Cancer somatic mutations are the product of multiple mutational and repair processes, both of which are tightly associated with DNA replication. Distinctive patterns of somatic mutation accumulation, termed mutational signatures, are indicative of processes sustained within tumors. However, the association of various mutational processes with replication timing (RT) remains an open question. In this study, we systematically analyzed the mutational landscape of 2,787 tumors from 32 tumor types separately for early and late replicating regions using sequence context normalization and chromatin data to account for sequence and chromatin accessibility differences. To account for sequence differences between various genomic regions, an artificial genome–based approach was developed to expand the signature analyses to doublet base substitutions and small insertions and deletions. The association of mutational processes and RT was signature specific: Some signatures were associated with early or late replication (such as SBS7b and SBS7a, respectively), and others had no association. Most associations existed even after normalizing for genome accessibility. A focused mutational signature identification approach was also developed that uses RT information to improve signature identification; this approach found that SBS16, which is biased toward early replication, is strongly associated with better survival rates in liver cancer. Overall, this novel and comprehensive approach provides a better understanding of the etiology of mutational signatures, which may lead to improved cancer prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.


Many mutational processes associate with early or late replication timing regions independently of chromatin accessibility, enabling development of a focused identification approach to improve mutational signature detection.

Somatic mutations in cancer genomes are accumulated along all stages of the cell lineage and are the summation of multiple mutational processes (1). Different mutational processes generate unique combinations of mutation types, termed “mutational signatures.” Systematic analysis of the frequency of somatic mutations in its immediate genomic context is indicative of the mutational processes that were active in the tumor cells (2, 3). Such analysis of mutations frequency revealed many mutational signatures that are indicative of various mutagenesis processes (4). Some of the signatures (such as single base substitution (SBS) signature (1) are found in all tumor types, indicating that they stem from a very general mutagenesis process, whereas others (such as SBS7a–d) are characteristic of a single type of cancer due to a tissue-specific mutagenesis process (in this case UV damage in skin cancer). In recent years, analyses of mutational signatures were expanded from SBSs to include doublet base substitutions (DBS) and small insertions and deletions (indels; ref. 5).

The DNA replication procedure plays an important role in mutagenesis (6), as mismatches can be introduced and DNA damage may be fixed into mutations. Indeed, several replication features (such as fork rate and direction) are known to be associated with certain types of mutation loads (7, 8). Moreover, replication timing (RT), the relative time in S phase that each genomic region is replicated (9), is found to be associated with mutation load. The RT of a region reflects a higher order of genomic organization as it correlates with basic chromosomal features such as the regional GC content, Giemsa banding, and gene density. In addition, early replicating regions are packed in more accessible chromatin and are more involved in transcription (10). RT is strongly associated with mutation rates of both germline and somatic mutations, which are much higher in genomic regions that replicate later in S phase (11), suggesting that either mutagenesis or repair occurs in different intensities in early and late replicating regions. Analysis of somatic mutations in early and late replicating regions showed that the higher mutation rate in late replicating regions disappears in tumors with defects in either mismatch repair (MMR) or global genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER) mechanisms (12, 13). These results suggest that the higher mutation rates in late replicating regions are due to less efficient repair in those regions. Interestingly, analysis of the association between different mutational signatures and replication properties revealed that most of the detected mutational signatures are significantly correlated with the timing or direction of DNA replication (8), suggesting that the association between replication and mutagenesis is broad and involves many cellular mechanisms. Moreover, analysis of the association of RT with mutational signatures both in breast cancer (14) and in multiple cancer samples (8), revealed that some mutational processes are mainly associated with late RT.

It remains to be determined which mechanisms in late replication cause a higher load of mutations. Is the increased mutational load related directly to replication or is it a consequence of packaging in closed/less accessible chromatin? A recent article addressed this issue and suggested that the association between mutation rates and RT is driven by the association between mutation rates and chromatin accessibility (15). In contrast, it is clear that the replication process itself contributes to mutation rates, since there are several signatures that are associated with either replication rate (7) or with replication fork direction (8), two replication features that are not directly associated with chromatin structure.

Here we readdressed the contribution of RT to mutational distribution by performing a systematic analysis of the association between RT and mutational signatures using 2,787 whole-genome sequenced (WGS) tumors, which are available from the Pan-Caner Analysis of Whole Genomes (PCAWG; ref. 16). Our analysis is more comprehensive than previous analyses in several aspects. First, it expands previous analyses to the newest version of Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC) SBS signatures (v3; ref. 5), which includes newly discovered signatures. Second, by developing a new context normalization method, we were able to expand our analysis to DBS and indel signatures, which their RT association has not yet evaluated. Third, it analyzes both pan-cancer and tissue-specific signatures. Fourth, it distinguishes between the contribution of RT and of chromatin accessibility to mutagenesis. Taken together, our novel and comprehensive approach revealed that the association of late replication with higher mutation rate was an oversimplification, since many mutational processes are more frequent in early RT. This realization is important for better understanding of the etiology of many mutational signatures, which may lead to better prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer (17–19). Indeed, improving signature identification by focusing on genomic regions in which each signature is more dominant, enabled us to better identify liver tumors harboring SBS16, and to reveal that it is a signature with potential clinical implications.

Data sources

We downloaded somatic mutation calls (VCF files) from the PCAWG consortium release of 2,787 whole-cancer genomes and their matching normal tissue across 38 tumor types (16). The data consists of two sources—The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC; 1,902 samples) and The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA; 885 samples). Each source utilized its standard variant call pipeline (Consensus calls for ICGC, and the Broad Institute variant calling pipeline for TCGA). The somatic mutation profile of the two consortiums were very similar both in terms of 96 trinucleotide context (Supplementary Fig. S1A), and in terms of mutational signatures (Supplementary Fig. S1B). Accordingly, we combined the mutation calls data for all analyses.

