I am writing regarding the conclusion of this article by Reid and colleagues (1): “Since the initiation of this study, SNP array data from the Oncoarray (3) have become available and present opportunity for future CNV studies.” Most of the authors of this article are members of the Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium (OCAC) and know that the Oncoarray data (based on over 30,000 cases and 18,000 controls) have been available to OCAC members since 2014. Nonetheless, they did not apply to OCAC for these data until after July 2018, once they had submitted the article that you subsequently published (on approximately 3,500 cases and controls). In the era of large consortia, it is very unfortunate that CEBP still publishes small association studies that do not seek to replicate the findings in the much bigger sample sizes available.

See the Response, p. 1279

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