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Induced PDL1 expression in the tumor microenvironment can be abrogated with neutralizing antibodies against IFNγ. In the B16 model, TLR4/7/8 agonists-formulated tumor vaccine increased antitumor CTL response that correlated with increased tumor infiltrating T cells and increased PDL1 expression in the tumor microenvironment. This induction of PDL1 was found to be IFNγ dependent as shown. When combining PDL1-inducing vaccine with PD1 blocking antibody, regression of established tumors was found. For details, see article by Fu and colleagues on page 4042. - PDF Icon PDF LinkTable of Contents
Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Breaking Advances
Microenvironment and Immunology
Molecular and Cellular Pathobiology
Prevention and Epidemiology
Telomere Length in White Blood Cell DNA and Lung Cancer: A Pooled Analysis of Three Prospective Cohorts
Therapeutics, Targets, and Chemical Biology
Circadian and Melatonin Disruption by Exposure to Light at Night Drives Intrinsic Resistance to Tamoxifen Therapy in Breast Cancer
Tumor and Stem Cell Biology
miR-155 Drives Telomere Fragility in Human Breast Cancer by Targeting TRF1
An Inducible Hepatocellular Carcinoma Model for Preclinical Evaluation of Antiangiogenic Therapy in Adult Mice
Hippo Coactivator YAP1 Upregulates SOX9 and Endows Esophageal Cancer Cells with Stem-like Properties
Journal Archive
Cancer Research
(1941-Present; volumes 1-current)Published twice monthly since 1987. From 1941-1986, published monthly.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
The American Journal of Cancer
(1931-1940; volumes 15-40)Published quarterly in 1931, bimonthly in 1932, and monthly from 1933 to 1940. The journal changed title to Cancer Research in 1941.
(ISSN 0099-7374)
The Journal of Cancer Research
(1916-1930); volumes 1-14)Published quarterly from 1916 through 1930 (publication was suspended from November 1922 to March 1924). The journal changed title to The American Journal of Cancer in 1931.
(ISSN 0099-7013)
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