Replication timing regions and chromatin annotations

In order to minimize the effect of variation in RT between cell types, we used only the constitutive RT regions for most of our analyses, which constitute approximately 40% of the human genome that have the same RT in 26 tissues examined (20) and are also similar in cancer (Supplementary Fig. S2). We used the median RT of the genome to separate between early and late replication (Supplementary Fig. S3). Among the constitutive RT regions 706 Mb are defined as early replicating regions (ERR) and 583 Mb as late replicating regions (LRR). For the stratification of melanoma, liver HCC, breast cancer, lung cancer, and pancreatic carcinoma samples by chromatin activity, we used RT data of the entire genome (and not only the constitutive regions) of a cell line derived from the relevant cancer type. These RT profiles were intersected with chromatin annotation from a recent publication (15). Regions annotated as either “active” or “active2” were defined as active chromatin whereas the “inactive” regions were defined as inactive chromatin. The use of the full genome RT profiles for these analyses was crucial, since early-inactive and late-active groups are small (80 Mb and 17 Mb out of 706 Mb and 583 Mb of constitutive RT regions respectively). Replicating timing of four cell lines was produced by us: melanoma cell line FM-55-P, breast cancer cell line BT-549, lung cancer cell line A549, and pancreatic carcinoma cell line PANC-1. RT data of liver HCC cell line HepG2 was downloaded from In total, 860 to 950 Mb were classified as early-active, 200 to 433 Mb as early-inactive, 113 to 197 Mb as late-active and 865 to 1,024 Mb as late-inactive (Supplementary Table S1).

Mutational signature analysis

To measure resemblance between different regions in the same sample, we used cosine similarity:

The cosine similarity values range between 0 (completely different) and 1 (identical).

Mutational profiles of SBS, DBS, and indels were extracted using SigProfilerMatrixGenerator (21). We excluded tumors with too few mutations (<200 SBS, <100 indels, <20 DBS; refs. 22). Unless stated otherwise, for each region used in the paper aside for when using the method of comparison to artificial genomes, we normalized the mutation counts by the abundance of the trinucleotide context relative to that of the whole genome. SBS, DBS, and indel signatures referred to in this article are all from the COSMIC database v3 (23). Overall, we used 66 SBS signatures, 11 DBS signatures, and 17 indels signatures. Mutational signatures were detected for each sample and each region independently, by solving the Non-Negative Least Squares (NNLS) algorithm using MutationalPatterns R package (24), fitting known COSMIC mutational signatures to the given mutational profile. This approach has been proposed for assessing signatures in well studied cancer samples and when not aimed to discover new signatures as described (5, 25, 26). The fitting approach may falsely assign too many signatures to a sample (signature “bleeding”). Thus, we used a priori knowledge from the gold-standard COSMIC database for excluding nonrelevant signatures as described in Alexandrov and colleagues and in Maura and colleagues (5, 26). Samples in which the similarity between the original mutational profile and the reconstructed mutational profile (given by the fitting algorithm results) were less than 0.9 (cosine similarity) were excluded from further analyses. The contribution of each signature to the mutations in each tumor can be measured in absolute terms (counting the number of mutations attributed to each signature) or in relative terms (assessing the percentage of mutations attributed to each signature). We preferred the relative methodology, since it controls for different mutation rates in different tumors and tumor types. To check consistency of the results, we used SigAnalyzer reference signatures (5) retrieved from!Synapse:syn12009645.

Artificial genomes

For each of the tumor samples, we generated 10 artificial genomes using SigProfilerSimulator (21). The artificial genomes carry the exact same mutational profile (classified by 96 SBS subtypes, 78 DBS subtypes, and 83 ID subtypes, including microhomology deletions) as the original sample (cosine similarity = 1). The simulated mutations are randomly distributed across the genome in an unbiased fashion. These artificial genomes were analyzed for signatures. The mean of the 10 ERR and LRR mutational signature profiles was used for the comparison with the samples' actual signatures profiles.

Delta analysis

The delta is the relative contribution of each signature in ERR minus its relative contribution in LRR. Relative contribution of each signature in each sample was calculated as number of mutations attributed for a specific signature in a specific sample, divided by the sum of mutations in that sample. Delta was calculated only if the contribution of a specific signature was more than 5% in at least one region (ERR or LRR). The delta analysis was performed in the same way for artificial genomes. Differences of deltas were calculated between real genomes and artificial genomes' signatures deltas (i.e., signatures' delta of the original genomes minus signatures’ delta of the artificial genomes). Only projects with at least 15 tumors, after applying the inclusion criteria, were included in cancer type–specific analyses.

SBS16 detection and survival analysis for the LIRI-JP project

Clinical data of patients from the Liver Cancer - RIKEN, JP (LIRI-JP) project were obtained from the ICGC data portal. Since only few cases of female liver tumors contain SBS16, we restricted our survival analysis to males. Survival analysis was performed using R packages ‘Survival’ and ‘Survminer’. In Cosmic v3 SBS16 is a liver-specific well defined signature (5). Thus, one can reliably use a relatively low threshold for identifying SBS16-positive samples in liver cancer samples. We performed the survival analyses with a range of thresholds (8% to 12%). For each analysis, a sample was considered SBS16-positive/negative if SBS16′s relative contribution was above/below the specific threshold, respectively (Supplementary Fig. S4).


