The NCI Calls for $11.446 Billion in Funding for FY 2026
In its just-released fiscal year (FY) 2026 Professional Judgment Budget Proposal, the NCI calls for $11.446 billion in congressional funding, which would be an increase of $4.222 billion over its appropriation for FY 2024. It would also be an increase of $2.179 billion over the amount requested by President Joe Biden for FY 2025, which was $9.287 billion. (Congress hasn’t yet determined the agency’s appropriation for FY 2025, which begins on October 1, but due to budget caps, the final appropriation will fall short of that amount.) The Professional Judgment Budget Proposal for FY 2026 says that the additional funds would, among other activities, allow the NCI to allocate more money for early-career researchers, improve access to clinical trials, and boost research among institutions and communities with fewer resources.