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Stored lipid droplets promote pancreatic tumor cell migration. The image shows BxPC-3 pancreatic tumor cells migrating in a wound healing assay following loading with oleic acid. Lipid droplets (yellow, BODIPY-FL-C12), actin (red, phalloidin), and nuclei (blue). For details, see article by Rozeveld and colleagues on page 4932. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
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Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Breaking Insights
Cancer Research Highlights
Controversy and Consensus
Genome and Epigenome
Morphology-Predicted Large-Scale Transition Number in Circulating Tumor Cells Identifies a Chromosomal Instability Biomarker Associated with Poor Outcome in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Protein Arginine Methyltransferase 5 Promotes pICln-Dependent Androgen Receptor Transcription in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer
Chromothripsis in Human Breast Cancer
Metabolism and Chemical Biology
Molecular Cell Biology
Specific Mechanisms of Chromosomal Instability Indicate Therapeutic Sensitivities in High-Grade Serous Ovarian Carcinoma
A Circle RNA Regulatory Axis Promotes Lung Squamous Metastasis via CDR1-Mediated Regulation of Golgi Trafficking
Tumor Biology and Immunology
Futibatinib Is a Novel Irreversible FGFR 1–4 Inhibitor That Shows Selective Antitumor Activity against FGFR-Deregulated Tumors
β-Galactosylceramidase Promotes Melanoma Growth via Modulation of Ceramide Metabolism
Translational Science
CD122-Selective IL2 Complexes Reduce Immunosuppression, Promote Treg Fragility, and Sensitize Tumor Response to PD-L1 Blockade
A Functional Genomic Screen Identifies the Deubiquitinase USP11 as a Novel Transcriptional Regulator of ERα in Breast Cancer
Glutamate Is a Noninvasive Metabolic Biomarker of IDH1-Mutant Glioma Response to Temozolomide Treatment
Convergence and Technologies
Population and Prevention Science
Journal Archive
Cancer Research
(1941-Present; volumes 1-current)Published twice monthly since 1987. From 1941-1986, published monthly.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
The American Journal of Cancer
(1931-1940; volumes 15-40)Published quarterly in 1931, bimonthly in 1932, and monthly from 1933 to 1940. The journal changed title to Cancer Research in 1941.
(ISSN 0099-7374)
The Journal of Cancer Research
(1916-1930); volumes 1-14)Published quarterly from 1916 through 1930 (publication was suspended from November 1922 to March 1924). The journal changed title to The American Journal of Cancer in 1931.
(ISSN 0099-7013)
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