Statistical analyses were performed using R version 4.0.3. If not stated otherwise, the comparison of two distributions of continuous values was tested with a paired Wilcoxon rank-sum test. For multiple comparisons, P values were corrected by FDR. All boxplots are presented according to the standard boxplot notation in R (ggplot2 package).

Data availability

Sequence data reported in this study have been submitted to the Sequence Read Archive (SRA) under accession numbers PRJNA419407 and PRJNA726798. Other datasets utilized in this study are available online as described in the Materials and Methods.

Mutational profiles of tumors are different between early and late replication timing regions

In order to explore the relation between mutational processes and RT, we compared mutation types in early with late replicating portions of the genome. To avoid variations of RT between tissues we restricted our analyses to the constitutive RT portions of the genome, which have a similar RT across a panel of 26 distinct human tissues (20), and are also similar in cancer cells (Supplementary Fig. S2). In total, 706 Mb and 583 Mb were analyzed as constitutive early and late regions, respectively (Materials and Methods). Somatic single-nucleotide variants (SNV) of 2,787 WGS samples from the PCAWG project were analyzed for mutational signatures, separately for constitutive ERRs, and constitutive LRRs. Trinucleotide counts of each region were normalized relative to the trinucleotide distribution of the entire genome to account for differences in the trinucleotide distribution of ERR and LRR. Pan-cancer analysis of 66 SBS signatures across all tumors allowed testing for association of each signature with RT. The test is based on the mean difference (delta) between relative contribution of each SBS signature in ERR and LRR, across tumor samples, corrected for trinucleotide distribution (Materials and Methods; Fig. 1A). As expected (8, 11), we found many mutational signatures enriched in LRR (e.g., SBS signatures 1, 4, 8). Surprisingly, we also found many signatures enriched in ERR (e.g., SBSs 5, 16, 40). We repeated the analysis for each cancer project separately (see examples in Fig. 1B). In almost all cases, the RT bias was similar across cancer types (in which the signature exists), suggesting that the difference in SBS exposure in different RT regions does not depend on cancer type (Fig. 1C). SBS signatures such as SBS8, and to a lesser extent SBSs 2 + 13 (APOBEC-related), 5, 39, 40, and several others, demonstrated RT association in numerous cancer types. Furthermore, the cancer type–specific analyses emphasize the association between RT and mutational signatures of many tumor type–specific signatures: SBS7a + b in melanoma, which are correlated with LRR and ERR respectively; SBS9 with LRR in lymphomas and chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL); and SBS17a + b with LRR in gastric and esophageal cancer (Fig. 1B and C). The results were consistent with SigAnalyzer reference signatures (5), emphasizing their robustness (Supplementary Fig. S5). Interestingly, taking advantage of the large number of mutations typical in melanoma and examining the RT bias of SBS7a and SBS7b for five bins of RT, we realized that the association of these signatures with RT is continuous (Supplementary Fig. S6).

Figure 1.

Replication timing contribution to SBS mutational signatures. A, Average RT biases across all SBS signatures in 2,519 tumors. Delta between ERR and LRR. Positive value implies higher contribution in ERR; negative value implies higher contribution in LRR. Color of bars, the number of cancer projects the bias was found statistically significant (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Small histograms, distribution of the delta for three signatures. B, Scatter plots, contribution of the indicated signatures in ERR (orange) and LRR (blue) for individual cancer samples (x-axis, sorted in each cancer type by the contribution of one of the signatures) in different cancer projects: melanoma, MELA-AU and SKCM-US (SBS7a and SBS7b); CLL, CLLE-ES (SBS8 and SBS9); lung squamous cell carcninoma, LUSC-US (SBS4 and SBS2 + 13); and ovarian cancer, OV-AU and OV-US (SBS3 and SBS40). C, Heatmap of each SBS signature's RT bias (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test), or no bias (white), stratified by cancer types. Red and blue, positive and negative delta, respectively. The projects were ordered using hierarchical clustering. Signatures with no bias in any project are not shown.

Figure 1.

Replication timing contribution to SBS mutational signatures. A, Average RT biases across all SBS signatures in 2,519 tumors. Delta between ERR and LRR. Positive value implies higher contribution in ERR; negative value implies higher contribution in LRR. Color of bars, the number of cancer projects the bias was found statistically significant (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test). Small histograms, distribution of the delta for three signatures. B, Scatter plots, contribution of the indicated signatures in ERR (orange) and LRR (blue) for individual cancer samples (x-axis, sorted in each cancer type by the contribution of one of the signatures) in different cancer projects: melanoma, MELA-AU and SKCM-US (SBS7a and SBS7b); CLL, CLLE-ES (SBS8 and SBS9); lung squamous cell carcninoma, LUSC-US (SBS4 and SBS2 + 13); and ovarian cancer, OV-AU and OV-US (SBS3 and SBS40). C, Heatmap of each SBS signature's RT bias (P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test), or no bias (white), stratified by cancer types. Red and blue, positive and negative delta, respectively. The projects were ordered using hierarchical clustering. Signatures with no bias in any project are not shown.

