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Cancer Research
Table of Contents
Somatic Mutations of the MEN1 Tumor Suppressor Gene in Sporadic Gastrinomas and Insulinomas
Early Age at Diagnosis in Families Providing Evidence of Linkage to the Hereditary Prostate Cancer Locus (HPC1) on Chromosome 11
Microsatellite Instability Analysis: A Multicenter Study for Reliability and Quality Control1
Expression of Three UDP-N-acetyl-α-d-galactosamine:Polypeptide GalNAc N-Acetylagalactosaminyltransferases in Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines1
Angiogenesis of Uterine Cervical Carcinoma: Characterization by Pharmacokinetic Magnetic Resonance Parameters and Histological Microvessel Density with Correlation to Lymphatic Involvement
Potent Antitumor Activity of a Novel Nucleoside Analogue, BCH-4556 (β-l-Dioxolane-cytidine), in Human Renal Cell Carcinoma Xenograft Tumor Models
O6-Methylguanine-DNA Methyltransferase (MGMT) Transfectants of a 1,3-Bis(2-chloroethyl)-1-nitrosourea (BCNU)-sensitive Colon Cancer Cell Line Selectively Repopulate Heterogeneous MGMT+/MGMT- Xenografts after BCNU and O6-Benzylguanine plus BCNU1
Induction of Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest by CP-358,774, an Inhibitor of Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Tyrosine Kinase
Establishment of Human Peripheral Lung Epithelial Cell Lines (HPL1) Retaining Differentiated Characteristics and Responsiveness to Epidermal Growth Factor, Hepatocyte Growth Factor, and Transforming Growth Factor β11
Differential Effects of Synthetic Nuclear Retinoid Receptor-selective Retinoids on the Growth of Human Non-Small Cell Lung Carcinoma Cells1
B Lymphocytes from Patients with Chronic Lymphoproliferative Disorders Are Equipped with Different Costimulatory Molecules1
Journal Archive
Cancer Research
(1941-Present; volumes 1-current)Published twice monthly since 1987. From 1941-1986, published monthly.
(ISSN 0008-5472)
The American Journal of Cancer
(1931-1940; volumes 15-40)Published quarterly in 1931, bimonthly in 1932, and monthly from 1933 to 1940. The journal changed title to Cancer Research in 1941.
(ISSN 0099-7374)
The Journal of Cancer Research
(1916-1930); volumes 1-14)Published quarterly from 1916 through 1930 (publication was suspended from November 1922 to March 1924). The journal changed title to The American Journal of Cancer in 1931.
(ISSN 0099-7013)
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