Evaluations of cancer etiology and safety and effectiveness of cancer treatments are predicated on large numbers of patients with sufficient baseline and follow-up data. To assess feasibility of FDA's Sentinel System's electronic healthcare data for surveillance of malignancy onset and examination of product safety, this study by Haug and colleagues examined patterns of enrollment surrounding new-onset cancers. The study found that the FDA Sentinel System's electronic healthcare data may be useful for characterizing relatively short latency cancer risk, examining cancer drug utilization and safety post diagnosis, and conducting surveillance for acute adverse events among patients with cancers. As a national distributed system with electronic health data, the Sentinel system provides opportunity for rapid pharmacoepidemiologic assessments relevant in oncology.

This study sought to clarify and extend a 2018 descriptive study by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that reported high pediatric cancer incidence in New Hampshire. Statistically comparing national, regional...

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