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Artificial genome–based method for sequence-context correction

Because ERRs and LRRs differ in their trinucleotide compositions and GC content (10), differences in mutation distributions may stem from differences in the normal sequence context in those regions. Normalizing RT regions by trinucleotide counts compared with that of the genome counts addresses this issue, however it is difficult to apply it for more complex nucleotide context mutational events, as with indels. To this end, we developed an alternative normalization method that is based on the creation of an artificial sample for each tumor sample, in which the nucleotide context of each mutation is maintained but its genomic position is randomly chosen (Materials and Methods). These artificial genomes can be used for distinguishing between sequence context (which is maintained) and other biological processes that affect mutations distribution (that are active only in the original tumors). To validate this method, we compared the context-controlled RT bias, calculated by subtracting the bias in the artificial genomes from the bias in the unnormalized tumors, with the bias calculated using the trinucleotide normalization method. Overall, the results are highly similar (R = 0.960, P < 10–16, Pearson correlation test; Fig. 2A and B; Supplementary Fig. S7). This was true also when comparing the two normalization methodologies in the cancer type–specific analyses. The mean Euclidean distance between the ERR–LRR deltas of signatures between the two methods within the same project is 0.049, with an interquartile range of 0.040, significantly lower than the distances between different projects (mean distance of 0.145, P < 10–16, two-sided Student t test; Fig. 2C).

Figure 2.

Artificial genome–based method for sequence-context correction. A, Bar plot of average RT biases in normalization-based correction (blue) compared with the artificial genome–based correction (orange) methods in SBS signatures across 2,519 tumors. Positive value implies higher contribution in ERR; negative value implies higher contribution in LRR. Heatmaps comparing all signatures, including many with delta of approximately 0, are available in the Supplementary Data (Supplementary Fig. S7B). Small histogram, the distribution of the differences between the deltas of the two methods. Differences between the delta magnitude of SBS40 and SBS5 between methods are attributed to the similarity between these two signatures (5). The RT bias direction of these two signatures remains the same. B, Scatter plot showing the correlation (R = 0.96, P < 10–16, Pearson correlation) between the deltas in the two methods. Points, SBS signature deltas. Regression line was calculated using ‘lm’ method in ggplot2. The gray area represents the 95% confidence interval. C, Euclidean distances heatmap between delta distribution in cancer projects in the different methods. Diagonal, the distances between the same project in two methods. Lower values mean greater similarity. Projects are ordered by hierarchical clustering of the artificial genome method deltas. The deltas of each method separately are shown in Supplementary Fig. S7B.

Figure 2.

Artificial genome–based method for sequence-context correction. A, Bar plot of average RT biases in normalization-based correction (blue) compared with the artificial genome–based correction (orange) methods in SBS signatures across 2,519 tumors. Positive value implies higher contribution in ERR; negative value implies higher contribution in LRR. Heatmaps comparing all signatures, including many with delta of approximately 0, are available in the Supplementary Data (Supplementary Fig. S7B). Small histogram, the distribution of the differences between the deltas of the two methods. Differences between the delta magnitude of SBS40 and SBS5 between methods are attributed to the similarity between these two signatures (5). The RT bias direction of these two signatures remains the same. B, Scatter plot showing the correlation (R = 0.96, P < 10–16, Pearson correlation) between the deltas in the two methods. Points, SBS signature deltas. Regression line was calculated using ‘lm’ method in ggplot2. The gray area represents the 95% confidence interval. C, Euclidean distances heatmap between delta distribution in cancer projects in the different methods. Diagonal, the distances between the same project in two methods. Lower values mean greater similarity. Projects are ordered by hierarchical clustering of the artificial genome method deltas. The deltas of each method separately are shown in Supplementary Fig. S7B.

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DBS and indel signatures

In addition to SBS there are two other types of small mutations—DBS and small indels—for which signatures were recently determined. DBS are less common events than SBS and indels, but were shown to be indicative of commonly occurring, single mutagenic events (5). Our artificial genome–based methodology for sequence correction allowed expanding our research to DBS and indels, whose association with RT has not been evaluated comprehensively thus far.

DBS signatures are based on the classification of 78 possible doublet-based mutation types. Overall, 11 DBS signatures were introduced by COSMIC, of which, 8 were first reported recently (5). Because of their rarity, only 163 tumor samples from ICGC and 139 samples from TCGA met our inclusion criteria for the RT analysis (i.e., at least 20 mutations in ERR and in LRR, and 90% success of reconstruction by the DBS signatures; see Materials and Methods). These 302 samples were mainly from three cancer types (83 melanomas, 123 liver cancers, and 67 lung cancers). We applied our signature analysis approach using the artificial genome correction for ERR and LRR and found three signatures with RT bias (Fig. 3A). DBS1 and DBS4 were enriched in ERR whereas DBS2 was enriched in LRR. The project-specific analyses confirmed pan-cancer results and added two signatures enriched in ERR—DBS7 and DBS9 in liver and lung cancer, respectively. Finally, DBS11 showed surprising results since it is enriched in LRR in melanoma samples and in ERR in lung squamous cell carcinoma samples (Fig. 3A and B).

Figure 3.

Replication timing contribution to DBS and indel mutational signatures. A, Bar graphs showing the RT bias (tumor RT Δ–artificial genome RT Δ) in relative contribution of relevant signatures for DBS (left) and indel (right) signatures. B, Heatmap delineating RT biases by different cancer types. Positive (red) and negative (blue) values indicate ERR bias and LRR bias, respectively. All colored cells have P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Top, DBS signatures; bottom, indel signatures. C, Distribution of the contribution of RT (tumor RT Δ–artificial genome RT Δ) for selected SBS, DBS, and indel signatures clustered by etiology. Each point marks the difference between tumor delta and artificial genome delta of a given sample. Points are colored by cancer type and a specific etiology. Cancer projects presented are those in which we anticipate to find the selected signatures (5). Boxplots, the center line marks the median value; top and bottom limits mark first and third quartiles; and whiskers cover data within 1.5× the interquartile range from the box. AdenoCA, adenocarcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

Figure 3.

