Implementing fecal immunochemical testing (FIT) through clinic based opportunistic screening or programmatic mailing is not as straightforward as it seems. Liu and colleagues present data for 56,980 individuals who submitted a FIT in a safety net hospital system. In 10.2% (N = 5,819), the test was deemed unsatisfactory. These data demonstrate that there is significant room for improvement in clinical practice regarding colorectal cancer screening with FIT. The high rate of 10% for unsatisfactory FIT tests is higher than the 5% benchmark suggested by the U.S. Multi-Society Task Force on colorectal cancer screening. To maximize FIT success, there needs to be a preoccupation with failure at the system level that results in reducing the number of FIT tests that are rejected. Completing a stool test independently at home is not easy. The medical system needs to help and support individuals in completing the test every step of the way. Suggestions include patient related tips such as labelling and mailing the tests. There are also suggestions for the ordering clinician including administrative tracking to notify clinicians when a FIT has not been performed or is rejected. Papers like this get us focused exactly where we need to be to improve FIT-based screening.

See related article by Liu et al., p. 215

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