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Cancer Research

Table of Contents

Breaking Advances

Cancer Research 75th Anniversary Commentary


Priority Report

Clinical Studies

Bruce J. Tromberg; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Zheng Zhang; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Anaïs Leproux; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Thomas D. O'Sullivan; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Albert E. Cerussi; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Philip M. Carpenter; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Rita S. Mehta; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Darren Roblyer; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Wei Yang; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Keith D. Paulsen; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Brian W. Pogue; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Shudong Jiang; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Peter A. Kaufman; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Arjun G. Yodh; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; So Hyun Chung; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Mitchell Schnall; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Bradley S. Snyder; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Nola Hylton; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; David A. Boas; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Stefan A. Carp; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; Steven J. Isakoff; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators; David Mankoff; on behalf of the ACRIN 6691 investigators

Integrated Systems and Technologies

Author Choice

Microenvironment and Immunology

Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology

Prevention and Epidemiology

Therapeutics, Targets, and Chemical Biology

Author Choice

Tumor and Stem Cell Biology

Author Choice


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