Replication timing contribution to DBS and indel mutational signatures. A, Bar graphs showing the RT bias (tumor RT Δ–artificial genome RT Δ) in relative contribution of relevant signatures for DBS (left) and indel (right) signatures. B, Heatmap delineating RT biases by different cancer types. Positive (red) and negative (blue) values indicate ERR bias and LRR bias, respectively. All colored cells have P < 0.05, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test. Top, DBS signatures; bottom, indel signatures. C, Distribution of the contribution of RT (tumor RT Δ–artificial genome RT Δ) for selected SBS, DBS, and indel signatures clustered by etiology. Each point marks the difference between tumor delta and artificial genome delta of a given sample. Points are colored by cancer type and a specific etiology. Cancer projects presented are those in which we anticipate to find the selected signatures (5). Boxplots, the center line marks the median value; top and bottom limits mark first and third quartiles; and whiskers cover data within 1.5× the interquartile range from the box. AdenoCA, adenocarcinoma; SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

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The classification of small indel signatures (ID signatures) is based on 83 subtypes of indel events. In total, we analyzed 891 samples that met the inclusion criteria (i.e., at least 100 indels in ERR and in LRR, and 90% success of reconstruction by the ID signatures; see Materials and Methods). Pan-cancer analysis revealed a few signatures with strong RT biases, including ID2, ID3, ID9, and ID1 in LRR; and ID8, ID10, ID4, and ID5 in ERR (Fig. 3A and B). Cancer type–specific analyses confirmed these results and revealed the association of ID13 with LRR in skin cancers (Fig. 3B).

These results are consistent with the single-substitution results (Fig. 3C). SBS4, DBS2, and ID3 are associated with tobacco damage and found enriched in LRR. Similarly, APOBEC related signatures (SBS2, SBS13, and DBS11) are associated with ERR, as have been recently suggested (27). Both DBS1 and ID13 are associated with UV damage but they differ in their enrichments. While DBS1 resembles SBS7b in its enrichment in ERR, ID13 resembles SBS7a in its association with LRR. This can be explained by the type of pyrimidine dimer characteristic of each signature. In ID13 and SBS7a the first residue in the dimer is T (TT and TC, respectively) and the bias is toward LRR, whereas in DBS1 and SBS7b the first residue is C (CC and CT, respectively) and the bias is toward ERR (Fig. 3C). Further studies are needed to understand the repair mechanisms that are responsible for these differences.

We found that all three DNA double-strand break (DSB)–associated signatures (SBS3, ID6, and ID8) are enriched in ERR (Figs. 1A and 3AC). This finding goes along with the higher prevalence of chromosomal rearrangements (which are the consequence of unrepaired DSBs) in ERR (11), and by the analysis of End-seq (a method for quantitatively mapping DNA DSBs) data (28), which revealed significantly more DSBs in ERR than in LRR (Supplementary Fig. S8).

Taken together, the consistent association between replication timing bias of related mutational signatures (SBS, DBS, and indels) and the variable association between the processes, further support the realization that different mutational processes vary in their association with RT.

The tangled relationship between RT and chromatin activity

We have shown a clear association between RT and many mutational signatures, which goes beyond the differences in sequence distribution between ERR and LRR. RT is associated with chromatin structure; ERR are usually more accessible and active than LRR (10). Thus, it is possible that RT is just a proxy for chromatin structure, which affects mutation by modulating DNA accessibility and the RT itself may not contribute to mutational processes. Indeed, a recent publication suggests that mutation rates and distributions are mainly associated with chromatin structure and less with RT (15). To directly address this question, we wanted to define four relatively uniform genomics regions, ERR-active, ERR-inactive, LRR-active, and LRR-inactive, and compare the contribution of mutational signatures in each of those regions. To this end, we took advantage of a recent annotation that used an entropy-based approach to assign a chromatin state to each genomic region across all cell types profiled in the Roadmap Epigenome Consortium (15). In order to get sufficient genome coverage, we profiled the RT of several cancer cell lines (Materials and Methods). Together, the profiled cancer cell lines cover most of the signatures with a clear RT bias (|Δ| > 0.05 in at least one project; Fig. 1C). Intersecting active and inactive domains with RT data allows us to create the 4 genomic categories (Fig. 4A; Supplementary Table S1; Materials and Methods). Using these categories, we repeated our signatures analyses.

Figure 4.

Impact of RT and chromatin activity on different mutational processes. A, RT and chromatin activity regions distributed across 100 Mb in chromosome 1 (left) and 50 Mb in chromosome 2 (right) in a melanoma cell line. Top bar, chromatin activity annotations taken from ref. 15. Y-axis represents the replication timing score of each area. The colors capture the four categories used for the analysis and regions excluded from the analysis (black). B–F, Relative contribution of selected signatures, stratified by RT and chromatin regions. All P values derived from FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank–sum test. NS, not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Red and dark blue indicate RT region comparisons (i.e., ERR vs. LRR) and chromatin accessibility comparisons (i.e., active vs. inactive), respectively. Boxplots: center line, the median value; top and bottom limits, first and third quartiles; whiskers, data within 1.5× the interquartile range from the box. Each dot, a single tumor. B, SBS7a/b in melanoma samples (n = 108). C, SBSs 12 and 16 in liver hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC; n = 257). D, SBS2 + 13 (APOBEC related) and SBS4 in lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (n = 84). E, SBSs 3, 8, and 39 in breast invasive carcinoma (n = 57). F, SBSs 1, 5, and 40 in pancreatic carcinoma (n = 176). G, Scatter plot showing mean RT delta in active chromatin regions (x-axis) and mean RT delta in inactive chromatin regions (y-axis) for different mutational processes. Positive x and y values represent a bias toward early replicating regions. Same plot for chromatin delta in early and late RT regions is shown in Supplementary Fig. S11.

