Since publication of the original version of this article (1), issues with two cell lines used in the experiments described in Fig. 1B have been reported. The WRO cell line has been found to likely be papillary, not follicular, thyroid cancer cells (2, 3), so the experiments using the WRO cells were repeated using the TT2609-C02 follicular thyroid cancer cell line. In addition, the ARO anaplastic thyroid carcinoma cell line has been reported to be contaminated with the HT-29 colon carcinoma cell line (4), so the experiments using the ARO cells were repeated with the undifferentiated thyroid cancer cell lines HTC-C3, CAL-62, 8505C, 8305C, and BHT-101. The figure and relevant text have been corrected in the latest online PDF version of the article. The authors regret this error.
Another Correction notice (5) was previously published for this article that does not include the correction of Fig. 1B. The publisher regrets this error.