Recently, Carroll and colleagues (1) concluded that filter ventilation was not associated with biomarkers of exposure (BOE) or biomarkers of potential harm (BOPH). When one assesses exposure and harm from different cigarette types, one usually consider results not only in terms of harm to the smoker who uses them, but also on a per cigarette basis. The analyses reported, which did not control for the number of cigarettes smoked per day (CPD) in their filter ventilation groups Q1 to Q4, do not provide the essential information on exposure per cigarette.

From the results in Table 3 of the article, we could generate trend probability values quite similar to those presented. We then adjusted for the mean CPD per filter ventilation group shown in Table 2, Ci (i = 1, 2, 3, 4) in various ways, by analyzing loge (Bi/Ci), (loge...

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