Advanced glycation end products(AGE) is generally recognized as several complications including cancer and increased the volume in diabetes mellitus patients. In course our human related carcinogens studies for chemoprevention, we were investigated the HAGE (Human alubumin and glucose mixture) sample for carcinogenic activity and were found the significant tumor initiating potency on two-stage mouse skin test. SENCAR mice were initiated withthree times dose of each 100 μg HAGE and promoted with 1 μg TPA twice a week for 20 weeks. Resently, we also found that some colorants, betanin and Brazilian herbal medicine showed the inhibitory effects against HAGE induced carcinogenesis. For this study, from 1 week before to 1 week after initiation treatment by natural Brazilian traditional medicine, Tabebuia avellanedae , which is native to South America from Brazil to northern Argentina, is well known in traditional folk medicne used for the treatment of various disease and natural colorant, betanin, it delayed the formation of papillomas and reduced the number of papillomas per mouse.As examples of the development of lead chemopreventive agents within the scope of the program project effort, the oral absorption of these compounds are evaluated using in vivo human related carcinogen model and efficacy in full-term tumorigenesis models. These findings may explain the observation that there is an icreased risk of neoplasms in individuals with diabetes.
[Fifth AACR International Conference on Frontiers in Cancer Prevention Research, Nov 12-15, 2006]