total puff volume, short inter-puff intervals), sex, and menthol status were all significant predictors of high nicotine exposure. These findings enhance the understanding of the relationship between smoking behavior and nicotine intake.

Fedewa et al. Page 995

It has been reported that Asian Americans are less likely to be screened for colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to non-Hispanic Whites (NHW). To examine this disparity trend using recent data, Fedewa and colleagues examined trends in CRC screening among Asian Americans using data from the 2003, 2005, 2007, and 2009 California Health Interview Surveys. Between 2003 and 2009, CRC screening was still significantly lower among Asian Americans compared to NHW, though disparities narrowed over time. CRC screening prevalence among Asian Americans remains below nationwide goals.