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Combination immunotherapy with anti-hCD137 (urelumab) and anti-hPD-1 (nivolumab) monoclonal antibodies (mAb) in a humanized mouse model enhances the human T-cell infiltrate in xenografted tumors. Using multiplexed quantitative immunofluorescence, we profiled T- and B-cells in the tumor microenvironment. In immunodeficient Rag2−/−IL2Rγ null mice subcutaneously bearing human gastric carcinoma and transferred with peripheral blood mononuclear cells from the same patient, urelumab and nivolumab increased the T-cell infiltrates that were penetrating into the tumor. The presence of T lymphocytes was associated with slow tumor progression. In contrast, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) were restricted to the tumor periphery when treatment consisted of control hIgG4 mAb or either urelumab or nivolumab as single agents. The combination of urelumab and nivolumab seems to help overcome a peripheral barrier so TILs can enter the tumor core. For details, see article by Sanmamed and colleagues on page 3466. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Breaking Advances
Microenvironment and Immunology
Correlation between Density of CD8+ T-cell Infiltrate in Microsatellite Unstable Colorectal Cancers and Frameshift Mutations: A Rationale for Personalized Immunotherapy
Immunosuppressive and Prometastatic Functions of Myeloid-Derived Suppressive Cells Rely upon Education from Tumor-Associated B Cells
Nivolumab and Urelumab Enhance Antitumor Activity of Human T Lymphocytes Engrafted in Rag2−/−IL2Rγnull Immunodeficient Mice
Perivascular M2 Macrophages Stimulate Tumor Relapse after Chemotherapy
Tuning Sensitivity of CAR to EGFR Density Limits Recognition of Normal Tissue While Maintaining Potent Antitumor Activity
Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology
CRMP5 Controls Glioblastoma Cell Proliferation and Survival through Notch-Dependent Signaling
Pancreatic Cancer Cell Migration and Metastasis Is Regulated by Chemokine-Biased Agonism and Bioenergetic Signaling
Defects in the Fanconi Anemia Pathway and Chromatid Cohesion in Head and Neck Cancer
Therapeutics, Targets, and Chemical Biology
ErbB3–ErbB2 Complexes as a Therapeutic Target in a Subset of Wild-type BRAF/NRAS Cutaneous Melanomas
Novel Cancer Therapeutics with Allosteric Modulation of the Mitochondrial C-Raf–DAPK Complex by Raf Inhibitor Combination Therapy
Affinity-Tuned ErbB2 or EGFR Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells Exhibit an Increased Therapeutic Index against Tumors in Mice
Tumor and Stem Cell Biology
IL6/JAK1/STAT3 Signaling Blockade in Endometrial Cancer Affects the ALDHhi/CD126+ Stem-like Component and Reduces Tumor Burden
RAS/MAPK Activation Drives Resistance to Smo Inhibition, Metastasis, and Tumor Evolution in Shh Pathway–Dependent Tumors
Microenvironment-Modulated Metastatic CD133+/CXCR4+/EpCAM− Lung Cancer–Initiating Cells Sustain Tumor Dissemination and Correlate with Poor Prognosis
Letters to the Editor
Journal Archive
Cancer Research
(1941-Present; volumes 1-current)Published twice monthly since 1987. From 1941-1986, published monthly.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
The American Journal of Cancer
(1931-1940; volumes 15-40)Published quarterly in 1931, bimonthly in 1932, and monthly from 1933 to 1940. The journal changed title to Cancer Research in 1941.
(ISSN 0099-7374)
The Journal of Cancer Research
(1916-1930); volumes 1-14)Published quarterly from 1916 through 1930 (publication was suspended from November 1922 to March 1924). The journal changed title to The American Journal of Cancer in 1931.
(ISSN 0099-7013)
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