Figure 4.

Impact of RT and chromatin activity on different mutational processes. A, RT and chromatin activity regions distributed across 100 Mb in chromosome 1 (left) and 50 Mb in chromosome 2 (right) in a melanoma cell line. Top bar, chromatin activity annotations taken from ref. 15. Y-axis represents the replication timing score of each area. The colors capture the four categories used for the analysis and regions excluded from the analysis (black). B–F, Relative contribution of selected signatures, stratified by RT and chromatin regions. All P values derived from FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank–sum test. NS, not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. Red and dark blue indicate RT region comparisons (i.e., ERR vs. LRR) and chromatin accessibility comparisons (i.e., active vs. inactive), respectively. Boxplots: center line, the median value; top and bottom limits, first and third quartiles; whiskers, data within 1.5× the interquartile range from the box. Each dot, a single tumor. B, SBS7a/b in melanoma samples (n = 108). C, SBSs 12 and 16 in liver hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC; n = 257). D, SBS2 + 13 (APOBEC related) and SBS4 in lung adenocarcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma (n = 84). E, SBSs 3, 8, and 39 in breast invasive carcinoma (n = 57). F, SBSs 1, 5, and 40 in pancreatic carcinoma (n = 176). G, Scatter plot showing mean RT delta in active chromatin regions (x-axis) and mean RT delta in inactive chromatin regions (y-axis) for different mutational processes. Positive x and y values represent a bias toward early replicating regions. Same plot for chromatin delta in early and late RT regions is shown in Supplementary Fig. S11.

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We found that RT contributes to the creation of UV-related mutational signatures independently of chromatin activity, as both SBS7a and SBS7b showed significantly different contribution in LRR and ERR, even when the domain activity was controlled for (all P values < 10–4, FDR-corrected Wilcoxon rank-sum test; Fig. 4B and G). Interestingly, the opposite was true as well—domain type contributes to UV-related mutagenesis even when RT was controlled for (all P values < 10–5).

Overall, this phenomenon was repeated in various signatures. SBSs 16, 2 + 13, 3, 5, and 40 showed highest enrichment in early-active regions in liver, lung, breast, and pancreatic cancers respectively, statistically significant more than when one factor was controlled, i.e., in late-active or early-inactive regions (Fig. 4CG). Similarly, SBS8 and to a lesser extent also SBS4 showed highest enrichment in late-inactive regions in breast and lung cancer, respectively, statistically significant more than when one factor is controlled (Fig. 4D, E, and G). In contrast, other signatures show higher dependency on chromatin accessibility than on RT. This is true for example for SBS39 in breast cancer that its association with ERR (Fig. 1) is actually association with accessible chromatin (Fig. 4E and G). Similarly, the association of SBS1 to LRR in pancreatic cancer can be mainly explained by association with the inactive parts of the genome (Fig. 4F and G). Taken together, our results clearly demonstrate that both RT and chromatin accessibility contribute independently to mutagenesis with different effects on different mutational processes.

Focused signature analysis approach reveals association of SBS16 and survival rates

Finding the uneven genomic distribution of many signatures (summarized in Supplementary Table S2), suggests that taking RT information into account may improve mutational signatures identification. We therefore developed a focused signature analysis approach and applied it to four projects that had at least 100 tumors (see Materials and Methods). Using the most RT-biased signature in each project we explored its impact on overall survival. We found that SBS16 significantly associated with patient survival.

SBS16 is a signature of unknown etiology, found mainly in liver cancer (5). It was shown to be associated with the male gender, alcohol use, and tobacco consumption (29). Here, we showed that SBS16 is highly enriched in early replicating regions (Fig. 1A and C; Fig. 5A). In light of our findings, we explored the contribution of SBS16 in liver cancer, using either the entire genome or focusing on ERR only. Out of 257 samples in the LIRI-JP project, we found only 58 samples with a significant (>10%) relative contribution of SBS16 using the entire genome for signature identification, while almost three times more samples (170 samples) were found with SBS16 signature analysis focused only on ERR (Fig. 5B and C). Since our approach nearly tripled the number of tumors harboring SBS16, we further characterized those tumors and designated 3 groups—(i) SBS16-positive in both analyses (n = 58); (ii) SBS16-positive only in ERR-focused analysis (n = 122); and (iii) SBS16-negative (less than 10% contribution; n = 69). Gender analysis of the three groups revealed that the two SBS16-positive groups are mainly composed of males (53/58 in whole-genome group, 99/122 in ERR-only group), a statistically significant indication that both groups are indeed SBS16-positive (in a cohort of 190/257 = 74% males, the likelihood that randomly chosen 122 samples will contain 99 males is P < 0.05, one-sided exact binomial test). In contrast, in the SBS16-negative group, there are 52% females and 48% males.

Figure 5.

Better survival of patients with liver harboring SBS16 revealed by focused signature analysis identification. A, Histogram of SBS16 Δ (ERR–LRR contribution). Positive values, higher contribution in ERR. B, Pie charts illustrating the changes of SBS signature contribution in entire genome, ERR only, and LRR only. The average contribution of each signature in the LIRI-JP project. C, Scatter plots of contribution of SBS16 in ERR (red), whole genome (cyan), and LRR (black) in individual cancer samples. X-axis, tumors. D, Survival analysis for three groups of males with liver hepatocellular carcinoma from the LIRI-JP project: green, harboring the SBS16 signature in entire genome analysis (n = 53); blue, harboring the SBS16 signature only in ERR analysis (n = 99); magenta, does not contain the SBS16 signature (n = 33). P values, SBS16 in ERR only versus SBS16 in whole genome (top, P = 0.64) and combined SBS16-positive group (ERR only + whole genome, n = 152) versus no SBS16 group (top, P = 0.0048; FDR-corrected P = 0.0144). P values derived from Cox proportional hazards regression model.

