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Breast cancer xenograft imaged in vivo by volumetric multispectral optoacoustic tomography (vMSOT). Fine vasculature patterns in the superficial epidermal layer are visible along with the larger feeding vessels and the necrotic core. The unique spectral differentiation capacity of vMSOT grants label-free measures of the blood oxygenation at high resolution across the entire tumor volume, while hypoxic fraction and cyclic hypoxia can further be dynamically quantified during oxygen challenge. For details, see article by Ron and colleagues on page 4767. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
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Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Breaking Insights
Cancer Research Highlights
Controversy and Consensus
Priority Report
Genome and Epigenome
Analysis of Over 140,000 European Descendants Identifies Genetically Predicted Blood Protein Biomarkers Associated with Prostate Cancer Risk
Chemotherapy-Induced Distal Enhancers Drive Transcriptional Programs to Maintain the Chemoresistant State in Ovarian Cancer
Long Noncoding RNA FAM225A Promotes Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Tumorigenesis and Metastasis by Acting as ceRNA to Sponge miR-590-3p/miR-1275 and Upregulate ITGB3
Metabolism and Chemical Biology
Radiolabeled Oligonucleotides Targeting the RNA Subunit of Telomerase Inhibit Telomerase and Induce DNA Damage in Telomerase-Positive Cancer Cells
Molecular Cell Biology
Targeting Mechanoresponsive Proteins in Pancreatic Cancer: 4-Hydroxyacetophenone Blocks Dissemination and Invasion by Activating MYH14
Gene Editing of α6 Integrin Inhibits Muscle Invasive Networks and Increases Cell–Cell Biophysical Properties in Prostate Cancer
Tumor Biology and Immunology
Melanoma Extracellular Vesicles Generate Immunosuppressive Myeloid Cells by Upregulating PD-L1 via TLR4 Signaling
SET Domain–Containing Protein 4 Epigenetically Controls Breast Cancer Stem Cell Quiescence
Translational Science
Convergence and Technologies
Journal Archive
Cancer Research
(1941-Present; volumes 1-current)Published twice monthly since 1987. From 1941-1986, published monthly.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
The American Journal of Cancer
(1931-1940; volumes 15-40)Published quarterly in 1931, bimonthly in 1932, and monthly from 1933 to 1940. The journal changed title to Cancer Research in 1941.
(ISSN 0099-7374)
The Journal of Cancer Research
(1916-1930); volumes 1-14)Published quarterly from 1916 through 1930 (publication was suspended from November 1922 to March 1924). The journal changed title to The American Journal of Cancer in 1931.
(ISSN 0099-7013)
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