
Scoring of immunohistochemistry (IHC) staining is often done by non-pathologists, especially in large-scale tissue microarray (TMA)-based studies. Studies on the validity and reproducibility of scoring results from non-pathologists are limited. Therefore, our main aim was to assess interobserver agreement between trained non-pathologists and an experienced histopathologist for three IHC markers with different subcellular localization (nucleus/membrane/cytoplasm).


Three non-pathologists were trained in recognizing adenocarcinoma and IHC scoring by a senior histopathologist. Kappa statistics were used to analyze interobserver and intraobserver agreement for 6,249 TMA cores from a colorectal cancer series.


Interobserver agreement between non-pathologists (independently scored) and the histopathologist was “substantial” for nuclear and membranous IHC markers (κrange = 0.67–0.75 and κrange = 0.61–0.69, respectively), and “moderate” for the cytoplasmic IHC marker (κrange = 0.43–0.57). Scores of the three non-pathologists were also combined into a “combination score (if at least two non-pathologists independently assigned the same score to a core, this was the combination score). This increased agreement with the pathologist (κnuclear = 0.74; κmembranous = 0.73; κcytopasmic = 0.57). Interobserver agreement between non-pathologists was “substantial” (κnuclear = 0.78; κmembranous = 0.72; κcytopasmic = 0.61). Intraobserver agreement of non-pathologists was “substantial” to “almost perfect” (κnuclear,range = 0.83–0.87; κmembranous,range = 0.75–0.82; κcytopasmic = 0.69). Overall, agreement was lowest for the cytoplasmic IHC marker.


This study shows that adequately trained non-pathologists are able to generate reproducible IHC scoring results, that are similar to those of an experienced histopathologist. A combination score of at least two non-pathologists yielded optimal results.


Non-pathologists can generate reproducible IHC results after appropriate training, making analyses of large-scale molecular pathological epidemiology studies feasible within an acceptable time frame.

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