Figure 5.

Better survival of patients with liver harboring SBS16 revealed by focused signature analysis identification. A, Histogram of SBS16 Δ (ERR–LRR contribution). Positive values, higher contribution in ERR. B, Pie charts illustrating the changes of SBS signature contribution in entire genome, ERR only, and LRR only. The average contribution of each signature in the LIRI-JP project. C, Scatter plots of contribution of SBS16 in ERR (red), whole genome (cyan), and LRR (black) in individual cancer samples. X-axis, tumors. D, Survival analysis for three groups of males with liver hepatocellular carcinoma from the LIRI-JP project: green, harboring the SBS16 signature in entire genome analysis (n = 53); blue, harboring the SBS16 signature only in ERR analysis (n = 99); magenta, does not contain the SBS16 signature (n = 33). P values, SBS16 in ERR only versus SBS16 in whole genome (top, P = 0.64) and combined SBS16-positive group (ERR only + whole genome, n = 152) versus no SBS16 group (top, P = 0.0048; FDR-corrected P = 0.0144). P values derived from Cox proportional hazards regression model.

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Survival analysis of male patients revealed that both SBS16-positive groups have similar survival times, which are significantly longer compared with the survival rates of the SBS16-negative group (P = 0.64 and P = 0.0048, respectively; Cox proportional hazards regression model; Fig. 5D). This difference in survival cannot be identified using the classical entire genome approach, since 99 tumors, which are SBS16-positive only in ERR-focused approach and thus have better survival rates, are considered SBS16-negative while exploring all genomes (Supplementary Fig. S9A; P = 0.25). Males survive longer than females in the LIRI-JP project (Supplementary Fig. S9B). However, we observed that the better survival is restricted only to individuals harboring SBS16, whereas for individuals without SBS16 the survival was similar between males and females (P = 0.66; Cox proportional hazards regression model; Supplementary Fig. S9B). Taken together, focusing signature analysis to the relevant parts of the genome improved the identification of SBS16 and discovered its association with better survival. These results were not a consequence of the threshold we chose (10% contribution), since similar results were obtained for a large range of thresholds (Supplementary Fig. S4).

As expected, applying the focused signature analysis approach to many other signatures with clear association with RT increased the number of tumors harboring each signature (Supplementary Fig. S10).

A great deal of evidence shows higher mutation rates in late replicating regions (11), however, the mutational processes that lead to this bias are not yet clear. By using mutational signature analyses separately on genomic regions that replicate at either early or late S phase we were able to identify many mutational processes that are differentially associated with RT (Supplementary Table S2).

The association between RT and mutational processes has been previously addressed—perturbation either to the MMR or to the GG-NER mechanisms abolishes the differences between LRR and ERR, suggesting that both these repair processes are more efficient in ERRs (12, 13). This specific mechanism probably stems from the fact that ERR genomic regions are packed in open chromatin that allows better accessibility to the repair proteins. More recently, a systematic analysis of mutations distribution revealed that many mutational signatures are associated with RT, suggesting that additional processes (beside MMR and GG-NER) show differential efficiencies in different genomic locations (8). This comprehensive study found that most of the signatures that show association with RT were enriched in LRR, and only two signatures, SBS5 and SBS16, were enriched in ERR. Recently it was shown that another mutational process, APOBEC3 mutagenesis, is enriched in ERR (27).

These findings encouraged us to readdress the possibility that certain mutational processes are enriched in the ERRs and that the association between mutation rate and RT is more complex than just having a greater mutation load in the late replicating and closed portions of the genome. We improved previous analyses in several ways. First, we restricted our analyses to genomic regions in which the replication timing was found to be constitutive (20), minimizing the effect of variation in RT between tumor types. Second, we used relative contribution in order to control for different mutation rates in different tumors and tumor types. Third, we used COSMIC v3 reference signatures, which is much more precise than previous versions regarding contamination between different signatures and increased the number of known SBS signatures substantially (5). Fourth, we expanded the analysis to DBS and indel-related signatures. Fifth, we performed pan-cancer analysis as well as cancer type–specific analysis. This identified pan-cancer mutational processes as well as cancer-specific processes and thus enabled identification of the RT association of rare signatures. Finally, we corrected for differential sequence distributions in ERR and LRR both by normalizing for trinucleotide frequencies and by developing an artificial genomes–based approach, which is crucial for considering differential nucleotides sequence distribution for DBS and indels.

Taken together, our results revealed the RT association of each mutational signature. We found that in contrast to the previous perception of general preferences for mutagenesis in late replicating regions (7, 8, 11, 12), the actual picture is more subtle with different mutational processes showing preferences to either ERR, LRR, or no association with RT. The most obvious example of this new perception is the difference between SBS7a and SBS7b. Both signatures are caused by UV damage but differ in their actual signatures most probably due to differences in yet unknown repair mechanisms, still 7a is enriched in LRR whereas 7b in ERR. The generation of artificial genomes allowed us to delineate context bias of signatures, as well as to determine the RT bias of DBS and indels (Fig. 2).

What causes the nonuniform distribution of mutational signatures along the genome? One possibility is that mutations are derived by sequence distribution (for example one expects to find more APOBEC related signature SBS13 in genomic regions rich with TCT or TCA trinucleotides). The other possibility is that the distribution of either the damage or the repair processes are not uniform and certain genomic regions are more susceptible to these specific processes. For example, as has been shown before, both MMR and NER are more efficient in ERR (12, 13, 27). Our analyses support all three possibilities—some mutational signatures show association with RT mainly due to sequence distribution (SBS3 and 12; Supplementary Fig. S7A). Other cases, such as the UV response signatures 7a and 7b show opposite association with RT, despite relative uniform distribution of UV damage (30), suggesting that they differ in the cellular response to the damaged DNA. SBS7a (and ID13 as well) shows higher contribution in LRR, whereas SBS7b and DBS1 are enriched in ERR. These different preferences are probably attributed to different repair mechanisms active in ERR and LRR. Indeed, trans-lesion synthesis (TLS) polymerases show differential activity throughout the cell cycle (31), raising the possibility that different TLS polymerases are active during early and late S. Finally, the higher association of both ID6 and ID8 to ERR is probably due to higher frequency of DSBs in ERR, which was directly observed by the End-seq methodology that provides a landscape of DNA DSBs prior to DNA repair (Supplementary Fig. S8).

RT is strongly associated with chromatin structure—ERR are gene-rich, arranged in an open chromatin, and have higher transcription rates, whereas LRR are enriched within the closed and silenced portions of the genome (10). Thus, our findings of the association between RT and mutational signatures do not necessarily imply a direct association between replication and mutagenesis and it may be actually an association between the chromatin structure and the mutagenesis processes. Indeed, a recent paper suggests that the association between mutation rates and RT is an association between mutation rates and chromatin accessibility (15). On the other hand, the contribution of the replication process itself to mutation accumulation is clear since several signatures are directly associated with replication rate (7) or with replication fork direction (8). These two options are not mutually exclusive and there are probably some signatures that are affected by accessibility whereas other signatures are associated with actual replication processes that are different between early and late S phase. We directly addressed this issue by dividing the genome into four regions with relatively uniform RT and chromatin accessibility. This stratification allowed us to test separately the effects of RT and chromatin accessibility on mutation rates for many mutational signatures. We found that for many signatures both chromatin accessibility and RT contribute separately to the mutational activities (Fig. 4). Our results suggest that the interplay between RT and chromatin structure is tangled, and one genomic feature cannot fully explain the mutational landscape of the other. We showed that RT contributes to mutational rates of different mutational processes independently of chromatin accessibility, and vice versa.

Our findings have possible clinical implications. Focusing on specific genomic regions based on RT can lead to higher sensitivity to detect mutational signatures. As an example, we have shown that analysis focused on ERR more than tripled the number of samples identified with SBS16. Importantly, patients with SBS16 detected only in an ERR-focused analysis had better survival, which is comparable with the survival of patients with SBS16 detected in whole-genome analysis. Since SBS16′s etiology is currently unknown, it is difficult to ascertain mechanistic explanation to its influence on survival, and further research is required in this regard. However, this shows that not only more patients were detected with SBS16 but that the clinical implication of ERR focused SBS16 detection is similar to whole-genome identification of SBS16. The above principle might be true for other genomic features as well, and future studies should examine the advantage of further dissecting the genome into better defined regions.

Taken together, this study shows that replication timing is associated with many mutational signatures and that at least some of the association is specific to RT-related processes. We showed a clinical implication of these findings. We believe that as genomic data from more tumors is accumulated, more associations will be identified and that this might lead to better use of signature information to treat patients with cancer.

A. Yaacov reports personal fees from Barcode Diagnostics and Ayala Pharmaceuticals outside the submitted work. A. Koren reports grants from NIH during the conduct of the study. S. Rosenberg reports grants from Israel Science Foundation, Hadassah France, Trudy Mandel Louis Charitable Trust, and the joint fund for the Hebrew University and its affiliated hospitals during the conduct of the study, as well as personal fees from AstraZeneca Israel, Barcode Diagnostics, and Rhenium-Oncotest outside the submitted work. No disclosures were reported by the other authors.

A. Yaacov: Conceptualization, resources, data curation, software, formal analysis, investigation, visualization, methodology, writing–original draft, writing–review and editing. O. Vardi: Resources, data curation, software, formal analysis, investigation, writing–original draft, writing–review and editing. B. Blumenfeld: Resources, data curation, software, writing–review and editing. A. Greenberg: Resources, writing–review and editing. D.J. Massey: Resources, writing–review and editing. A. Koren: Resources, validation, writing–review and editing. S. Adar: Validation, writing–review and editing. I. Simon: Conceptualization, resources, supervision, funding acquisition, validation, methodology, writing–original draft, project administration, writing–review and editing. S. Rosenberg: Conceptualization, resources, supervision, funding acquisition, validation, methodology, writing–original draft, project administration, writing–review and editing.

This work was supported by research grants from the Israel Academy of Sciences (grant nos. 184/16 and 1283/21 to I. Simon; grant no. 2479/20 to S. Rosenberg), Israel Science Foundation–Natural Science Foundation of China (grant no. 2555/16 to I. Simon), the Israel Cancer Research Foundation (to I. Simon), the Binational Science Foundation (grant no. 2019688 to I. Simon), the joint fund for the Hebrew University and its affiliated hospitals (to I. Simon and S. Rosenberg), the Trudy Mandel Louis Charitable Trust (S. Rosenberg), and Hadassah France (S. Rosenberg). The authors thank Professor Ben Berman for assistance in data analysis.

The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be hereby marked advertisement in accordance with 18 U.S.C. Section 1734 solely to indicate this fact.

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